Its Brutal Out Here

185 3 9

TW for implied sh, talks about depressive episodes, attempted OD

Yes the title is an Olivia Rodrigo reference <3


I grinned, pulling on my shirt. I buttoned it, looking at myself in the mirror. "Hm… I hope he likes it…" I whispered to myself, heading out the door. I climbed in my car, driving to a house. I pulled in the driveway, got out, and knocked on the door. I heard clattering inside, and two voices. I furrowed my eyebrows. Jake lived alone… Maybe he just had a friend over? I knocked again.
"I'll be there in a second, I'm in the bathroom!" I heard someone yell. It was Jake. I crossed my arms. Maybe if I… I looked around, then pulled the spare key out. I unlocked the door. I wandered around, stepping lightly so as not to make too much noise. I stepped outside the bedroom door where I heard two voices talking in hushed tones. There was a lot of shuffling. I inhaled deeply, trying the door. It was locked.
"Jake? Are you in there?" I asked, and the voices got more frantic.
"I'll be out in a second, babe!" Jake hollered. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Open the door, Jacob," I demanded. More shuffling. "Open the fucking door!" I yelled, my eyes burning. A click. The door was unlocked, and I shoved it open to see Jake, standing in only a pair of jeans and another guy, fully dressed, though messily. There were marks along Jake's neck and chest. I inhaled deeply, letting it out in a shaky exhale. "Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Why?" I asked, tears welling in my eyes.
"I never actually liked you. You were just a pathetic gay boy looking for someone to love you, and I was looking for someone to fuck with," Jake said, sneering. I looked between the two guys before me.
"Fuck. Fuck! I don't ever want to see you again. I-" My voice broke and I slammed the door, running out of the house. Tears streamed down my face. My vision blurred. I couldn't drive like this. I ran to the nearest coffee shop. I wiped my eyes, walking in.

I sat in the corner booth, sipping a coffee as tears slowly dripped from my chin. "As soon as I had actually fucking moved on from Will and fell in love with him…" I whispered to myself. I fumbled with my coffee, accidentally dropping it in my lap. "Shit!" I hissed, running to the bathroom. I desperately tried to clean up the mess, to no avail. I stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy and I had coffee stains all over my pants. "Great. Could this day get any better?" I muttered, walking outside and back to my car. It was still parked outside Jake's house. I stared at it. The tires were slashed. Of course they were. "FUCK YOU, JACOB!" I yelled, more tears streaming from my eyes. How would I ever have enough money to fix this? I pulled out my phone, trudging to the corner and calling a tow truck. The guy on the phone said he'd be there in 10 minutes. I slumped against the bench on the corner. I pulled my knees to my chest.

