Part 13 Cooking Together

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Nathan's POV:

When I get down the stairs, Raya's in the kitchen with Mollie just getting a drink "Nate you okay babe?" asks Raya "I'm fine babe don't worry" I say brushing her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead, Mollie turns to me "so what you's fancying for food?" asks Mollie, Raya looks at Mollie with her old same, goofy face of "God knows" "was going to say fancy me doing the cooking" I say, Raya, turns to my direction and gives the same goofy look on her face "you cook?" says Raya "don't knock me til you've tried" I say almost smugly "if you want to Nate go for it" says Mollie "think I've got some stuff in the freezer if you want to take a look" "yeah sure" I say "okay then" says Mollie, she gives me a reassuring smile and a pat on the arm that she does whenever Raya's said anything about me being upset, I smile back and start taking a think "what do you fancy Raya?" I ask "God knows,"  Raya says with a shrug "I'll take a nosy," I say, that's when I grab the handle of the freezer door and take a look inside "which one's your meat drawer?" I ask Raya "think it's the third or the fourth babe," says Raya, I go into the third and there are frozen vegetables, so I shut it up, then I go to the fourth drawer, it's packed with steak, 2 packets of chicken fillets, lamb leg and beef I shut it up and close the freezer door, "I think I have an idea," I say "what's your idea ND Walker?" asks Raya referring to me by my Instagram name "well Raya-Sunshine" I start Raya looks at me dead on in the face "well I was thinking do you have any pasta?" I ask "hold on are you making your famous Nathan Daniel Walker pasta?" says Raya eyeing me up and down "looks that way," I say with a smirk and a shrug "what you needing?" asks Raya, I grab a saucepan and start filling it with water whilst Raya sets the hob to the right temperature so I can put the pan full of water on the hob when that's all set up, I grab the salt and put just a tiny bit into the water and go over to the cupboard and grab the pasta I'm going to be using out of the cupboard and then shut the cupboard door, I pour the pasta into the saucepan and wait for it to start boiling properly.

Raya's POV:

Just watching Nathan focussing on what he's doing just trying to do an excellent job of making food is just one of my all-time pleasures with being with Nathan, the way those blue eyes focus on the pasta in the water, just every time I look at Nathan there's almost like this beautiful, miraculous golden light that surrounds him that I don't even notice that he faces me "Raya? Raya? RAYA" says Nathan as I start to snap out of my trance "sorry Nate what did you want babe?" I say "do you have any sauce or like ready meats in the fridge?" asks Nathan "think so," I say as I move over to the fridge before looking in the cupboard "hey just cos I'm gorgeous don't let that distract you" laughs Nathan "shut up" I laugh back I open the fridge door and grab some bacon and some of last nights chicken seeing as Mollie did club sandwiches yesterday for tea so I grab it out of the fridge "will chicken and bacon do the trick?" I ask "yeah got any mayo?" asks Nathan I take another nosy into the refrigerator and find the mayo and pull it out of the refrigerator before shutting the fridge door, and taking a walk over to Nathan "got it," I say "nice one babe," says Nathan, I just want to stay there and admire everything so perfect about Nathan but I know I can't so I shake myself out of it and say "so you needing any jobs doing babe?" "yeah babe can you cut up the bacon and I'm gonna keep a watch on that pasta," says Nathan, that's when those perfectly pretty blue eyes go back to the pot and I grab a glass chopping board and start on bacon duties (lol). The only thing you can hear apart from the pan boiling is just complete silence. Still, I know what Nathan's like (Mr Perfection whether it's in the kitchen, his own house, with me or when we're having sex again graphic but he is), I carry on cutting up small bacon slices before there is enough bacon for the pasta before I start on the chicken just cutting it up for the dish Nathan's preparing before I get asked this "babe where's the colander?" I turn 'round "should be in the cupboard to your left" I say "cheers babe" says Nathan and that's when I carry on with food prep duties. 

