Chapter Four

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Chapter four

Ayaansh sprang up hearing his father's voice. He blinked, trying to figure out if he heard him yelling or it was just his mind playing games.

But then he decided to go out and check. When he walked out, he found Aditya, standing along with his parents.

Just as he was about to grin at his Adi uncle, he realised that he had a serious face on. He looked at his parents and they were wearing serious faces as well. What was going on?

"uh, what's wrong?" He asked, unsure of why the atmosphere was so dense. Sahil came forward, "do you know if anything happened at school today?" he asked while the boy seemed confused.

Seeing his confused face, Sahil added, "to Jaanvi." Ayaansh was so tempted to roll his eyes but he didn't. Why was everything about her?

He cleared his throat and replied with no interest, "nothing that I know of." Let me go already. I don't want to discuss about the princess.

Sahil's face gave away nothing and it was starting to scare Ayaansh a little. Aditya just sighed in defeat while Srishti could only look on with worry.

She felt tiny hands wrapping around her leg and found Kiara looking up with her innocent eyes. She blinked before giving a grin which melted her mother right there. Picking her up, Srishti was about to say something, when Sahil spoke, "Srishti, go inside with Kiara. We'll have a talk with Ayaansh here." His voice held finality and Srishti knew she couldn't argue.

Ayaansh gave her a panicked look but Srishti just assured him with her eyes. Speak the truth. Her eyes conveyed and Ayaansh's gaze followed her until he could see his mother no more.

Gulping, he then faced his father whose stare pierced through his soul. He wasn't scared of his father but right now, it seemed like the person in front of him was a businessman and not his Dad.

Aditya stepped in seeing Ayaansh being nervous, "Ayaan, don't be scared. Just tell us what you know. Jaanvi is behaving strange and it's worrying me. She even skipped school today." Ayaansh looked shocked at the information.

"She skipped school?" He repeated as Sahil observed his son. "I─I don't know. I really don't know if anything happened in school." The boy stuttered. "I swear, Dad. If there was something I knew, I would've told you." He quickly added seeing his father's stern gaze.

"Alright, but if you get to know something, tell us." Sahil finally let the poor boy breathe in relief who immediately nodded in agreement.

As he turned to leave, his mind was filled with questions. Why did she skip school? She's too much of a good girl to bunk, then why? What must've happened?

Aditya sat down and raked a hand through his hair. His mind was not working anymore. All he could think was Jaanvi. His daughter was struggling with something and he had no idea.

Sahil sat beside him and patted his back, "Just talk to her. She'll tell you. And don't overthink. You even have to take care of Zevah." Even if they weren't the comforting words one would like to listen in these times, Aditya was glad he had Sahil beside him.

His best friend didn't know how to comfort someone. But even these words held meaning to him.


When Aditya returned home, he was glad to find Zevah sleeping. He had no idea what he was going to say to her because he found out nothing.

Now the only thing he could do, was talk to Jaanvi.

And so, he went straight to her room. He raised his hand to knock but then stopped. She must be sleeping. But what if she's not?

Aditya slowly opened the door and peeked inside. He found the bed empty and his eyes went to the study table. There she was. She seemed engrossed in her book but to Aditya, she seemed lost in her thoughts.

This time he knocked and her head whipped in his direction. She smiled seeing him and his heart melted.

"Can I come in?" He smiled and she chuckled, "You're already in." She pointed out and he realised he really was already inside. "Oops!"

He stood beside her, "so, what are you studying?" he had to make her comfortable in sharing the issue. "Math. There's a test tomorrow." she informed casually.

"Okay, so what's 948+85?" he wiggled his eyebrows and even though she found it lame, a giggle did escape her mouth, "Dad, please."

"No, but seriously, I'm sure you are already prepared. Then why are you still revising? Nervous?" Aditya actually wanted to ask directly but he chose not to. "Maybe, a little." She replied sheepishly.

Aditya sighed, "Jaave, its fine even if you don't do well. What matters is you tried and even if you fail, you learn from your failures." Jaanvi listened to her father carefully.

"What if I fail again?" She asked and he chuckled, "you try again. And again. But don't stop trying." she grinned at him.

It was quiet until Aditya finally decided to ask her, "so, what happened?" He observed her. The change in her expressions was visible. Her grin disappeared and she nervously fidgeted with the papers.

"you'll be angry." she mumbled looking down. Aditya held her hand and entwined their fingers, "that will be decided after you tell me." his tone was soft and she decided to spill.

"Dad, I'm not good at making friends neither do I know how to approach someone. Its─its just not easy for me. I mean, I thought that Ayaan was enough, but ─" she sighed. "Am I weird?" she questioned but the look in her eyes pierced something in Aditya's heart.

He cupped his daughter's face, "you are my brave Jaave. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. About making friends, it's okay, you can take one step at a time. Do it in your way. Not necessarily you need to straight up walk upto the person and start talking. Yeah?" He smiled and she nodded immediately, her eyes shining with tears.

"why didn't you tell Ayaansh or come straight to home?" Jaanvi looked guilty at that. "I didn't want to worry anyone. But I know what I did only made you and Maa worry more. Sorry." she pouted and Aditya could only pinch her cheeks making her frown.

He hugged her and her hands immediately went around her father. "I'm just glad you are safe. My precious Jaave." He whispered, kissing her head and she smiled snuggling into his arms.

"Don't forget to thank Abir. And if anyone bullies you again, fight back. Slap then blue and purple. Okay?" he stated, his grip tightening a little. Jaanvi giggled at his words but nonetheless nodded in agreement.

She would definitely fight back.

Short one. But yeah, I wish this type of understanding was there between every parent and child.

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