Part 24

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Raya's POV:

The weekend with Nathan was soon over really quickly and I was back at work on Monday afternoon I was feeling like Friday was a long way off but I was excited to get my hair down and party with Nathan, Julian and Livvy, Ruby and meet the rest of Nathan's family it was quite a while away until the Friday came around.

Nathan's POV:

Monday: I was in the gym with Jordan and Jay (my two mates I've known since school) "Nath" says Jordan "yeah Jord?" I say "what are you up to this weekend?"  asks Jordan "got my brother's engagement party with Raya and the family," I say "oh yeah Julian's engaged forgot about that," says Jordan "Nath when do you reckon you'll pop the question to Raya?" laughs Jay "Nah nothing like that yet for me Jay but not looking forward to it, to be honest," I say "is your dad going like?" asks Jordan doing another bicep curl "unfortunately yes," I say as I lift a weight "don't worry about him mate," says Jay "if he says owt get Raya to sort him out" I laugh "Nah I wouldn't put Raya through that," I say "yeah I mean this though bro you've had it tougher than me and Jord have you know who your family is and that's always been Julian and Livvy, Ruby, us lads and Raya honestly lad remember back when you first met her," says Jay "yeah," I say catching my breath after finishing a heavy weight "yeah well I said to you didn't I bro that I don't know what you saw in her and to forget her" says Jay "yeah" I say almost monotone how many yeses I've said now "well I'm glad you didn't take my advice son as you'd have lost her" says Jay "yeah honestly Nathan you've got a stellar girl who is absolutely amazing with you pal" I smile at both Jay and Jordan and the time soon flies by into Tuesday.

Tuesday: I went up to Julian's after picking Ruby up after school, and as we had something to eat the phone rang, Julian got up and answered it "hello" said Julian "yeah well all's welcome yeah see you Saturday Dad yep okay bye" "what was that about?" asked Livvy Julian gave Livvy a signal that meant I don't want Nathan to hear this Livvy gets up from the table and walks into the hallway that's when I hear whispering.

Julian's POV:

"What's up?" asks Livvy "keep your voice down," I say in hushed tones "okay," says Livvy also in hushed tones "what's up?" "Dad's just rang," I tell Livvy "yeah is he coming like," says Livvy "yeah but there's also someone coming with him and I don't want to say owt to Nathan as he's under enough stress with Dad coming," I tell Livvy "right who else is coming like?" says Livvy looking almost pissed off "our half-sister stuck-up fucking Sarah," I say "what she doesn't have owt to do with you, Nath or Ruby?" says Livvy "I know and I know you're already upset with Aiden's girlfriend coming," I say "oh yeah that bitch who was funny with me what's her name again?" says Livvy "Tamara," I say "yeah her well to be honest babe I don't mind her coming as long as she keeps that shit trap of a mouth shut as if she was funny with me she'll be funny with Raya," says Livvy "but babe you know what it is with her plain old-fashioned jealousy because you and Raya have got me and Nathan" I say "yeah true but still the moment they start with Raya I'll back her up," says Livvy "that's my girl" I say "I just don't want to say owt to Nathan though as he'll go sky high with anger" "babe right until they both come in then you can explain to Nathan" says Livvy "yeah okay then" I say and we head back into the living room.

Nathan's POV:

Other than the whisperings Tuesday night was good with my siblings and Livvy "Julian can I ask you, something bro?" I say "sure anything," says Julian despite the worried look on his face like I'm going to ask what his and Livvy's conversation was about "I was wondering if I could stop here on Friday," I say "sure you can see guestrooms open," says Julian "cheers bro," I say "does that mean he'll be neighbouring with me and I'll have to hear him snoring?" says Ruby cheekily "shut up you," I say tickling Ruby's side, Ruby giggles "who snores again?" "you do" giggles Ruby "think it's you," I say laughing "no it's not it's you" laughs Ruby bantering with me.

I'll be honest if it weren't for Julian and Ruby I wouldn't be as content as I was just the banter with our Ruby makes me happy. Ruby honestly is like a teenage version of my mum, her face, her big blue eyes and her eyelashes you've never seen anything like them long and like butterfly wings, her laugh that mirrors my mum's, her hair a mixture between mine and Julian's colour a very mousey brown colour but I won't lie I have the best little sister in the world. Julian despite his serious nature a good, kind-hearted, brilliant man who can look past the bullshit to see the good in someone he is a fantastic brother and one day I hope to make something of myself like he has.

Wednesday: I went to The Vape Shop and bought myself, and Raya 2 Elux Legend 3500 Puffs Bars mine was TigerBlood and Raya's a Cotton Candy flavoured one. When I'd been there I drove to Raya's house and was greeted by Mollie "hi Nathan Raya's not here at the moment she's at work love" said Mollie upon my arrival "yeah I know" I say "she's not even touched a cigarette this week, to be honest" says Mollie "yeah that's kind of why I'm here" I say "Oh right" says Mollie "what are you here for then?" "well I've bought two of them disposable e-cigarettes," I say "oh yeah," says Mollie "yeah one's Raya's," I say as I hand Mollie a blue Elux box "can you give that to Raya when she gets home?" "well Nathan I'm about to head to work in 30 minutes I'll put it on the table and she'll get it when she's back think she's back at 5 pm," says Mollie "yeah that's fine," I say and make my way back to the car as Mollie closes the door and I get back in my car and drive off.

Thursday: It's getting closer to party time and I could honestly throw up, literally I've never dreaded anything so much in my life yet it's meant to be a happy occasion I can't help but dread it just at a loss of what to do? It can't dampen Raya's spirit so no point going there today and not going to Julian's or speaking to any of the family fuck it only one place to go. I take a drive to Raya's house for the second time that week and as I pull into the drive and park the car, get out of the car and walk up the drive until I get to the front door of Raya's house, I knock at the door and it is opened by Mollie "Nathan what's going on? The second time this week you've called here" says Mollie almost shocked by my entire appearance "I know Mol I'm sorry just I need some advice" I say "well might as well come in" says Mollie, Mollie stands to one side and I walk into the hallway and downwards to the living room Mollie follows behind me "can I get you anything or?" "no thanks, Mollie I'm alright just stressing still," I say "this party?" says Mollie "yeah," I say "well I know Raya's tried to calm my nerves about it but still it makes me shake with nerves like my anxiety levels were fine up until the mention of this party" "well I know they say to do it for the family but in this case it's stress-inducing," says Mollie "yeah I just don't know how to deal with it as I don't want to let our Julian down or Livvy but the thought of my dad it's too much," I say "I know love but you can't let that ruin a night that's meant to be a good night  for your brother and Olivia," says Mollie "I know Mol just I can't help over thinking things it's horrible," I say my head goes in my hand "I know Nathan I know but..." says Mollie before stopping in her tracks to lift my chin to her face "look at me" I try and make eye-contact but today it's just not in my nature "look at me," says Mollie and finally I manage to make eye contact "I get you over think things love I'm the same and Raya will tell you the same but... you won't remember this but Raya does and she'll tell you how hard it was at both Ray's engagement party and his wedding I tried everything I could to get out of it as I physically wanted to punch him and Sandra for their treatment of Raya and Levi but because I'm the bigger person despite me being the weakling as Ray always called me I held back and held myself together from my fists to my mouth and you've got to do the same darling otherwise you'll spoil it for Julian, Olivia, Ruby, Raya and yourself be the bigger person Nathan I know it's not easy but you're a good lad and I know like Raya that you can be the bigger person, head up shoulders back sweetie you've got this" "yeah" I say softly and that's when I see Mollie get up but not before giving me a kiss on the forehead, I smile weakly before taking myself off home.

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