Part 20 Shopping Trip (Raya's) and The Horse and Jockey

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Raya's POV:

The next stop is a shop called Quiz that does female clothing, mainly dresses for events such as weddings, parties and nights out I look through the shop and find three dresses that I like one has a marble effect not sure how I'd style that one, the second is a bodycon red dress that would be nice with some strappy heels and some red lipstick but the last one is black with pink flowers and silver stems which would look nice with a pair of heels, a lovely two pinks going into a dark pink eyeshadow and finish it off with a nude shade like a soft mocha or darkish pink shade lipstick "yeah think I like these three" I say "yeah babe I mean I'm no fashion expert but I reckon that red one would look so nice on you" says Nathan "maybe I'll see what I think" I say and I take a wander to the changing room "Nate can you let me know what you think?" I ask "sure babe," says Nathan I go into the changing room and make my choice which dress to try on first, I try on the marble one first when I look in the mirror I don't like it at all for one reason it's too short and incredibly weird fitting, I take it off and try on the red one, now the red one is gorgeous and Nathan wasn't wrong I do look hot in it, I take a mirror selfie, the dress compliments my figure but I think it's more like a going out clubbing dress rather than a going to an engagement party dress, I take it off and put it back on the hanger and try on the last dress my ultimate favourite one, I have a feeling of dread that I'm not going to like this one either but as I put it on I take a spin in the mirror it's not too short, it fits nice, it's comfortable enough and I'm going say yes to the dress. 

I get changed back into my original clothes and put the dress I like back on the hanger and take it over to pay for it "which one did you end up choosing babe?" asks Nathan "that black one with flowers" I say, I take my phone out of my bag and show Nathan how it looks on "oh yeah looks nice that babe" says Nathan "cheers babe" I say. At the cash register, I go over to pay for my dress "good choice this it's only just gone in sales" says the cashier "nice one" I say to myself "that'll be £20.99" says the cashier, I take my card out for the second time that day and pay the £21 I owe "that's gone through" I take my card away from the card machine as the cashier hands me a bag with my dress in it "thanks" I say and me and Nathan's head out the door.

"Right," says Nathan after we leave the shop "where are we off now?" "I was gonna go Superdrug but don't fancy it now," I say "fancy getting some food then?" asks Nathan "yeah can do," I say and we walk to the food court area of the mall. The thing with our food court is there's too much choice it's got three pubs, a KFC, a McDonalds, a Burger King, two Subways, a Greggs and a Taco-Bel "fancy Horse and Jockey" "yeah let's go there" says Nathan and we take a walk to Horse and Jockey.

The Horse and Jockey pub, it's packed in one corner with people watching the football on the telly "fuck me where we meant to sit?" I say "welcome to Saturdays at the pub Raya," says Nathan "here give me a second Raya gonna see if one of the staff members can tell us where there's a seat available" "okay then babe," I say and I stand there and wait.

Nathan's POV:

I have to push my way to the bar as there are too many football fans to count that's when one of the members of staff comes through "hate football days" says the waitress "sorry love me and my partner we can't find nowhere to sit" I say "I think if you follow me I can find you a table" says the waitress "thanks love" I say and I followed the waitress to a table just behind the bar nearest to the smoking area and Raya follows along and we get to our seats. 

When we sit down the first question I ask Raya is "what drink do you, fancy babe?" Raya thinks for a minute "hmm Jack Daniels and Coke" says Raya "yeah fair does babe think I'm going to get one of them myself" I say and then I go up to order the drinks leaving Raya unattended for a few seconds.

Raya's POV:

