As long as it takes

176 3 2

This one's kinda silly


Nico was unsurprised when the numbers appeared on his wrist on his 14th birthday. 2, 9, 12, 2, 34, 56. Two years, nine months, twelve days, two hours, thirty-four minutes, and fifty-six seconds. That's when he'd meet his soulmate. He didn't know how he could possibly wait that long. He glanced at his phone. It was 5:04 am.

Nico sighed softly, staring at his wrist. He turned fifteen today. 1, 9, 12, 4, 45, 7. Only one year left, he thought to himself. He smiled softly, standing up from his bed. He pulled out his paints, starting a painting.

Nico grinned at the stack of paintings on his desk. He stared around his room, mapping out where each painting would go. He stuck his tongue out in concentration, noticing his wrist when he held his hand up to see if the painting would fit. He stared at the numbers. He hadn't even realized, but today was his sixteenth birthday. There were only nine months left until he met his soulmate. He stared at the numbers grinning. He picked up a painting of a sunset, two shadowed figures holding hands in front. He hung it up.

Nico sat in the café, humming to himself. He sipped his coffee, scrolling through his phone. There were only two days left. He set his phone down, picking up his forgotten pencil. He chewed on the end, doodling on the edge of his sketchbook. He quickly started sketching. Setting the pencil back down, he admired his work.
Nico had to pry himself from his bed to go to school the next day. He rubbed his eyes roughly, pulling on his aviator jacket as he left the house. He made his way through crowds of students. Why were they all gathering like that? They were talking so excitedly, as well.
Nico rolled his eyes, plunking himself down in his usual seat in math. As the rest of the students poured in, the teacher made an announcement.
"Tomorrow, we'll be welcoming a new student into the school. Please be kind to him." Nico stared at him in shock. He glanced at his wrist. Tomorrow was when he'd meet his soulmate. Was it possible that the new student was his soulmate?

Nico jumped out of his bed. He stared at his wrist. Three hours. Three hours until he met his soulmate. He couldn't keep the grin from his face. He ran out the door, throwing on his jacket. Those three hours were the longest of his life.
Forty-eight minutes. Forty-eight minutes until Nico met his soulmate. The pale boy sat in English class, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously. Suddenly, the bell rang. He picked up his stuff, trudging out. It was getting close, only two minutes. Nico's anxiety was working overtime, telling him everything that could go wrong. What if he didn't actually meet his soulmate? What if it was wrong? What if he didn't like Nico? What if he wasn't gay? What if he already had a partner? Nico's heart was pounding as he walked down the hallway, staring at the ground.
Next thing he knew, he was on the ground. Someone had slammed into him. He looked up, eyes wide, to see a tanned boy in front of him. The boy's eyes were wide as he frantically apologized, offering Nico a hand. Nico grasped it firmly, allowing the blonde to pull him up. The blonde was still apologizing. He laughed nervously. "Sorry. I'm new," the boy rambled. Nico's eyes widened as he quickly pulled the sleeve of his jacket up. It was at zero. His jaw dropped. This gorgeous boy was his soulmate!? He looked back up at the blonde.
"Y-your wrist," he managed to mutter feebly. The blonde looked at his wrist, his eyes widening.
"Oh! Oh. Oh Gods, you're my soulmate. Ahhh, what an embarrassing way to meet!" The boy hid his face in his hands. Nico grinned, pulling his hands down.
"I'm Nico di Angelo. You?" He introduced himself.
The blonde smiled. "Will Solace. Ah, could I get your number?" He asked softly. Nico nodded, feeling the heat rise to his face. He quickly scribbled it down, handing it to Will. Will grinned.
"Great! See you later, Angel!" And with that, Will walked off. Nico stood frozen to the spot. His face was burning. No way that beautiful blonde was his soulmate. There was no way. He buried his face in his hands, hiding the fact that his face was hot pink.


WHAT DID YOU THINK? Not my proudest work but I like it? 100% could have been improved but idk
Have a great day, you sillies

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