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Argh I don't really like this one but I'll post it anyway

Some yummy Nico angst for you altho it does get resolved so

I'm sorry, I physically cannot make myself write unresolved angst 😭


I felt pathetic. I was laying in my bed in Cabin 13, sobbing, but I didn't really know why. I guessed it started because of nightmares. My dreams told me it was my fault Bianca died. My fault Mamma died. My fault, my fault, my fault. It was all my fault. My fault that the campers avoided me, my fault Percy got taken and I got kidnapped, my fault I got locked in the jar, my fault Bob was now trapped in Tartarus, my fault. And then, worst of all, they told me it was my fault Will hated me.

I woke up in a blind panic. My eyes were red and watery. Instead of calming myself, I just laid back and sobbed. 

I refused to believe it. Will didn't hate me. He didn't. Everything else may have been true, but Will Solace did not hate me. I tried to convince myself of this.

I couldn't.

And so I sobbed. Will hated me. He had to. I was everything he wasn't.






I was a child of Hades, for Zeus' sake!

I was a monster.

And everyone knew it.

I cried. My tears completely soaked my pillow, and my choking sobs were muffled by my blankets. I was surprised I hadn't shriveled up and dried out by how much I'd cried. 

It had been an hour since I'd woken up. I heard shuffling outside but thought nothing of it. I just let myself cry. I deserved it, after everything. I only stopped when I heard a small knock at my door. 

I wasn't even sure that's what it was at first. It was just one knock. But then there were more. I choked back my sobs, but my voice was raspy as I whispered, "Come in."

The door opened slowly. I didn't even bother wiping my tears. And then I saw it.

That beautiful golden hair.

"Will?" I choked out, almost breaking down into sobs again.

"Nico? Are you okay?" He whisper-shouted. He hurried over to me, sitting on the side of my bed.

"Why are you here-" I managed, before I was cut off by Will pulling me into a tight embrace.

He hugged me tightly. "That's not important. Why are you crying so hard?" My breath hitched in my throat. I felt more tears slide down my cheeks. He only hugged me tighter.

"I had nightmares. I'm a monster, Will," I croaked.

"What!? No, Nico, you're not a monster! You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met," he argued. I just shook my head.

"You don't understand, Will, it's my fault Bianca and my mom died-"

"No! Nico-"

"Why don't you hate me!?" I interrupted, my voice raising in volume. "I'm a horrible person, Will! I'm mean and I push people away and I'm always angry, and yet you still stay! Why!? I don't understand! Why don't you hate me!? You should. You should hate me so much. I'm awful," I was sobbing again, my body shaking. I was on my feet, standing in the middle of my cabin. Will looked shocked. Then his expression of shock turned to one of anger.


was angry at me?

"No! Shut up, shut up, shut up! You're not awful and I don't hate you!" He was yelling. "You're not horrible and you're not mean and you're not- UGH!" He covered his face with his hands. I couldn't speak. It was like my voice was gone, stripped away from me by some unseen force. Will looked up and I saw there were tears in his eyes. It hurt me.

"Why? Why don't I believe you?" I simply whispered, my voice shaky. 

"Why!? Why don't you believe me!? I don't know!! Why don't I hate you!? Because I'm in love with you, Nico! I love you! I- I don't know why or how, but I do! I'm in love with you, Nico di Angelo." His voice dropped to a whisper. 

I felt my heart flutter.

It was like a thousand butterflies had suddenly burst in my stomach and chest.

"You... love me," I stated flatly. Will nodded and tears were now dripping from his chin onto my pillow, mingling with the tears of mine already on it. I looked down, ashamed. "I love you too," I croaked.

He looked up.

"You do?"

I nodded.

Next thing I knew, he was hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

"I love you, Nico. I love you, I love you," he murmured over and over.

I whispered it back.

"I love you too, Will. I love you too."

Then he was kissing me. My chest fluttered. My eyelids dropped. I kissed him back.

He pulled away, his eyes red.

"Do you believe me now, Nico di Angelo?"

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