20 minutes later and I was at Hazel's house, my car in the driveway. I slumped onto the couch, my eyes a telltale sign I had been crying. Hazel and Reyna sat on either side of me. "I did everything for him, and to repay me? He cheats on me and fucks up my car. I hate him. I hate him so much…"
Hazel looked down. She wrapped me in a tight hug. I felt my eyes well up. "Hazel, I hate it. Why does it hurt so fucking much?" I muttered, choking on the words coming out of my mouth. Reyna cautiously rubbed circles on my back. I felt my breathing slow down. I looked at the two, smiling softly. "Thanks guys… I should get home though. I appreciate it," I whispered standing up. They both gave me a quick hug. I stepped out, quickly walking to the nearest bus stop. I rifled through my wallet, scrounging for enough cash to get me a ride back home. Luckily enough, I had it. I handed off the rest of my money to the man driving, finding a seat. I sat behind a blonde man, who looked insanely tired. His head kept drooping and almost hitting the seat in front of him. I stuck my nose in my phone. I went to my texts. I scrolled through a few days of texts between me and Jake. I choked on my breath, quickly closing it. And for good measures, I blocked his number. I stared out the window before a girl came skipping up the aisle and sat down beside me.
"Hey Mister! Are you okay, you look sad?" I felt myself smile.
"I'm fine, love, thanks for asking."
She frowned. "You sure? Oh, I know, you probably got dumped right? My daddy got dumped last week. He was sad just like you. He's sitting right there! Doesn't he have pretty hair? It looks like the sun!" The girl rambled on, pointing to the blonde in front of me. I nodded absentmindedly as she rambled on.
"Hey, what's your name?" I asked the small girl suddenly.
"Oh, my daddy says not to tell strangers my name. But you're not a stranger anymore cause I've talked to you for like, forever now. My name's Lyric!" She exclaimed.
"What's your last name?" I asked softly.
"Solace!" My eyes widened. Oh for the love of-
"Lyre, are you bothering people again? Get over here you stinker," the man in front of us chided, though his voice was soft.
"Oh but Daddy, this guy's so nice! And I'm helping make him happy again cause he was sad he got dumped like you!" She exclaimed.
The man glanced over the seat at his daughter. His eyes widened as he saw me.
"Nico?" He asked. I nodded slowly, looking away.
"Hey Will. Long time, no see. You have a daughter now," I muttered. Will looked at Lyric, sighing.
"Nico, I can explain-"
I interrupted him. "There's no need. We broke up years ago. You're allowed to move on." I felt a weight in my chest. Will ran a hand over his face, pushing his hair back out of his face.
"Yeah, about that-"
"It's fine, really. I'm over it."
"Nico, for the love of Apollo, let me talk. I'm sorry. I told you I stopped liking you when I dumped you, but the truth is, I was just scared. I was scared of what people would think. I was scared of the future."
"And the kid?" I asked softly. He looked down.
"Twins," he murmured. "My dad. He set me up on a date with the daughter of someone he worked with. She managed to get me really drunk on our date and I… yeah." I could hear his voice shake. It was so obvious that he didn't want to do it.
"Oh." My voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. "It's over now. I broke up with her last week. I had finally saved enough to get my own house and be able to take care of the kids. And then I caught her with another guy, so all the more reason," he chuckled softly. I stared at my feet. And to think, I had hated this guy. He let out a soft laugh. "Anyway, enough about me. How have you been?" He asked. I felt my eyes sting.
"Not great, heh… gonna be honest with you, I was in a bad place before we broke up, so that just honestly shattered me. I was in a deep depressive episode. I-" I swallowed, my voice shaky, "I tried to-" I glanced at the kid beside me. "I tried to overdose three times, just in the week following."
Will stared at me in complete shock. "Gods, I was an idiot. How did I not realize the bad place you were in?" He whispered, more to himself.
"It's fine. It's not like it was only your fault. It was reaching the anniversary of Bianca's death and I always fall deeper into my depression around then. I've finally gotten therapy though, so I'm doing a lot better," I explained.
Will nodded. "Still, I'm sorry," he whispered.
"It's fine, it's fine. Besides I-" I paused. "I got over you," my voice hitched in my throat. He looked at me curiously. "Sorry. I- I got a boyfriend but he cheated on me. Found out today actually." I looked away, hiding the tears in my eyes.
"Geez, I guess we've both had it rough. Hey, do you- do you wanna come over? Have coffee and just catch up?" Will asked. I looked back at him.
"Yeah. Yeah, sure, that'd be nice," I whispered, smiling softly. Will grinned his gorgeous grin at me. Wait, no, not gorgeous.
"Great! Our stop's next!" He exclaimed, turning back around. I feel my face heat up. What was I doing? Going to my ex's house right after a breakup. I sighed softly. Lyric looked up at me.
"I like you, Mister," she stated. I smiled down at her. She had beautiful blonde hair, the same golden blonde as her dad. Her eyes however, were a deep chocolate brown.
I laughed softly. "I like you too, Lyric. You have very pretty eyes," I told her. She beamed up at me.
"Thank you! Everybody at school tells me they're ugly." She frowned. I did too.
"Well, I think they're just jealous. So, you have a twin?" I asked.
She nodded excitedly. "My best friend! His name is Laurel! He has hair just like me and Daddy's! And his eyes are two different colors! One's blue like Daddy's and the other's brown like mine. It's so cool!" She rambles on. I smiled, pulling my knees to my chest. I hear, Will turn around.
"Put your legs down. You're gonna die," he joked, playfully shoving my knee. I rolled my eyes.

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