The Clash of Titans

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Reiner launched himself at Eren, but in a swift and calculated move, Eren seized his opponent by the lower half, effortlessly hurling him over his own body. The force of the impact sent Reiner hurtling into a nearby house, causing it to shudder under the strain. Without wasting a moment, Eren swiftly rose to his feet, his eyes burning with determination. He unleashed a powerful punch aimed directly at Reiner's face. A blow meant to cripple his adversary. However, to Eren's dismay, the punch barely made a dent. Undeterred, Reiner retaliated, his fist hurtling towards Eren with blistering speed. Yet, Eren's reflexes were as sharp as ever, evading the incoming attack with grace and precision.

Tension filled the air as Reiner unleashed a barrage of furious fists toward Eren, their clash echoing through the battlefield. With lightning reflexes, Eren skillfully evaded each strike, dancing around Reiner's onslaught like a nimble specter. With a lightning-fast counterattack, Eren's fist connected with Reiner's face, delivering a satisfying blow reverberating through the titan-infested battleground. However, the tides swiftly turned as Reiner retaliated, his own fist finding its mark on Eren's jaw with bone-crushing force. The impact sent Eren hurtling through the air, crashing against a nearby house, the structure quaking with the force of their clash.

His every breath seemed to escape him as the relentless assault of the Jaw Titan prevented him from approaching Eren. Reiner's instincts kicked into overdrive as he desperately maneuvered, evading the flurry of attacks launched by his nimble adversary. Despite his best efforts, a single strike managed to breach his impenetrable armor, slicing through the protective layers and drawing blood from his exposed flesh. Determined not to succumb to defeat, Reiner mustered his strength, ready to retaliate with a powerful punch. However, before he could strike back, the agile Jaw Titan swiftly leaped away, creating distance between them, while simultaneously, the Female Titan emerged from Reiner's blind spot, delivering an unexpected and forceful kick directly to his face.

Mikasa, her voice trembling with urgency, turned to Armin and posed the pivotal question, "Armin, should we intervene?" Their eyes locked, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air as they stood side by side, their hearts pounding in synchrony.

They both saw Reiner locked in a fierce battle against two Titan Shifters. The deafening clash of steel against flesh reverberated through the battlefield, echoing the struggles of both sides. Both Armin and Mikasa had a cut in their palms in case they needed to turn into Titans.

With bated breath, Armin observed the relentless fight from a vantage point, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Eren had pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, yet his indomitable spirit refused to falter. Amidst the chaos, Armin sensed a glimmer of hope, a flicker of certainty that victory was within their grasp. And yet, as the battle raged on, Armin's mind couldn't help but wander to Annie. Questions gnawed at his consciousness, demanding answers that seemed just out of reach. His eyes narrowed, a mixture of determination and curiosity flickering in their depths.


As the sun was setting on the horizon, casting an ethereal glow upon the battlefield, Commander Pyxis stood resolutely atop the Wall Rose. His voice boomed through the air, echoing with authority as he barked orders to the soldiers manning the cannons, orchestrating a symphony of destruction against the relentless onslaught of the normal Titans that plagued the city below.

Amidst the chaos and thunderous blasts, a curious garrison soldier, his eyes filled with a mix of awe and confusion, dared to question the strategy. With a furrowed brow, he approached Commander Pyxis, his voice laced with both trepidation and curiosity and posed the burning question that lingered on his mind: "Commander, may I ask why are we not attacking the Armoured Titan?" As the words hung in the air, a brief moment of silence swept across the battlefield, punctuated only by the distant cries of Titans and the rhythmic beat of hearts pounding in anticipation.

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