Part 16 The Bath

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Raya's POV:

Whilst I enjoy my coffee, I feel like I heard running water I look over my shoulder, suspiciously "hold on I thought I'd pulled the cord onto on for the shower for Nathan?" I say as Auntie Mollie grabs her coffee cup and starts to make herself a cup, "well that sounds like the bath" says Mollie "does actually" I say that's when I notice Mollie look at the  boiler "the boiler's on Raya" says Mollie "is it?" I say getting up from the settee and going in to take a look at the boiler for myself and right as rain the boiler is on "wonder what he's up to he never has baths he has showers" I say as I finish the last drop of coffee and drop my cup in the sink, before heading upstairs.

When I head upstairs, I listen in and hear Nathan's music Linkin Park, I roll my eyes, typical Nathan the song playing is No One Can Save Me Now, fuck, I rattle the door a little "Nathan!" I shout as I bang on the door and no reply, this is the point I shit myself a little I try banging the door again "Nathan!" "it's open!" when I get a response and I calm down and go inside the bathroom "you okay babe?" asks Nathan as I walk in, I notice him laying in the bath naked as I go over to him "you're having a bath?" I say Nathan nods his head "yeah babe why do you look panicked?" asks Nathan "thought you'd killed yourself you know how I've been since Levi" I say "no don't worry babe just having a bath gives me chance to think also I wouldn't do that as I couldn't hurt you or anyone like that" says Nathan as he goes to wash his face "thank god" I sigh with relief for the second time that morning, before going over to the side of the bathtub and sitting on it "hey you're not joining me" says Nathan in a joking way "shut up" I say back playfully and I just smile "a lot on your mind still babes?" I ask "no just I enjoy baths usually when I'm either just come in from the gym when I'm achy or when I'm thinking about shit" explains Nathan "yeah that makes sense," I say before getting up and stripping out of my vest top and pyjama bottoms forgetting the fact I had no panties on (oops) "whoa I said you're not coming in with me" laughs Nathan "I'm not doing that," I say as I go to sit on the ledge next to the bath "pass me the sponge and some of that shower gel" Nathan hands me a bottle of Lynx Excite along with the sponge, I sit there a put a small amount of shower gel in the sponge and rub it into the whole of the sponge before scrubbing Nathan's back with it "aww babe that feels amazing," says Nathan as his head sinks into my tummy I just smile and just sit there scrubbing his back lost in the moment again.

Nathan's POV:

That feeling of having my back washed feels so good it's amazing that I just lay there and feel the bubbles go into every molecule of my back until I feel her wash both my shoulders and the lather going down my shoulders "feels so good babe" I say "good I'm glad" Raya whispers in my ear, dropping a kiss there on my cheek "look babe any struggle I'm gonna be here no matter what happens" "I know you will babe just so much is going on at the moment with the family" I say "I know baby, I know and I know it's hard and nothing spoken can help but at least I can be your hand to hold" says Raya. Just Raya and her words can get me through anything I thank my lucky stars that I'm with her, that I'm hers, that she's mine and I want to see a bright future with her only her and nobody else.

Raya soon gets up from the ledge and goes to the door when I hear the opening to Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi come on, I just lay there listening to the music not singing along, not headbanging just sitting there listening to the lyrics and relating them to my current situation and just enjoying the passion of Jon Bon Jovi's voice (what a guy!). I lay in the bath until the song finishes and that's when I pull myself out of the bath, take the plug out and let the water run down the plug hole and wrap the towel around my waist and take myself into Raya's bedroom where I hear her music playing too. 

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