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Lots of cursing in this one so... I'm genuinely not sure how I feel about this one? I think it could've been written better but. Enjoy anyway.


"I don't belong here. I never fucking have. You all tell me I do, but you're fucking lying. Just leave me alone. I'm leaving. Don't look for me. I hate you. Especially you, Jackson," I spat, my eyes wild. Percy looked at me, those deep ocean eyes filled with sadness and grief and Poseidon only knew what else. And I was annoyed. Annoyed that those eyes still made my stomach churn and my heart race and my face burn. I turned on my heel, disappearing into the shadows, despite their protests. And I was gone.

I hadn't been there in two years. Camp Halfblood. But now was as good a time as any. I was seventeen by then. I clutched my hand to my side, praying to every God out there that they'd let me in. I passed the border with ease. My breathing was ragged and I felt lightheaded. I couldn't catch my breath. It felt like every ounce of oxygen had left my lungs. My head pounded like my brain was trying to force its way out just by sheer force. I was almost to the Big House. My vision blurred.
I was starting to regret not stopping by Menoetes after my ambrosia and nectar stashes had been stolen.
My breaths came in short, shaky exhales. Surely I'd be there soon, right? I hit something solid.
I looked up, vaguely seeing a face. I couldn't make out who it was due to my vision rapidly blacking out, but it was a face nonetheless.
"Oh great," I breathed, collapsing into a heap on the ground.

I woke up in the Big House. There was nobody in the room. I sat up, glancing at my wound. It was stitched up, almost completely healed. I glanced around, immediately snatching up the ambrosia square on the table. I shoved it in my mouth. I stood up, stretching.
I yawned. "Great, now that I'm healed I can be on my way," I muttered to myself, looking around for my sword. The door slammed open, revealing an absolutely pissed looking Annabeth Chase holding my sword.
As to be expected, I got a long, long scolding from her. I shrugged it off and grabbed my sword from her.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now if you'll excuse me, I was going somewhere. This was just a pitstop so I could get healed," I grumbled, shoving past her. Her eyes widened as she chased me down the stairs.
"Excuse me, where in Tartarus do you think you're going?" She growled, blocking the front door. I raised an eyebrow.
"Um, back to find that demigod kid I was trailing? I'm not staying, Chase. I told you, two years ago, I don't belong here. I'm leaving. The kid could be in danger." I ducked under her arm, descending the stairs to the Big House.
I was not expecting a crowd. It looked like the entirety of the camp had come to see for themselves that the Nico di Angelo was there. And leading the pack was none other than Will fucking Solace. I grimaced. He looked absolutely livid.
"Nico fucking di Angelo, where the actual fuck have you been? It's been two fucking years, you fucking dickhead! And you didn't even fucking tell me, I had to learn from goddamn Percy Jackson! What the fuck were you thinking!? You could have been fucking killed! Did you not think to fucking tell me? I could've helped! I fucking missed you! Two years, and then you show up at camp half-fucking-dead and now you're just gonna leave without telling me!? You're a piece of fucking shit, you know that, right? Fuck you and your stupid 'I don't belong here' shit, I thought you actually fucking liked me." He was crying.
I felt my heart sink. My chest hurt like Tartarus. I hadn't even thought about Will when I left. About how we had a date planned for the day I left.
Everyone was shocked. Will never cursed. And yet here he was, cursing like a sailor. And I stood there and took it. Because I knew I deserved it. I deserved anything Will threw at me. Whether that be words or fists. Hell, I would've stood there and let him run me through with my own sword if he suggested.
You know the saying it felt like my heart was breaking in two?
Fuck that. My heart was shattering into a million, unfixable pieces. He'd never want me back after this.
He was silent. His face was beet red, whether from anger or the sobs racking his body, I didn't know. I wished that I could cry. Cry, to let him know I regretted it, that I would've never left if I was thinking clearly. To give him some solace. But I couldn't. I'd cried too much over the two years. My tear ducts had run dry. So I stood there, like the fool I was, frozen to the ground, staring at the son of Apollo, who's golden hair had gone dull, who's sparkling eyes were now bloodshot and red, and who's happy demeanor had been crushed, a thousand times over, stomped until it was no more than dust. The crowd dispersed. Seemingly, this was a personal matter. After the fucking outburst, was when they decided to leave. Like that helped anything.
I couldn't move. My chest ached awfully. I was horrible. I was the worst person ever. How could I leave this gorgeous boy with no goodbye?
Finally, my legs let me move. I ran over to him, hesitantly reaching my arms out. He looked down at me. He collapsed into my arms, forcing me to sit us down on the dirt. He sobbed into my chest, soaking through my shirt.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm awful. I'm so sorry. I-I wasn't thinking. I was mad. I wanted to get away from Percy. I didn't think-" I was crying. Tears ran down my cheeks, my chest heaving with each sob. "I didn't think about how long I'd be gone. I figured I'd be back. I was just so, so mad. I couldn't bear to see his face. And- And then I started helping little demigod kids find their way here and I just forgot everything. I'm so sorry. I understand if you- If you hate me, or- or whatever," I rambled, squeezing Will tightly. He clung to me like I'd leave again, at any split second if he let go.

We stayed like that for a while. The sun settled above us in the noon heat, then settled on the west horizon, allowing the moon to take its place in the inky sky. We weren't crying anymore. Just holding each other like our lives depended on it. Finally, Will pulled away. He looked at me.
I stared back. I didn't move a muscle. He sighed.
"I'm sorry," I whispered again. He closed his eyes.
"You left. For two years, without telling me. No contact," he whispered. "I can't forgive you yet." I closed my eyes, nodding.
"I know. Just…" I didn't know what I was going to say. I just wanted him back. I sighed softly. "Know that I'm sorry."
I opened my eyes. He was smiling softly. He grabbed my hands. "I know you are."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"I… Do you…" My voice failed me. I felt pathetic.
He pressed my hand to his lips. My heart fluttered. "Even after two years?" I murmured, returning the favor.
"Even after two years," he whispered, leaning in until our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. I wanted to be near him, to have his body pressed against mine. I missed him. His hands snaked around my waist, pulling our bodies impossibly closer. I pulled away, gasping for breath. He smiled softly, pressing a kiss to my nose. I felt my eyes well with tears again.
"I'm sorry," I gasped, burying my face in his neck. His hands drew circles on my back.
"I know you are." A long silence settled between us. Will inhaled deeply. "I love you," he whispered, so quiet I almost didn't hear it.
"I love you too." A small sob racked my body. "I'm so sorry,"
Will let out a sigh. He pulled my head up. "I know you are," he muttered, pulling me into another kiss.

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