Secret Admirer

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I pulled open my locker, shoving my backpack in. I leaned against the open door, pulling out my phone. I felt hands on my shoulders as I jerked my head up. Will was standing there, beaming at me. I smiled slightly as he leaned on the wall beside my locker.
"How was your weekend?" He asked, still smiling brightly.
"It was pretty good. Me and Hazel saw a movie. Yours?" I returned the question, pocketing my phone.
He shrugged. "Eh, it was fine." He leaned his head against the wall. His eyebrows furrowed. "What's that?" He questioned, pointing in my locker. I frowned, glancing at where his finger was pointing. There was a paper there. I took it, unfolding it. My name was written on it.
"Huh. I don't know," I muttered, skimming through it. I felt my cheeks heat up. Will tried to peek but I turned away. "Oh," I murmured. He raised his eyebrows at me.
"What? What is it?" He whined, trying to see it.
I blushed, reading it out to him, "Uh it says, 'Nico. Have you ever looked at someone and just completely melted? That's how I feel when I look at you. When I first saw you, years ago, I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. And you still are. Don't ever change.'" I paused. "It's not signed." My face burned even more reading it aloud. Will's eyes glistened.
"How cute! You have a secret admirer, Neeks!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together. I looked away, pulling my hood up to hide my blush.
"Shut up Will! I don't see why anyone would send me this of all people. It's probably some stupid prank. They'll probably ask to meet up and I'll be humiliated," I muttered, folding the note back and putting it in my bag. Will frowned, tugging on my hood until I looked at him.
"I know you don't think very highly of yourself, but have you ever considered that people might actually like you?" He said, frowning. His voice wasn't mean though, it was soft and caring. He was genuinely asking me a question. I just looked down. He took my hand, squeezing it. "I like you. They obviously like you. Just think about it okay?" He smiled. I felt my lips pulling into an involuntary grin as heat creeped up my neck.
"Come on, you're being too nice," I chucked, playfully punching his arm. He just beamed. "But what if it's a girl?" I asked suddenly, my smile dropping. He frowned.
"I guess if they ever ask to meet up and it is a girl, you'll just have to explain to her that you're gay. I'm sure most will understand." He shrugged. I brought my free hand to my lips, chewing my nails. Will squeezed my hand again before dragging me off to class.

Will skittered to a stop in front of me, grinning madly. "Any new notes?" He asked as he poked my forehead. I scratched my neck, smiling sheepishly. His eyes glittered. "Read it!" He exclaimed, rocking on his heels.
I pulled the paper from my pocket, unfolding it carefully. I cleared my throat, pushing down the warmth crawling up my neck. "'Nico. Every time I see you, my day gets a little bit brighter. You're like a star in the night sky. You're perfect in my eyes.'" I read. It was shorter than yesterday.
Will peeked over my shoulder. "Aww, it's signed secret admirer! And the i's are dotted with hearts," he cooed, pointing to one. I smiled, running my index finger over the letters. Will was smiling just as much as I was. I was really hoping this wasn't a prank.

I hung my bag in the locker, scanning for a note. I pulled it out from under a textbook, reading through it. I felt hands around my torso and a body pressing against my back. "Hi Will," I greeted, beaming.
"Hey Death Boy! New note?" He asked, resting his head to read over my shoulder. I held it up for him. He whispered it aloud as he read. "'Nico. I've heard you say how you didn't like your eyes because they're brown. But they're not just brown. When the sunlight catches them, they're like the dirt in a garden. A necessity, a beauty, to grow all the flowers that everyone fawns over. You're the essential. They're like coffee, streaked with onyx and honey and speckled with gold. They're like sunlight reflected on the tea that I know you love to drink in the evenings, right before you sleep.
"And in the dark, they're like the sky. They're like the night, dark and bright all at the same time. They're like a glimmering obsidian, pools of fresh spilled ink. They absorb the light, leaving everyone in darkness, wondering what it would be like to be close to the boy with the light-eating eyes.
"And yet, you think they're boring. That they're too common. But I don't. Your eyes might just be my favorite thing about you.'"
When he finished reading, I felt my eyes stinging with tears. My eyes, that had been described as tea, and coffee, and ink, and the night sky. I looked up at the blonde, unable to keep myself from grinning. He was beaming.
"You know," he started, slowly, folding the note back carefully. "I think I agree." And I started crying. I let him turn me around as I hid my face in his hoodie. I felt him running his hand up and down my back. "How long do you think they'll write for?" He asked softly. I shrugged.
"I don't know," I whispered, my voice breathy. "But I hope they write more like that. That made me so happy."
I felt Will's chest vibrate with silent chuckles. "I think I do too. I love seeing you so happy." He muttered.

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