Part 38

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Raya's POV:

That night after yet another gorgeous tea made by Nathan the night went off as usual Nathan and I were watching film and cuddling until eventually we fell asleep unaware of what was to happen.

Mollie's POV:

I am awoken from my sleep by a loud noise, "what the hell is that?" I say to myself, another noise follows like the noise of glass smashing, "Burglars we don't get crime around here very often" says a voice coming from the next room, that's when I see Raya coming out of her room and wrapped in her dressing gown "Auntie Mollie what even is that we don't have crime around here often?" "I don't know hun but it sounds close by which is frightening I'm going to go and investigate," I say "Okay Auntie Mollie I'll come with you," says Raya "Come on then leave the landing light on when you get down the stairs," I say and with that Raya and I hurry down the stairs and Raya flicks the light on, that is when I grab my keys, open the front door and that's when one of the neighbours comes ut "Mollie you okay love?" asks one of the neighbours being the closest to us being a man called Paul Chambers "yes Paul I'm fine did you hear a noise?" I ask "Yes it didn't sound good at all and I can't see any smashed windows around here" says Paul "How strange we never get crime around here it's such a nice little area" I say "I know love" says Paul both of us are puzzled.

Raya's POV:

Whilst another three neighbours came out Frank Turner who was another neighbour awoken by the noise came out and checked every single car on his side of the street, another neighbour had been awoken from their bed a lady who works with Mollie called Jane Goodwin come out with her husband James I heard every conversation every single one of the adults seemed as puzzled and confused as Mollie was then one of the younger neighbours a girl around my age Hannah Lovell came out and shone a torch on the car "who's car is JN4N RRO?" says Hannah and that's when I get this horrible feeling in my stomach and chest before saying "it's my Nathan's" "get him up now!" shouts Hannah to me "Nathan's car but...but why?" says Jane "he's such a lovely guy who would want to do this to him?" and with that in mind I have one suspect in my head "I'm calling the police and getting Nathan up" says Mollie as she runs inside to get her phone she's met by Nathan at the door "what the fuck's going on it's stupid o'clock in the morning?" says Nathan "just heard a noise Nathan thought you would have heard it as Raya's up too" says Mollie "what you on about?" says Nathan "Nathan over here babe!" I shout Nathan comes running over "Raya what's going on babe?" says Nathan "Shine that light, Hannah!" I call to Hannah, Hannah shines the torch and shows Nathan the damage "Oh my fucking god!" shouts Nathan as his hands cover his face in disbelief "Who would do that though!" says Hannah "One suspect springs to my mind" I say "who?" says Hannah "my ex Connor Emmerson" I say "he better not have otherwise this place will turn into a lynch mob" says Hannah and with that something snapped in Nathan "this is your fault!" shouts Nathan blaming me "what you on about you wanted to drive me!" I shout back "well you fell into his trap then blaming me I'll break his fucking legs" shouts Nathan "Nathan come on babe now your being pathetic!" I shout "how am I my car's destroyed and it's all because of you!" says Nathan gesturing to the broken car "this is coming out of your money!" "you can fuck off you cheeky bastard I've done fuck all to your car!" I shout "well when morning comes I'm out of here first train back!" shouts Nathan "whoa don't you dare talk to her like that!" shouts Mollie "fuck off Mollie you should have took her not me" shouts Nathan "don't you dare speak to me like that!" shouts Mollie.

Mollie's POV:

I turn to Paul "Paul stay out here with me please mate" I say "I will do love" says Paul coming up the path "Hannah take Raya in yours please hun" I say "I'm on it come on Raya," says Hannah and with that Hannah puts her arm around Raya and takes her in her house and shuts the door. The look in Nathan's eyes is one I have seen before with a previous boyfriend where there's nothing, no emotion, no feeling nothing just absolutely nothing "You should have taken her to that cunts house and let her shag him!" shouts Nathan "what the fuck are you on with? Raya wouldn't shag Connor and you know that!" I shout back at Nathan and with that being said I see Nathan's fist come out Paul jumps in front of me and tries to restrain Nathan I run to Hannah's window  and tap on it "Mollie what's up?" asks Hannah "Get Raya to ring Julian as soon as possible he's getting violent and I can't handle this, with that I hear Raya come running to the window "where's Nathan?" says Raya "on the floor Paul's had to restrain him babe call Julian!" I say Raya looks like her heart has been broken into bits but because she has her phone in her dressing gown pocket she takes it out and starts to ring Julian's number.

