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This one isn't bad? The plot is basically nonexistent, but I kinda just wanted to write a little fluff and a teensy weensy bit of Will angst

Enjoy it anyway ig


"Nico di Angelo," I murmured.

"What!?" Piper shrieked, sending the birds in the forest flying away. I felt heat creep up my face. "But he's- and you're-" She stammered, tossing her hands in the air. As Piper continued stuttering, I felt a head lean against my shoulder. I craned my head to see a pale, dark haired boy. He leaned his head up to look at me.

"Hey Solace," he muttered. My face was warm.

"Hey Neeks." I stared down at him. He had his face buried in my arm. I snaked my arm around his shoulders, squeezing his shoulder softly. "Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nightmares?" He nodded curtly. I ruffled his hair, turning to Piper. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later, Pipes," I told her, dragging Nico along behind me as I walked toward the infirmary.

"Why are we going to the infirmary Solace?" He murmured, his voice snappy.

"Because you need rest, Death Boy," I told him simply. He stopped dead (no pun intended) in his tracks.

"I'm fine."

I rolled my eyes, turning to him. "Really? You're about to fall over. You're exhausted, Nico. Come on." I gently took his hand, pulling on it slightly. He begrudgingly followed me as we finished the trek to the infirmary. I gently pushed him towards a bed. He sighed but climbed into it, almost immediately falling asleep. I sat in a chair beside the bed, leaning back with a book in my hand.

After an hour or so, Nico started twisting and turning. I looked up. His eyes were clenched shut and he had sweat dripping down his face. I slowly reached out, taking his hand. I felt heat rise to my face as he squeezed it. He tensed up, then relaxed completely. I smiled softly, continuing my book.

Nico slept for a few hours. I think I dozed off in there somewhere, because I woke up to my hand being jerked. Nico had pulled his hand away and was staring at me.

"Why were you holding my hand?" He muttered. I blinked, trying to process the expression on his face.

"I uh... you were having a nightmare. It stopped when I took your hand so I just..." I trailed off. His expression was still completely unreadable. He looked at me and then down at his hand. I glanced away, unsure what to do.

"Why do you care so much about me?" He asked finally, sitting back down on the bed. I looked back at him. He was staring at me, a determined look on his face. I cleared my throat. It was now or never.

"Well..." my voice cracked. "Nico." He stared at me expectantly. I felt tears prick my eyes. "I kinda sorta maybe have a little bit of a crush on you," I mumbled. His eyes widened. I swallowed the lump in my throat, continuing, "a- and I understand if you don't like me back or if you hate me or something, I just needed to tell you!" Tears were pooling in the corner of my eyes. I stood up, blinking them back. "I'm sorry," I muttered, running out.

I ran. I ran and ran and ran. My feet took me to the lake. I knew Nico wasn't following me. He probably hated me. I threw myself down on the dock, shoving my head in my knees. My cheeks were wet. I tried to suppress the sobs that shook my body. How could I have done that? I ruined our friendship. Gods, I was so stupid. I ran my hands through my hair, as my breathing slowed.

I stared at the lake, not bothering to wipe away the tears. I know I sat there for a few hours, because by the time I had composed myself, it was sunset. It was beautiful. The sky glowed in various hues of orange and yellow and pink. I sighed, almost forgetting my problems. Almost.

Until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned slowly, noticing a small, pale boy. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Please go away," I whispered, not knowing if he even heard me. Obviously not, as he plopped himself down right beside me. Or he was just being stubborn. I didn't dare look at him.

"The sunset really is beautiful, isn't it?" He mumbled. It was that moment I decided to sneak a glance at him. The sunset was reflected in his eyes, which I noticed were red.

I looked away. "Yeah," I muttered in response. He cleared his throat, turning to me.

"Will, did you-" he paused, clearing his throat again. "Did you mean what you said in the infirmary?" He whispered. I stared at my shoes in silence for a few minutes.

Finally, "Yes."

Nico looked taken aback. "Oh."

There was an awkward silence where we both just stared at the sunset. Nico cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm sorry I didn't come after you sooner. I was shocked and I needed to think about what you said." I nodded, not taking my eyes off the horizon. "I um..."

I finally tore my eyes away from the sun, leaning my head on my knees as I looked at Nico. He looked gorgeous in the setting sun. He blinked slowly, staring at me.

"I like you too," he finally mumbled. My eyes widened.

"Wh- what?" I stammered, lifting my head. He licked his lips, looking at me nervously.

"I- I didn't actually need to think about it. I'm sorry. I was just scared. I grew up in 1930s Italy, Will, you don't know what it was like. I didn't mean to make you-" he rambled. I felt my eyes burning as I reached over and grabbed his hand. He stopped talking.

"I understand. I'm glad you came to talk to me."

Nico nodded, scooting closer to me. He snaked an arm around my waist, leaning into me. I smiled. I rested my head on his, running my thumb over the back of his hand.

The sunset seemed even more beautiful now.

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