Chapter Five

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Chapter five

The test was okay. Not that good, not that bad. Just fine. Jaanvi was just called to the principal's office in the morning and warned not to bunk school again.

As the school had already called her parents yesterday and the fact that she had an image of a quiet and disciplined student, they let her off. Jaanvi was nervous in the morning but relieved when nothing major happened.

It was P. E. period and honestly as weird as it might sound to others, she loved this period. It refreshed her mind and body of course.

"Uh, excuse me?" Jaanvi looked on her right and found a girl standing there nervously. It was weird cause nobody approached her for anything but probably it was just her thinking. "Yes?" She replied.

"Would you mind telling the teacher that I am not feeling well?" she seemed nervous for some reason that Jaanvi couldn't point out but nevertheless agreed for the same. "Wait," she called out, "um, I'm sorry but what is your name?" It was embarrassing not knowing her classmates name.

"It's Abigail," she gave a hesitant smile and Jaanvi could tell that her classmate was not really comfortable. "Jaanvi," she nodded and after that extremely awkward encounter Jaanvi somehow felt that she could never make friends. She was terrible.

Soon Jaanvi found herself back in the classroom with a pencil twirling between her fingers, she could vaguely hear the teacher blabbering something in the background. Her mind was somewhere else and even though there was a constant nagging in the back of her mind asking her to concentrate on the class, she chose to ignore it.

The rest of the classes passed in a blur and before she knew it, she was already walking back home. She really wished to go with Ayaansh, however his annoyed face came in her mind and she shook her head. What had changed that he was so irritated just by her presence—


A yell escaped her mouth and she felt that her heart would jump out of her chest any moment. When she realised who the culprit was, she narrowed her eyes at his laughing figure and clenched her fists, ready to give him a piece of his mind.

Pranav was still laughing at her reaction when he felt someone smack his head. "Ow! What the fuck?" He hissed, rubbing the spot where he was hit. Abir rolled his eyes and asked Jaanvi if she was okay.

She grinned and nodded. "Where is Ayaan?" The question slipped out of her mouth as her eyes tried to locate him. It felt natural to her because every time these two were together, Ayaansh would be around. The three of them were inseparable and she honestly admired their bond.

Though she never wished that she could have the same bond with someone as they had because having Ayaansh was always enough but lately it felt like it would've been nice if she actually had friends, someone who was not Ayaansh.

Abir must've noticed the change in her expressions, as her face clearly reflected that she regretted asking the question the next moment, so he just replied casually, "he's coming."

"By the way, why are you walking home? No car?" Pranav inquired, walking beside her. Jaanvi just shrugged in response, her fists tightening around her bag strap. There was no specific reason, she had just denied her driver in the morning to pick her up. Of course she had messaged her Dad and mom, not wanting to worry them after what had happened that day but it was honestly refreshing walking back home.

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