Raya's POV:

My head's working overtime but I phone Julian and nothing picks up until I hear a female voice being Livvy's on the other line "Hello Raya what's up?" says Livvy "Wake Julian up Nathan's going mental!" I say "What do you mean?" says Livvy "Someone's smashed his car I know who's done it and Nathan's having to be restrained by one of our neighbours and I need someone to talk him down he says he's wanting to go home," I say "Raya I can't wake Julian up as he's working tomorrow but I'll get ready and come through," says Livvy "okay then babe I'll see you soon," I say "see you soon hun bye," says Livvy. I hang up the phone where Mollie has just come into Hannah's house "What's happening?" says Auntie Mollie "Livvy's coming to get him I need to get his stuff from the house does Paul still have Nathan restrained?" I ask "I think so go and hurry!" shouts Mollie, I run out the door of Hannah's house to get to my house that's where I see Nathan still being restrained by Paul and another one of our male neighbours Darren Cox "Pathetic slag shagging Connor behind my back bet you put him up to it didn't you!" shouts Nathan struggling to get up "ignore that love it's a psychotic episode he doesn't know what he's saying!" says Darren, to be honest, I'm thankful we've got Darren on this street he knows mental health better than I do "Darren tell him his sister in law's on her way!" I call as I go to my house.

Once in my house, I find all Nathan's belongings from his wallet to his weekend bag everything he needs to go home as I'm packing his bag I'm startled to receive a phone call "Livvy" shows up on my screen I pick up the call "Livvy" I say "hey babe what's your address?" asks Livvy "14 Daxlan Road" I say "I'm on my way now hun" says Livvy, and with that the phone hangs up. It's a long nervous wait as I wait for Livvy to get here as soon as possible, and that's when I see Nathan at the door "Raya I'm sorry" says Nathan "Here's your stuff I'll see you whenever I see you next I'll get your car fixed" I say handing him his stuff back "Raya you don't need to pay at all" says Nathan "might as well seeing as it's my fault the car was ruined" I say "Raya just leave it" says Mollie "I can't Mollie he's right though isn't he?" I say "Raya no he's not hun he doesn't even know what the fuck's going on" says Mollie "What you on about?" I say "I'll explain when he's not here," says Mollie, a few minutes later a car comes up the road "Raya!" shouts a voice from the car I walk over to the car "Is Nathan here?" says Livvy "yes he is," I say "Nathan!" I shout "Yes I'm here," says Nathan "Livvy's here now," I say "Nathan get in the car," says Livvy, Nathan picks up his bag and turns to me "Raya... I'm sorry," says Nathan "same babe," I say and with that, we hug and have a quick kiss, something tells me this will be the last I see of Nathan for a while as he puts his bag on the floor of Livvy's car as he sits down Livvy gets out of the vehicle, "Raya you okay?" says Livvy "not really no like he's been blaming me for it," I say "what you didn't even smash up his car?" says Livvy "I know I didn't but I can guess who did and he's blamed me for shagging the suspect as well," I say "have you?" asks Livvy "no I couldn't get who it is in the house without Mollie going mad," I say "Raya it's called pyschosis you're a counsellor you've been trained in this," says Livvy "Livvy please don't be mad at me" I say "I'm not hun I'm just fucked off that I've had to leave my house at stupid o'clock when it's my day off tomorrow" says Livvy "anyway show me the damage", I take Livvy over to Nathan's smashed up, slashed tires, broken glass filled car I don't know why I'm doing it when Mollie's closer to it. When Livvy sees the damage her eyes go into disbelief mode "Does no one around here have CCTV?" says Livvy "No because we never hardly get crime around here" says Mollie "Really because it's been like that tonight hasn't it" says Livvy "Livvy stop having a go please" says Mollie "sorry Mollie but if we had CCTV we could have evidence and Raya's already got a suspect in mind but without solid evidence, there's no proof" says Livvy "one of the neighbours have called the police but with how Nathan's been tonight things haven't been good Livvy" I say "I know babe and I know everyone's heads all over the place I need to get his car fixed as soon as possible and when the police arrive Raya tell them everything" says Livvy as she looks over at Nathan in the car "I best get him to mine before anything else happens" "okay then Livvy" I say "okay then I'll see you soon Raya" says Livvy "you too babe" I say and with that Livvy gets in the car and starts to drive away and all I feel is complete sadness I look around my surroundings, the houses, the neighbours, but the one thing I cannot keep my eyes off is Nathan's smashed up car. 

My mind races with horrible thoughts, what's going to happen to Nathan, will Livvy actually hate me for this even though nothing is my fault my head's racing with unwanted images Nathan's been the only thing that's been right in all I've done and I'm scared I'm going to lose him forever.

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