Do you want kids?

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Nico was perfectly content with the life he had. He had a small house with his husband and everything was going great. They had two cats and a dog. Will, on the other hand, wanted something else.

Nico yawned, pouring himself and Will each a cup of coffee. He carried the two cups to the table, sitting down next to Will. Will smiled at him, taking a sip. Reaching over, he took Nico's hand in his. Nico smiled groggily. Sunny came bounding over, her tail thumping. Will laughed and patted her on the head. He smiled after her as she trotted off. He looked back at his husband. "Hey Neeks?" He asked. The smaller man looked over at him, eyebrows raised. Will cleared his throat and licked his lips before continuing. "Well, uh… I was wondering. Have you ever… considered… having kids?" He asked anxiously. Nico choked on his coffee. He was thrown into a coughing fit, tears springing up in his eyes.
Once he had calmed himself, he looked over at Will wide eyed. "Kids?" He croaked. Will looked away, nodding. Nico stared at the table in front of him. "Like adopting?" He asked for clarification. Will sipped his coffee, his throat going dry.
"Yeah," he choked out. Nico stared at the floor.
"No. I've never thought about it."
Will's eyes saddened. "Oh."
Nico looked over at him. "Do you want kids?" Will nodded. The pale man cleared his throat. "W- well, I'll think about it, okay Sunshine?" He smiled anxiously at his husband, who practically glowed. He nodded excitedly.

Will wanted kids. Nico didn't really want kids if he was being honest with himself. But he'd do anything to make Will happy. Who knew? Maybe this kid would grow on Nico. The small man stared at the wall of his room. He felt Will laying beside him, fast asleep. He turned to stare at his blonde husband. He sighed, a smile playing on his lips. Who knew? Maybe Nico would love having kids. He pressed a soft kiss to Will's forehead, cuddling up next to him.

"Will?" Nico asked as he sat down beside Will the next morning.
"Yes love?" Will responded, his mouth full of waffles. Nico smiled. Boy, did he love that man.
"I've been thinking about what you said yesterday." Will's eyes widened.
"No, no, it's fine. We don't have to have kids of you don't want-"
"I want to adopt," Nico interrupted flatly.
Will stared at him in shock. "You do?" Nico nodded curtly. Will grinned. He jumped up, grabbing Nico. His arms wrapped around Nico's waist, hugging him tightly. Nico laughed, his arms around Will's neck. Will grinned, pressing their foreheads together.
"I love you so much, Angel."
"I love you too, Sunshine. Now let's go! We have a kid to adopt!" Nico laughed, pushing away.

"Will, they're all so sweet. I have no clue who we should adopt," Nico groaned into Will's chest.
The orphanage director piped up, "There's actually still two others. They're siblings, the girl is four and her brother is almost ten." Will glanced at his husband. "Would you like to meet them?" The woman asked. The two men nodded, following her into a room. As she said, there was a boy and a girl. They were sitting on the floor and the boy had his arms around the girl, who seemed to be crying. The director stepped out, leaving the four alone.
"Who are you?" The boy snapped. Will looked over at his husband, taking his hand.
"Well, we're here looking to adopt and we wanted to meet everyone before we made our decision," Nico explained. The boy frowned.
"You might as well leave. Nobody wants to adopt us." Nico frowned, walking over to the two. He crouched down to their level.
"What are you guys' names?" He asked softly. Will followed, sitting on the ground beside them. The girl looked up. She had been crying.
"I'm Stella," the little girl squeaked.
"Hunter," the boy grunted.
"Why were you crying?" Will asked softly. The girl frowned, sniffing.
"Silas took my special teddy bear," she said, her eyes glassy.
Will and Nico shared a glance. They stood up, smiling at the kids as they left the room. "Them," Nico whispered. Will nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna go find her bear, okay? If you'll go get the paperwork?" Will nodded, kissing Nico on the cheek before going to find the director.

Nico turned to the playroom, where all the other kids were. He stepped in. It only took him a minute or so to find Silas. He was five years old and was clutching the teddy bear like his life depended on it. Nico sighed softly, crouching down in front of the boy. "Hey buddy," he said. Silas stared at him, squinting his eyes.
Nico smiled softly. "I was just wondering if that's Stella's bear?" He asked, his voice calm. Silas stared at him. Nico's eyes widened as the boy's eyes filled with tears.
"I- I'm sorry, sir! I- I just wanted a teddy bear and Stella wouldn't let me play with hers so I took it! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make her cry," he bawled, tears dripping from his chin. Nico grabbed the boy, pulling him into a hug.
"Oh, love, it's okay. How about this? You give me Stella's bear and I'll get you the teddy bear I have out in my car, okay? Does that sound good?" Nico asked, Silas sitting on his lap. The boy nodded, his lip quivering as he handed Nico the bear. Nico smiled softly, ruffling the boy's hair. "I'll just be one second, okay?" He said as he stood up. Silas nodded, looking at his shoes.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. Nico smiled sadly at him. He seemed like a sweet kid. Nico chuckled at himself. Just a couple days ago, he didn't want any kids and now he was attached to three different kids. He sighed to himself, running out to his car. He grabbed the teddy bear that sat in the backseat, rushing inside to give it to Silas. The boy was sitting in the corner, his knees pulled up to his chest. Nico smiled down at him, handing him the bear. He grinned widely. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He squealed and hugged Nico tightly. Nico bent down, picking the boy up. He turned and saw Will in the doorway. Nico smiled sheepishly. Will sighed, though he had a huge grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, he was so cute. And literally the sweetest thing ever!" Nico exclaimed. They were finalizing paperwork for the three kids. Will turned to his husband, smiling.
"I'm not mad, Angel. I just thought you didn't want kids?" He smirked, taking Nico's hand. Nico smiled.
"I think I was lying to myself," he laughed. Will rolled his eyes playfully, signing a piece of paper.

Nico grinned at the blonde beside him as they stood in the entrance. The three kids were getting ready. The first one out was Silas, who looked utterly shocked to be there. He had a backpack on and was clutching the bear Nico had given him. "You're gonna be my new dads?" He asked softly. Will nodded, grinning. As Silas stared at them, his eyes filled with tears. He rushed over to Nico, bawling. He hugged his leg tightly. Nico looked at Will, tears in his eyes.
"Hey, hey, bud, it's okay," Nico soothed, leaning down to pick Silas up. Silas sobbed into Nico's neck. The other two kids stepped out. Stella looked ecstatic and Hunter looked skeptical. Stella immediately ran over to Will, jumping into his arms.
"I doubt this'll last longer than any of the others," Hunter muttered, trudging over to stand next to the men. Nico glanced at Will sadly. Will smiled softly.
"Well, we'll try our best," Nico tried. Hunter just folded his arms over his chest.

"You guys up for some lunch?" Will asked as they left the orphanage. All three kids, as well as Nico, nodded. Will laughed. "Anything in particular?"
"McDonald's!" The two little kids yelled in unison. Nico beamed at the blonde. And as much as he would try to deny it, Hunter's eyes lit up at the idea.
"McDonald's it is then!" Will chuckled.

As the five got back to the house, Nico noticed Hunter looking upset. He glanced at Will. Will led Stella and Silas into their bedroom. Nico smiled softly at Hunter, who just turned away. Nico glanced at the ground, showing the boy to his room. They gave him the guest room, as they'd only been planning on adopting one kid, so they only had one room ready. They'd need to get bunk beds for the little ones. He glanced around, muttering a "Thanks," and slammed the door in Nico's face.

Nico collapsed into bed, groaning loudly. Will flopped down next to him. Nico turned, staring over at the blonde. "I don't know what to do about Hunter," he muttered. Will frowned, facing Nico. "He doesn't seem to like us. He thinks we're just gonna throw them back in the orphanage like all his other adoptive parents. I… I just want him to trust us." Nico murmured. Will sighed, pulling Nico up against his chest. Nico sighed, wrapping his arms around Will's waist and burying his face in his chest. A knock on their door pried them away from each other as Will went to open the door. Silas and Stella both stood there clutching teddy bears. They glanced at each other.
"Can we stay with you…?" Silas muttered. Will glanced back at Nico, who practically glowed with joy. Will grinned, allowing the kids to climb into the bed.
Nico smiled softly at Will, the two kids snoring away between them. He leaned over, pressing their lips together softly. "I love you," he whispered against Will's lips. Will pulled away, smiling.
"I love you too, Sunshine."

Nico sat up slowly, hearing a door creak open. He blinked a few times, eventually making out the shape of a boy in the doorway. "Hunter?" He murmured. The boy nodded, looking at his feet.
"Sorry… I- I don't like being alone. Can I… stay in here for tonight…?" He muttered. Nico's eyes widened. He quickly nodded, making room for the boy on the bed. Hunter climbed in, leaning into Nico. "You… won't abandon us at the orphanage like the others, will you?" He whispered, his voice barely audible. Nico ran a hand through Hunter's hair, smiling.
"Not if I can help it," he whispered. That seemed to satisfy the boy, as he curled up against the man. Nico smiled. "I love you guys," he whispered, more to himself than anyone else in particular. He hadn't realized that Hunter wasn't asleep.
"I love you," he mumbled back, immediately falling asleep. Nico felt his eyes burn with tears. He smiled to himself as Hunter cuddled into him. Gods, did he love having kids.

Kinda obsessed with this one. I love the kids, especially Hunter. He's so sweet
I also just love the headcanon that Nico has never wanted kids but once he gets them, he'd literally kill for them
Btw, this isn't the last we'll see of these little ones ;)

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