Part 3 Julian's Proposal

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Raya's POV:

Sometime later after the amazing sex that Nathan and I have so often. We were in our comfy clothing jogging bottoms and just his shirt off was Nathan and I was in one of Nathan's long oversized hoodies, wearing like a dress. We began to take a look on Netflix to see if there was anything good on "Raya fancy watching Orphan again?" teases Nathan "err no, no I fucking don't" I say almost in horror. Now for those of you who haven't seen the film, I will lay down the basic gist, so when a couple loses their baby to stillbirth, they adopt a young Russian girl Ester and things get very creepy and fucked up I'll be honest it's a decent enough film but it's really awful. 

"Let's watch something that's not ultimately horrible babe for god sake," I say, I grab the remote and start to surf through the wide selection of films until I find one that I haven't watched in years Eminem's 8 Mile, I click the "OK" button on the remote and begin the film, Nathan and I just curled up on the sofa, my head on Nathan's shoulder "great film this," says Nathan as his hand touches my naked knee as his lips kiss my forehead, it's these types of days I live for where we have each other, I just wouldn't know how I'd survive without him nearly 2 years is such a long time I mean Connor I was with for nearly three years and with how appalling he treated me I never thought I'd get better than that. Just the days where we hang out in our comfy clothes, watch films and just enjoy each other's company I think that's the secret to an incredible relationship. That though was before we got some news we never saw coming.

Julian's POV:

Whilst Ruby was out with her mates, I decided to cook dinner for us both, I decided to cook a lasagne, with warm garlic bread and for this occasion, I put a white, lacey tablecloth over the table, added two rose-scented candles to the table, two sets of cutlery one for Livvy and one for me. My god was I nervous? Yes is the short answer. But I knew that I was doing the right thing I had the ring box in my pocket ready for my proposal, I took the ring box out of my pocket, opened it up and looked at the most beautiful, most precious ring that was sat in the centre as I looked at it everything with Livvy came flooding back, our first date together, the way she giggled at my shit jokes, the day she met my dad, Nathan and Ruby and instantly liked them all, the day we went to see a movie at the cinema and we were the only two out of five people in there, then I think of all the reasons I am wanting to marry Livvy, her laughter that I want to hear, her smile I want to wake up to, the way she speaks words of pure love, just everything she is and what she stands for she's complete perfection.

I eventually put the ring back in my pocket and carry on making the dinner, I check to see how the lasagna's doing to make sure the cheese sauce is getting in every nook and cranny of the three sheets of pasta, how the extra cheesy is melting and bubbling and crisping nicely, I then check the garlic bread making sure it's hot enough.

When the garlic bread is done, I take it out and chop three pieces for me and two pieces for Livvy as she likes to have a bit of salad with her lasagna. When I have chopped the garlic bread I put two pieces on Livvy's plate and three on mine, I wait another five minutes on the lasagna before I take it out of the oven so that's when I decided to light the candles, grabbed the salad bowl and put it on the table. 

A moment later I heard the door go it was Livvy, I heard her hang her coat up and make her way to the kitchen, when she got to the kitchen she shut the door behind her, Livvy's face was just an enormous grin "what's all this?" squeaked Livvy "thought I'd surprise you" I said "take a seat" I gesture her to one of the seats at the table, Livvy went and sat down I smiled at her and pushed her chair in for her "what a gent hey" said Livvy "only the best for my beautiful lady" I said, taking the  lasagna out of the oven and setting it on the countertop, I then grabbed a spatula and a fish slice and cut a bit for Livvy and a bit for myself, I then like a waiter at a posh Italian restaurant brought it over "for the lady" I said with my shitty Italian accent, I slide the plate in front of her "thank you" says Livvy with a cute "oh he's being a dafty again" smile she does, I place mine down in front of me and we start to eat "damn where are my manners" I said shaking my head in disbelief, I get up and go to the fridge "what's up babe?" asked Livvy she looked confused. 

I grab a bottle of Prosecco and pop the cork "Ahh" Livvy's laughing isn't helping the situation if anything I am so nervous that if I could have the ground open up and swallow me it would have done it by now. I grab two wine glasses and pour out two glasses of Prosecco when they are poured I place one for Livvy and one for myself "Prosecco hey" "well thought I'd treat you" I say, I pick my glass up and so does Livvy "here's to the most beautiful girl in my world" Livvy giggles, and clings her glass against mine we both take a sip, me shuddering at how awful it tastes and how I wish it was beer but anything for my woman.

When the meal was finished, I go over to Livvy "Liv" I started but then paused "what's all this in aid of babe?" asks Livvy "well Olivia Rose Emmerson I have loved you for a long, long time and I think you're the most beautiful most wonderful woman in the world" I say, I get down on one knee and take her hand, Livvy looks almost taken aback, her hand covers her shocked mouth "and would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" "YES!" shrieks Olivia. I pop the ring on her finger and it's a perfect fit. If I'm honest I could stay here in this moment forever I have my Livvy who has gone from being my girlfriend of 6 years to my fiancee.

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