Titan Serum

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'


The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 30 (Levi's Titan), Chapter 31 (An Ackerman Titan), Chapter 32 (Annie's Loyalty), Chapter 33 (Graduation), Chapter 34 (The Breach of Trost), Chapter 35 (The Counter Attack), Chapter 36 (The Battle of Trost), Chapter 37 (The Past, The Present, and The Future), Chapter 38 (A Purpose), Chapter 39 (No Time Left), Chapter 40 (A Soldier or A Warrior), Chapter 41 (A Signal in The Sky), Chapter 42 (The Traitors of Humanity), Chapter 43 (The Clash of Titans), and Chapter 44 (A Dream of Joy) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

"Do you think Captain Levi is angry?" Armin whispered, his voice hushed to a barely audible level. He leaned in closer to Mikasa, his eyes locking with her gray irises. Ymir stood stoically beside them, her broom sweeping methodically across the floor as the trio worked to clean their quarters. The morning had started off with a stern order from the captain, demanding that they tidy up their room before being allowed to venture outside the castle walls. Ymir seemed unfazed, almost indifferent to the prospect of angering the captain.

As the first rays of morning light crept over the horizon, the sun rose above the old castle, casting a warm, golden glow across its ancient walls. The castle, which had once stood tall and proud, now appeared fragile and weathered, with walls that were barely five meters tall and threatening to crumble with each passing moment. Despite this, the castle was still a sight to behold, with many openings and crevices that allowed vines to creep and wind their way around the walls, creating a stunning tapestry of green and brown. Small animals would often use the castle to hide their food.

Armin had expected they would spend more time cleaning the old castle, but Captain Levi had informed them that today Eren and Historia were the only ones who would clean. Ymir's eyebrow had twitched in annoyance, knowing her pure, innocent Historia would spend the entire day scrubbing and sweeping the dusty, dingy corners of the sprawling castle.

But Ymir knew why Captain Shorty was punishing Eren and Historia. She had been awake for hours by their screams of pleasure. While she was happy that Historia and Eren had finally slept together, it seemed Captain Shorty wasn't excited as them, Ymir was half-convinced to protest, but she was a little wary of him. She had heard from Mikasa last night how Levi had defeated Eren in his Titan form without much trouble.

He's a Blessed Eldian like me, yet, he still lost, Ymir thought as a shiver went through her body. She had heard of Captain Levi, someone more capable than a whole brigade of Elite Soldiers. Ymir had been convinced that was due to him fighting only mindless titans, but Eren's loss proved that Levi didn't have the title of 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier' for naught.

Ymir could only sigh in relief, knowing Captain Shorty was on their side. Who knows what will happen when he can turn into a Semi-Titan Shifter? I really hope he becomes like the Warhammer Titan. It would be hard to bring him down, Ymir thought with a small smirk, almost feeling bad for Marley, Almost, but she knew Eren, despite losing, hadn't used his most important ability as The Attack Titan.

Since they only needed to clean their rooms, Ymir, Mikasa, and Armin quickly finished the job before walking outside the castle.

As Armin took a deep breath, he felt the fresh, crisp air of the morning enter his lungs, invigorating him with new energy. The sun had begun its ascent into the sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape that stretched out before him. The gentle rustle of leaves sounded in the distance as a cool breeze carried the sweet aroma of blooming flowers over to him. As he stood there, basking in the sun's warmth, he heard the joyful chirping of birds emanating from a nearby tree, their melodious songs intermingling with the rustling leaves and the gentle breeze. As they walked closer, the sound of raised voices drew him closer until he could see Hange and Captain Levi standing face to face. It was clear that they were in the midst of a heated argument, their voices rising and falling in a rapid cadence that suggested neither was willing to back down.

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