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Nico stared at himself in the mirror for a split second before heading out the door to find Will. He was standing on the sidewalk. Nico smiled, rushing over and grabbing Will's hand. Will grinned back. As they started walking, Will noticed that Nico wasn't wearing a jacket.
"Angel, I thought I told you that you needed to wear a jacket? I don't want you catching a cold," he said, squeezing Nico's hand. The pale boy shrugged.
"It's really not that cold, Sunshine," Nico sighed. Will rolled his eyes. They continued their walk and eventually reached the path that led into the woods.

As they walked and talked, Will felt Nico's hand shake a bit. Will glanced at him, noticing his lips were slightly blue. He rolled his eyes. "I told you to wear a jacket, love."
Nico protested, "I'm not cold-"
Will sighed, stopping. "You're shivering, Angel."
Nico folded his arms over his chest. Will rolled his eyes for the hundredth time. Finally, he pulled Nico's hands from his chest and, pulling off his sweater, forced it onto Nico. The small boy was practically swallowed by the sweater. Not that he minded of course. It was cozy. Will grinned as he saw Nico melt into his sweater.
"Thank you I guess," he heard the boy mutter. Will threw back his head and laughed. Nico smiled, taking Will's hand again.
He leaned into the blonde as they walked, savoring the moment.

Nico strutted into Will's cabin, a small smile on his face. Will looked up from the book he was reading. He smiled. Nico paused, staring at the boy.
"You like my sweater?" He asked finally.
Will glanced at it and chuckled. "Yeah, it's cute. Where'd you get it?" He giggled, playing along. Nico smirked.
"Just my wonderful boyfriend," he explained. Will stood up, walking over to him. He wrapped his arms around the small boy, pulling him into a tight hug. He buried his face in the crook of Nico's neck. Nico smiled softly, rubbing circles on Will's back.
"I love you," Will murmured.
"Love you too, Sunshine."

Short and sweet, just like Nico 🥰
This one was just me having a little fun, I was bored and went, "what if Will gave Nico his sweater because that's the kind and loving boyfriend thing he'd do?"
And yeah
Lemme know what you want more of
I have plenty plenty plenty of soulmate aus coming up
I have a little bit of an obsession with them

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