Part 29 Engagement Party (Part 2)

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Nathan's POV:

I'm standing in the toilets with Julian "How's Raya getting on with everybody?" asks Julian "Yeah think she's made an impression Auntie Vicky loves her and Uncle Andy" I say "Yeah you still feeling alright?" asks Julian "Jules what's with the questions? I'm fine honestly" I say "I know lad god knows where Dad got to but whatever not all that arsed if he let me down" says Julian "Aye well you know what he's like Jules," I say "Yeah anyway you ready to get back out there?" asks Julian "yeah, yeah lad" I say and we start to leave the men's toilets. As we come out I see Livvy and Ruby come to the toilets I see the look on Livvy's face and it's one of shock and horror all mixed into one "Jules your dad's here with Sara" says Livvy "What?" I say "What the hell is she doing here Jules?" Julian takes a big intake of breath like he always does when he's in the wrong "Nathan I didn't invite her neither did Livvy and not Ruby" says Julian "Then who fucking did?" I say almost ready to rip Julian's head off his shoulders "Dad told her about the party she wasn't supposed to be here tonight then when he phoned me and told me I was put on the spot to say yes" says Julian I feel the rage build up inside me "you're a fucking pussy Julian, always have always been will be whenever George comes up you're the one who can't find a backbone and say fucking no fuck this I'm going out look after Raya for me" I say before storming outside pushing passed our Julian.

Raya's POV:

I'm still sitting with Savvy when I hear a commotion going off and then Nathan heads for the door "Oh dear someone's told him about George and Sara" says Savvy as she witnesses exactly what I'm witnessing at the moment "Oh god knew it was going to be a matter of time before someone did" I say and that's when Julian comes in and over to the table I'm sat at "Julian what's happened?" "Nathan's gone mad I knew I shouldn't have invited them," says Julian "To be honest Jules I wish you hadn't either don't worry I'm heading out now to talk some sense into Nathan," I say as I get up from the table I'm sat at with Savvy and make my way outside.

As I stood in the entrance I saw Nathan's back turned, contemplating everything, smoking his vape and not even turning around to face me, come on Raya you've talked sense into him so many times in nearly a year how hard can it be? I take small, weary steps towards Nathan nervous as hell that's when I see Nathan turn and look over his shoulder at me I take a breath "Nath" I say "Raya hey babe sorry thought I told Julian to look after you?" says Nathan "babe I can take care of myself been sat with your Savvy proper hitting it off anyway what happened all I saw were you storming off outside?" I say "My estranged older sister and my dad are here," says Nathan "I know I've seen them  they were looking for your Jules and Livvy I don't get why they're here when all they do is take cheap shots at Livvy and Julian," I say Nathan sniffs the type of sniff where you know you're going to cry but you try to hold it in as much as possible "I just don't get it Raya-Sunshine I try to keep it in as much as I can but I can't I just can't," says Nathan his eyes well up I place his face in my hands "hey babe this is only a set back a tiny one at that it's the feeling I got when I saw Raymond and Sally at Levi's funeral last year but I survived that and you'll survive this babe I promise," I say "Raya I don't know how to tell you this but..." says Nathan that but at the end always gets me "but what?" I say afraid of what the answer will be "Babe my mental health's been declining ever since this engagement party was first mentioned and I'm scared of what the outcomes are going to be" says Nathan "Nathan look at me" I say "I know you've not had it easy baby and if you need help after this party to get yourself back to a normal healthy, happy headspace I will refer you to where I work for counselling if you want" "babe I thought you weren't supposed to counsel people you're involved with in your personal life" says Nathan I look to the side and sigh "no I can't as I already deal with you outside the counselling office I'd be tearing my hair out if I had to counsel you" I laugh Nathan lets out a slight chuckle "true babe but yeah I do need the help" says Nathan "I know you do, to be honest, I've been worried about you for a while babe" I say Nathan's hand holds my face "I know babe and I know it's not easy or fair to you but I'll get the help if it means we can be happier" says Nathan his face and words mirrored in my eyes and for the first time in my life with him I feel a good kind of hope "you promise?" I say "Here's my promise," says Nathan and with that, his face comes into mine and we kiss under the banner before I click on a camera going off we turn to the right and there we see Ruby "Did you just take a picture of us Rubes?" says Nathan "guilty as charged," says Ruby as Nathan walks up to her "always the super-sneak arent you Rubes" laughs Nathan over to have a nosy at the photo Ruby's just took of me and Nathan "aww Ruby that's beautiful send me that," I say "will do Raya," says Ruby she saves the image on her Snapchat before putting her phone into her bag and turning to Nathan "you alright now Nathan?" asks Ruby "yeah sis just Sara being here," says Nathan "I know Dad's a wanker why they've even come to this party is a wonder in itself," says Ruby, she shakes her head and rolls her eyes "to be honest Nathan just keep out his way by now he'll be sat on the fruitty's and Sara will be too busy rolling her eyes at everything and everybody" "alright then Ruby we're coming back in now" I say and with that the three of us make our way back into the hall.

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