Hey, Nathan you going to take over for a bit?

Nathan's POV:

Yeah sure.

I open the cupboard to my left and end up finding the colander with no trouble as it's the one with small mixing bowls and salad bowls, I gently take it out from underneath the glass bowls before putting the colander on the side, grabbing the pot off the hob and taking the colander and pan over to the sink, the moment I'm at the sink, I place the colander in the sink before pouring the boiling water filled with pasta into the colander and letting the water escape through the tiny holes which got followed by a sauna of steam, once the water is drained, I give the colander a shake or two just for good luck, before putting the pasta back into the pan and grabbing the mayo, I turn to Raya who has the mayo near her left-hand side, "nearly done babe?" I ask "yeah near enough," says Raya with a shrug, "do you need anything else babe?" her eyes turn to me "have you got any garlic salt?" I ask, Raya puts down the knife on the chopping board and opens the cupboard above her head and takes a look inside for a second before I see her head re-emerge with a garlic salt grinder in her hand, which she passes to me, I take it along with the mayo, I shuffle the mayo into my arm before moving into Raya who had resumed her previous job, I just look at her and smile, before kissing her on the cheek.

Raya's POV:         

Just the way he kisses me on the cheek makes my heart melt in my chest, I bring over the chopped up chicken and bacon and add it to the pasta and mayo mixture, when all of it's in the pan I take the chopping board over to the sink, I slide it in, ready to be washed up later on. When that job is done I move near the side next to Nathan and just watch Nathan stirring every bit of the meal pasta, mayo, chicken and bacon all mixed up into one it looks positively divine how this guy isn't a chef blows my mind "babe can I ask you something?" I ask Nathan trying to break his sexy concentrated face Nathan looks up and turns in my direction "yeah sure anything babe" says Nathan "how come you never went into culinary?" I ask "I was going to but I just never thought I'd have been any good I don't know Raya?" says Nathan with a small shrug of his shoulders "well you're amazing with food babe" I compliment him his smile just shy but sweet with a little blush to his cheeks god I love him for all that he is. His personality, his warmth, his complete beauty of how charming yet humble he is and he just doesn't see it not even if you put a mirror of personality, his inside and out in front of him, his smiles, his ups and downs he's just pure perfection. "Think it's done babe get us some plates please," says Nathan, I go over to the cupboard and grab three plates and put them on the side for him and he starts dishing out the pasta he has just made when one plate is full, I take one to Auntie Mollie whilst Nathan dishes out mine and his.

When the meals are finally served we sit down together and eat together, but one thing that struck me as odd was how little pasta was on Nathan's plate but I didn't make a big deal out of it and we just sat and ate our food "Nathan this is delicious" says Auntie Mollie "thanks Mollie" says Nathan as he takes another mouthful of pasta  I knew from the way he was being that things haven't been right not with his father, since hearing of the engagement party it gets me worried when he's quiet I hate it so much but I keep my mouth shut.

When the meals were finished "I'll wash up" says Auntie Mollie "I could do it if you wanted me to" said Nathan "no you're alright Nathan but honestly that pasta was brilliant" says Mollie as she took mine, hers and Nathan's plates away Nathan just smiled humbly as the plates were taken away. I took the opportunity to turn to Nathan and put my arm around him he faced me "are you alright babe?" asks Nathan "yeah" I say softly "think you're going to be okay though babe?" Nathan looked confused as to why the hell I'd even asked that "yeah babe just bad week I mean I know we've had this conversation already but... I'm literally so anxious for this engagement party, especially with my dad but I know I can't tell Jules otherwise as it's his choice but if it was us I wouldn't allow it Raya I really wouldn't" says Nathan, there's that sadness again, his head goes into his hand, I start gently clutching his shoulder before moving to his brown locks and stroking them tenderly "come on you" I whisper "think you need a cigarette" and I get up along with Nathan and we head upstairs.

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