I sit there unattended for a few seconds whilst Nathan orders our drinks and as I'm sitting there I catch the eye of a mocha-skinned, bright eyeshadow and gorgeous lass and she looks in my direction and I hear her say "sorry can you just excuse me for a moment babe" and she gets up and walks over to me "Raya!" she shrieks with a huge smile on her face "Willow!" I say as I get up from my seat and go and hug her "how are you doing gorgeous lady?" asks Willow "I'm good lovely take a seat just waiting for Nate with our drinks" Willow sits down next to me "oh you still with Nathan?" says Willow almost shocked "yeah, yeah still with him been nearly two years in September" I say "Christ and here's me trying to find a guy who'll stick" laughs Willow "you'll find someone hun as you're bloody gorgeous" I say trying to empower Willow, Willow just smiles and that's when Nathan comes back over with our drinks "here you are babe" says Nathan "thanks babe" I say "you remember Willow don't you?" "oh yeah," says Nathan "how are you doing Willow?" asks Nathan, as he gives Willow a handshake "I'm doing good Nate thanks," says Willow "good, good," says Nathan as he takes his seat and begins to take a sip of his drink "so what have you two been talking about," asks Nathan "just about you and her and how things have been since I hardly see her now since she left Julia's," says Willow "aye fully certified counsellor now aren't you babe?" says Nathan "yeah pretty much," I say "what about you Willow you still with the beautician business?" "well now I've got my own business so I'm working more mobile but it works out now as I drive," says Willow "nice what brand?" asks Nathan "well it was a trade with my mum but now I've got a Mini" "Nathan's is Toyota Corolla," I say "nice anyway it was nice seeing you again Raya we'll have to have a girly night someday," says Willow "yeah we'll have to," I say "right I'll catch you in a bit," says Willow and she walks out preferably for a smoke.

After Willow leaves I shake my head "that girl" I say "headache" says Nathan "not being funny babe bet the only reason she got that car is that daddy bought her it" I say "spoiled little cunt" "don't worry Raya you were fake enough" laughs Nathan "have to be but then again Nathan if it wasn't for her doing drugs in the bathroom that night I'd have never gotten time alone with you babe" I say "I know" smiles Nathan we shake our heads before grabbing a menu each "hmm what you fancying babe?" I ask "think I'm gonna go for a big plate special hunter's chicken," says Nathan "ooh think I fancy that too," I say "here babe I'll pay for the meal seeing as you've paid for the drinks" "you sure babe?" asks Nathan "yeah, yeah" I say and I go up and order our food.

After I ordered the food I came back to our table "right I almost forgot something" I say taking one of the bags out from under the table and handing it to Nathan, Nathan takes it and looks inside "well do you like them?" I ask nervously "yeah how did you know?" asks Nathan "I just caught you looking at them in H&M and when you went into the fitting room I just tried to find a pair in a size 10 and when I found them just bought them for you" I explained "honestly Raya you're amazing babe" says Nathan after he puts the boots back into the carrier bag "so what do you think the plan will be for this engagement party then babe?" I ask "well what I'm thinking babe is I might stop the night at Jules and Livvy's have a night with them and Ruby and that way on the day of the party I can get ready and as it starts at 6.30pm so I'll probably get a shower that morning and..." says Nathan he stops in midsentence as a waitress brings our food over "two big plate hunter's chicken" says the waitress "yeah that's us" I say the waitress puts a plate down in front of me and in front of Nathan "anything else?" asks the waitress "no that's all thanks" says Nathan "okay then enjoy your meal" says the waitress and she walks away.

Nathan's POV:

After the waitress is gone Raya fills in the gaps whilst picking up one of her onion rings "so as you were saying babe" says Raya as she takes a bit of the onion ring, "well I'll get a shower in the morning and get myself prepped then for the rest of the day we'll all get a bit bored before the evening so I'll be with our Ruby for a while until the it gets to about five that's when we'll all start getting ready and because I know what Livvy's like she'll be doing her makeup and Ruby's so when I'm ready I'll pick you up" I say as I begin eating my chips "yeah sounds a plan babe but not being funny I don't know what time I'll be ready at so think it would be a better idea if Mollie brought me to your Julian's" says Raya "yeah sure either way" I say and I carry on eating my meal. 

Raya's POV: 

As I'm sat eating my meal, I look at Nathan and he's actually eating a full meal, hardly any scraps of onion rings, chips, peas, bacon, cheese or chicken nothing he's actually got on with a proper meal today, I sigh softly and tread lightly on what I'm about to ask him a pregnant pause of eating and drinking "babe" I say after sometime "yeah?" says Nathan "I'm a bit afraid to ask you this but..." I say before pausing that's when Nathan reaches his hand to mine "go on babe you don't have to beat around the bush" says Nathan "okay then..." I say before pausing again taking a deep breath and continuing the sentence "right yesterday after you made our food" "right?" says Nathan "basically Mollie and me both noticed you didn't have much food on your plate what was that about?" I say Nathan looks uncomfortable as hell oh god... "Raya I've got something to tell you and I'll tell it you straight" says Nathan after a long and pregnant pause I wait patiently until he can get his words together.

Savin' Me (Part 1 of 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن