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They're living in an apartment together in this one
Also sorry if this is bad, I wrote it in the middle of a mental breakdown 😭

"I'm tired of you making everything about you!" Will yelled, throwing his hands up. Nico took a step back, an indignant look on his face.
"Making everything about me? Will, you've literally ignored me for days! I've been trying to hold a conversation and you just-" He waved his arms, trying to come up with the right phrase.
"I've been busy? College is draining. But you wouldn't understand! You don't go!" Will glowered at the other.
Nico set his jaw. "And I don't plan on it. I'm not letting you guilt trip me into excusing you ignoring me." He folded his arms over his chest. Will just clenched his hands into fists and stormed off, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
Nico ran a hand through his hair. "Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch," he grumbled, pulling a blanket around himself and sitting on the couch. He collapsed back, staring blankly at the ceiling. He fell asleep quickly.

"You don't belong."
Nico's head snapped up with a gasp. He sat up, breathing heavily. He tugged the blanket tighter around him, a draft ripping through the thin fabric. He shivered. He felt his eyes sting. He stood up, blanket around his shoulders, and stumbled into the kitchen for water.
He forced back tears as he sipped the glass. Footsteps approached. He glanced at the doorway, seeing Will. He gulped.
"Nightmare?" Will asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Nico just nodded, setting the glass down. Will sighed softly as he looked away. "Do you want to…" He held his arms open.
Nico ran over, catching his arms around the blonde's chest. Will buried his face in Nico's hair, running his hands up and down his back.
The soothing motion lulled Nico to sleep, causing Will to have to scoop him up and take him to bed. He laid him down lightly, hesitating, before crawling in beside him. He smiled as Nico curled into him.
"I love you, angel," he whispered into Nico's hair. Nico shifted, looking up with a sleepy smile.
"Ti amo," he murmured, his voice groggy. Will smiled lightly, relaxing into the smaller man.

Nico awoke with a yawn, curling into the warm mass in front of him. He blinked his eyes open, seeing a freckled face in front of him. His eyebrows furrowed as he stared into unblinking blue eyes. "I'm supposed to be mad at you," he mumbled, but wrapped his arms around Will anyway.
Will kissed his head, pulling him closer. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I'll try to pay more attention to you," he muttered back, burying his face in Nico's hair.
"It's fine. I'm sorry too. I know college is taking its toll on you."
Will grunted. "Yeah, but that's not a reason to avoid you," he mumbled, tangling his fingers in the hair at the nape of Nico's neck. Nico hummed softly.
"You want pancakes for breakfast?"
"Mm… yeah."
"Great. Love you, Dandelion."
"I love you too, dork." Nico smiled into his pillow as Will got up to make breakfast. Life was good.

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