Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter twenty-one

Do you sometimes get the feeling that your life is going nowhere in particular and all you can do is watch while it goes for a toss? Or maybe you don't feel like doing anything because you are tired of fighting; tired of fighting with the world, with your mind and with every little thing.

Jaanvi gave up on arguing with her Paa when he took the decision of hiring a bodyguard for her. She did not want a brooding man covered with black clothes hovering above her, every second of her life. While she knew her father was doing this for her own safety besides from being over-protective, she felt like having a bodyguard trailing her everywhere was just too much.

After she explained the whole scenario to the both of them, they were furious and ready to go fight Dhruv and if it wasn't already worse, Zavi had noticed Aditya and Zevah grabbing a bat each with an angry expression on their faces. He immediately grabbed his own before grinning at them, "Who are we beating?" The boy was excited.

Jaanvi was stunned as she watched her brother being enthusiastic about beating someone and so was Zevah but Aditya only had a proud expression on his face. As Zevah and Jaanvi exchanged a look, Zevah put her weapon down and took the bat from Aditya's hand.

The man protested, "What? Hey! Give that back!" Aditya demanded. "I need to teach that fu—nny, no, not funny... bad guy, yes, I need to teach that bad female dog a lesson." He gritted his teeth and balled his fists.

Zaviyar's eyes twinkled. "Bad guy? Like Ayaansh?"


All three of them gaped at the junior Singhania who just blinked at them. Finally, Aditya muttered a what in his daze. The little guy only shrugged in response.

"I don't like him. Seems like a bad guy."

"I'll deal with this later." Aditya says.

Although in the end, Aditya reluctantly had to drop the idea of beating the guy to a pulp on Zevah's warning. Jaanvi had no idea how to stop him but was relieved when Zevah stepped in. Thank God for someone sensible.

But when her sweet Paa came up with the idea of a bodyguard, she hated that even her mother agreed to it and none of the two listened to her explanation.

Right now, as she got ready to meet Ayaansh, she informed Zevah about it who then informed Aditya who then informed the bodyguard to start his duty. When did he even hire one so quickly?


"Can you like not crowd me in here?" Jaanvi requested with a tight-lipped smile. She was already annoyed at the prospect of meeting Ayaansh at the same spot where she used to meet her ex-boyfriend and now this bodyguard of hers keeps towering over her and glaring at every other passer-by.

A deep exhale left her mouth when the said bodyguard nodded and moved a step to his left. What a great move!

The only reason she agreed to meet Ayaansh was because he sounded desperate, even in the text. She had merely replied 'fine' after which he had thanked her and asked if she was okay with him picking her up. It was a big NO. She did not care if it sounded rude but she typed 'Not needed' before asking him to send the address of the place where he wanted to meet.

"Hi, I hope I didn't keep you waiting." She was startled when she saw Ayaansh sitting in front of her. When did he arrive?

She didn't reply bit noticed his eyes flickering to the person standing behind her. He frowned. "Who is he?"

"My bodyguard." She replied curtly. His eyes widened a bit in surprise. "Your bodyguard? Why are you in need of one?" His questions irritated her and she snapped. "Why do you care? Why did you want to meet me, Ayaansh?"

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