Singer x model AU

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I apologize in advance that I was way too lazy to write my own song so I just stole one. I really wanted to write one, but I don't have the motivation for that

Also, hopefully my Italian is correct. Gotta love Google translate :)


I hummed the tune softly, reading over the lyrics as I did so. I was excited. I had almost finished the song. I couldn't wait for Nico to hear it. It was about him after all. I glanced at my computer. I smirked. I might as well go live. I pressed the button to go live on TikTok. Almost immediately, there were hundreds of viewers. I laughed.

"Hey y'all! I know you've been waiting for this. I'm almost finished with my new song! I already have the music and the lyrics written out, I just need to record the vocals! I'll post the full song on my YouTube channel in a week or few. I'll probably post a few teasers on here before that though, so be prepared!" I winked. I noticed the chat going wild at that. I giggled. "Anyways, while I'm on here, I'd love to answer any questions y'all have!" I grinned.

A question caught my eye. "Okay, Honey asked what genre this song is! Well, Honey, I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan, if that gives you any clues!! It's a love song!" I chuckled.

"Oh, Dirk asked if I am a Swiftie! Yes. Taylor Swift is my idol! My favorite song by her? Probably Cardigan or You Belong With Me!"

I continued answering questions for another few hours or so.

I heard a door open. "Sunshine!" Someone hollered. I pursed my lips.

"Oops. Looks like the person my song's about is home." I winked. "Be on the lookout for that song! Bye!" I went off. I turned my chair around, glancing at the office door. "Come in, love." I grinned. Nico stepped in, looking around.

"Oh, were you live? Sorry. I just got cookies after my shoot and wanted to give you one." He smiled. I laughed.

"No, no, it's fine. I'd been on for almost three hours, I needed a reason to leave. Thank you for the cookie, dear!" I beamed as I was handed a chocolate chip cookie. Nico tossed a bag of clothes across the room. I leaned my elbows on my desk. "So how was your shoot?" I asked, taking a bite of the cookie.

He shrugged. "Fine, I guess. They keep having me pose with girls, even though I've told them countless times that I don't want to because I have a partner! But no, they're always like 'Well just bring her here and we'll see if she's model material!' And I'm way too tired to tell them that A) you're not a girl and B) you definitely do not want to be a model," he ranted, almost losing his cookie a few times as he tossed his hands in the air. I stared at him adoringly. His long black hair curled around his hips as he paced, continuing his rant about his workplace. My lips quirked up in a smile.

"Come here, love," I said. He stopped. His hair flipped over his shoulder as he turned to look at me. He smiled softly, walking over. I grabbed his chin, pulling his lips down to meet mine. He sighed against my lips. He pulled away, pursing his lips.

"Were you trying to get me to shut up?" He asked. I smirked. He rolled his eyes, smiling. He kissed me again. I pulled him into my lap, smiling against his lips. He squeaked. I pulled away. He pressed his face to my chest, his legs on either side of my waist.

"I love you Will," he muttered.

I grinned. "I love you too!"

"Nico!" I groaned as he dragged me along. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Will, we need groceries and you're so picky about stuff that I can't go shopping without you! So suck it up and get the goddamn groceries!" He snapped, bopping me on the nose. I pouted. He reached up to grab a box of cereal. I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head in his neck. He groaned. "You're a pain, Will," he murmured, snatching the cereal. He wiggled around to face me. Our faces were only a few inches apart.

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