Part 37 My Way The Highway Princess

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The following scene contains sexual assault and domestic abuse please if you are easily triggered by the following skip the scene and move on to the next. Thank you.

Raya's POV: 

I haven't seen or heard much from Willow in a long time so I pick up the phone and try to call her "Hello" says Willow when she picks up but it isn't her normal, happy, sassy and cheery expression I'm usually greeted by "hey girl you ok?" I say "y...yeah I'm fine Raya you okay?" says Willow "You sure you don't sound yourself had a bad date?" I ask jokingly "Well something like that what are your plans this weekend?" asks Willow "Oh nothing much just got Nathan coming over and I think the plans are just chill seeing as we had that engagement party last weekend," I say "oh yeah how did it go hun?" asks Willow  "yeah went alright," I say "good saw the pictures you looked stunning as always girl," says Willow sounding a bit more like her old self "thanks hun fancying doing something in a few weeks," I say "um I'll see what I can do babe," says Willow "I'll see what I can do" not something that exits Willow's mouth regularly "okay then hun," I say but before I go to put the phone down I ask the same question I've asked her at the beginning of the conversation "are you sure you're alright you seem real off?" "Raya I'm fine I promise you I'm just not well" snaps Willow "ok... ok hun well..." I say before looking out my window "Nathan's here now I'll talk later" "Okay then hun bye" says Willow like she can't wait to get off the phone with me the phone hangs up and I head downstairs to see Nathan.

When I get downstairs "Are you alright babe?" asks Nathan "Yeah I'm good now babe?" I say "Who was that on the phone Raya?" asks Auntie Mollie as she comes into the hallway "Oh just Willow," I say "Oh what blokes done her over now?" says Auntie Mollie "Whoa when did she get cheeky?"  asks Nathan "alright you two that's enough I don't know she said she had a bad date and wasn't feeling well which doesn't make sense," I say "someone slipped something in her drink?" says Auntie Mollie "I don't know auntie Mol she didn't tell me anything just acting not like herself antsy and paranoid I've never known her like that," I say "what when she's always smiles, giggles and god knows what else," says Mollie "I know hope she's okay I'd go over but I want to spend my time with Nate before her," I say "do that then and see her before or after you go to work babe," says Mollie "I might do actually," I say and with that, Nathan and I go up to my room to watch a film.

Willow's POV:

I feel sick to my stomach betraying Raya because of Connor but it's a matter of life or death at this point, Connor comes over to me "Who was that babe?" says Connor coming over and playing with my hair "Raya seeing if I was alright" I say "aww what a good friend did you tell her about us" taunts Connor in that creepy horrible sing-song voice "" I say "aww you embarrassed to be with me like your embarrassed about betraying your precious best friend" taunts Connor, I want to cry but one thing Raya taught me about domestic abusers like Connor is don't show weakness as they thrive on weakness at the moment I don't feel strong I feel so weak something I have never been in all my life. "So what did she want then babe," says Connor talking to me like a person "Just seeing how I was and things and she's got Nathan staying over this weekend," I say and then I realise what I've just said oh no "oh does she?" says Connor as he gets up and starts pacing the room "well I have a plan for that car of his but I'll have to do it when it's dark," says Connor "I'll need a getaway driver and that's where you come in hey cupcake" "I won't do it," I say jumping up from the settee "oh won't you" taunts Connor as he comes into my intimate space "no I won't," I say "what part of or else don't you understand maybe it'll take a little bit of persuading but that won't be hard now will it?" says Connor as he grabs my face "what do you mean persuading?" I ask nervously "Drop them knickers" says Connor pulling my face into his "What?" I say I receive a slap in the face "Take off your panties fucking stupid bitch!" shouts Connor, with my heart beating out of my chest I take off my jeans and panties and that's when Connor shoves me against the wall and begins using his fingers and penetrating his fingers in and out of my vagina, it's rough, it's dirty, it's vulgar I feel sick what the hell have I gotten myself into eventually the penetration gets too much and I feel a wet fluid run down my leg that's when Connor grabs my face again "you gonna do it now?!" says Connor "y...yes" I say "Good girl let me get you a towel," says Connor and he leaves the room to get me a towel. What the fuck have I done? I feel disgusting, and I'm embarrassed why did it have to be me? Maybe okay yes I do enjoy male attention, yes maybe I do like sex but I'm in such deep shit that I don't think I'll ever be able to dig myself out of it, my whole body shakes with embarrassment and anger at what I've done "here princess" and a towel is thrown my way as I wipe the excess fluid from my legs and begin to put my pants and jeans back on "now what I want you to do is stay up tonight up to about half 12 and 1 am and when the lights are out I will come to Raya's house I know her precious boyfriend's number plate as I've written it down here" says Connor as he hands me a notebook probably one of Raya's as I can tell by the handwriting that it's not his, and in two pages of the book it had a photo of Raya's old workplace being Julia's Delights, a photo of Mollie, a photo of Raya, a photo of Nathan and underneath Nathan's picture in quick scribbled writing reads "JN4N RRO" "that's the little bastard's number plate" says, Connor "and I'll scour every car in the area to cause it some damage" "but why are you doing this Connor?" I ask and that's when my face is grabbed again "I'm doing this to ruin her pathetic little life it's all part of the plan and you're not to breathe a word to anyone understand me" says Connor "not the cops, not to Raya, not to your family unless you want something to happen to your precious family because you don't know what I'm capable of princess mark my words" he lets go of my face "I won't say nothing I promise" I say "good now get out you pathetic little skank" says Connor I leave the apartment and that's when I hear Connor knock on the window "my way the high way princess".

Savin' Me (Part 1 of 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें