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Inspired by the above thingy
I found it on some other random solangelo oneshot book so credits to whoever you are
I'm actually kinda proud of this one
Lemme know your thoughts!!

Soulmates. Everyone had that black spot that showed where they'd first be touched by their soulmate. A handprint on your arm maybe. Or a black palm. Maybe your knuckles, that would turn vibrant shades of blue and green when they brushed your soulmate's hand in the street. Nico, however, called it bullshit. Soulmates? Really? He didn't believe it. Sure, maybe he did when he was a kid, but now he was certain they didn't exist. And yet, he still avoided all contact that wasn't intentional, so that if it was true, he'd know exactly who his soulmate was.

Nico had a handprint on his right arm, just below his elbow.

Nico trudged through the halls, mumbling to himself. He found it shocking how people parted the halls for him. Surely they were just hoping he wasn't their soulmate. The thought made him chuckle. He found his way to his first hour, chemistry. He headed straight for the back of the class, sitting at a table. He froze for a second, realizing he'd have to have a partner. He grumbled to himself, sitting down roughly. He watched as the students poured in, sitting next to their friends until every seat except the one beside Nico was inhabited. He smirked to himself. Maybe he'd get lucky after all.
That was wishful thinking. A tall boy with blonde hair stepped into the classroom. He glanced around for a second before starting toward Nico. The smaller boy groaned, letting his head hit the table.
"Hey," the boy greeted. Nico pulled his head up.
"Hi," he grumbled.
The boy faltered. "Do you mind if I sit here? There's no other seats…" he explained.
The boy looked shocked.
"Sit down, for Hades' sake." Nico rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he pushed the chair beside him out for the boy.
"O-oh…" The boy sat down, glancing at Nico. "Er, I'm Will. Will Solace."
Nico rested his chin in his hands, closing his eyes. "Nico di Angelo. It's a pleasure," he muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Will looked away. "Yeah, a pleasure," he murmured softly. He felt his face heat up as he stared at the boy beside him.
"Can I help you?" Nico said finally, turning to face the boy. He had an amused expression on his face. Will's face burned.
"N-no, sorry. You're just really pretty."
Nico felt heat creep up his neck. "Tone it down there Solace. You don't even know if I swing that way," he snorted, ignoring his burning face. Will turned away, his face hot. Nico grinned. "Don't worry your pretty little head there. I do."
Will whipped around.
"You do!?"
Nico laughed, which Will found endearing. They turned back to the lesson, their day just a little bit brighter.

Nico and Will got along well for being complete opposites. Within only a few months they considered each other best friends. That was until…

Nico inhaled deeply. This was it. He was going to do it. He glanced at Will who sat next to him. "Hey Sunshine," he whispered, causing Will to turn.
"Hey Death Boy," Will whispered back, smiling.
Nico cleared his throat softly. "I was wondering if you could be me at the park after school today?"
Will looked confused but nodded. "Yeah sure. Are you okay? You look nervous." Nico nodded curtly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit anxious about something," he explained. Will looked worried.

Nico paced in front of a park bench. He stared at his hands. Hearing approaching footsteps, he looked up to see Will. A huge grin found its way onto his face as he saw Nico. Nico felt the butterflies in his stomach take flight.
"Hey Death Boy!" Will exclaimed, stopping in front of the small boy.
Nico smiled weakly. "Hey Sunshine."
Will glanced at a bird that had swooped down from a tree. He looked back at Nico. "So why'd you call me here?" He asked. Nico looked away. He felt tears spring up in his eyes.
"Em… Will, you're my best friend, you know that right?" Will nodded. Nico cleared his throat, looking away. "Okay… Promise me you won't hate me after this."
"I promise. I could never hate you."
Nico squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm gay, Will, which you know. And- And I love you. I'm in love with you. And I have been for a few weeks now." He looked up at the sunshine-y boy. Will blinked a few times, shocked. Nico looked away, a tear slipping down his cheek. "I'm sorry. I should've known you wouldn't love someone like me," Nico whispered. Will blinked again, finally snapping out of it.
"No, Nico-"
Nico turned on his heels. "No, no, it's fine, I understand." He started to walk off. Will clenched his fists, his eyes sad. He set his jaw, quickly deciding what he needed to do. He reached out, grabbing Nico's arm. Nico's eyes widened and he stopped. He blinked rapidly, whipping around to stare at Will. Nico quickly looked down at his arm. Sure enough, as Will let go, he saw that the handprint on his arm was now a myriad of color. Will's entire hand was the same color. Nico opened his mouth a few times, attempting to say something.
Will grabbed Nico, pulling him close. He held his face in his hands, smashing their lips together. Nico's eyes widened. He let his eyes flutter closed as Will softened the kiss.
Nico pulled away with a soft gasp. Will pressed his forehead to Nico's. "I love you too," he whispered.

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