Part 44

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Raya's POV:

The next few days happened as followed Sophia left my house to go to her own, and I had multiple texts from Curtis, Sophia and Ryan, I decided to take my mind off everything I would write a story I named How The Bad Became Beautiful a love story based on myself and Nathan and all the events that followed still I had nothing from Nathan and the more I checked my phone the more disheartened I became nothing seemed right when I was out with friends I could mask the pain, when I was alone I couldn't and there were nights where I would cry myself to sleep, I couldn't cope and that's when a week later I received a text "I love you, Raya and I'm so sorry for putting you through this at the moment I've got to stay strong for both me and you I want you to promise me we'll be reunited again somewhere in the future" and it was from Nathan the moment I saw that my heart sank in my chest "we will babe I promise, I'm trying to stay strong too I miss you loads and I love you so much my handsome broken warrior" I reply back and with that the phone rings it's a call from Nathan fuck I pick up the phone "hello?" I say "Raya hi I've been thinking about you so much," says Nathan's voice on the other side of the line "When are you coming home, babe?" I ask as I slump into the corner "A few months or a year" says Nathan and that's when I hear him sobbing on the line "fuck" I say as my head gently hits the wall "I know I wish it was sooner I want to be in your arms again" says Nathan and that's when I feel my eyes well up with tears "same babe I just can't understand why this is happening" I say "neither can I" says Nathan "but just whatever you do just wait for me promise me" "okay" I say tearfully "promise me Raya?" cries Nathan "I promise" I say "I'll be back soon Raya" says Nathan "I know" I say "Raya..." says Nathan before the call is about to be hung up "yeah" I say "I'm so sorry Raya-Sunshine" says Nathan "I know" I say and the phone cuts off, the phone slides onto my left side and I sit there and just let out the tears that have been held in all this time.

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