Chapter 47

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Guys, listen. Before you start reading, I have two things to say to you. One: it isn't edited. I am too sick to edit.

And two: I am sorry for the content. I am so so so utterly sorry for the following, but it had to be done. I am so sorry.




Xandros passed away two months ago and I gave birth to Ayla Davidson a month ago.

The heart attack Xandros had was quite fatal and he couldn't survive the intensity of it. And what made it more devastating was how he didn't even get to meet

Ayla once. He passed away a month before that blessing came.

I sniffled and wiped away my tears as more came down when Owen sighed and came and sat right next to me, "Ag-"

"Why?" My voice was heavy, strained and saturated with depression as tears flowed freely down my cheeks, dampening my clothes in the process when I cradled Ayla closer to me, "Why did he have to go, Owie? Why couldn't he stay much longer? Why didn't he wait to meet our baby girl? Why didn't he stay longer for me? He was here when all of our babies died, but why not be there when she finally made it?"

My heart wrenched and screamed when I pulled Ayla even closer to me and buried my face in her blanket. Robs zipped through my body when Owen sighed again and pulled me closer to himself as he whispered, "He wanted to go."

I looked up at him, "Wanted to go where, Owie? I would have never stopped him if he wanted-" his eyes held pain when a guttural cry left my lips, "Not thereeeeeee."

Owen held me close as I cried my damn heart out, my exterior warrior never too strong to let me hold myself up straight. I missed him. I missed missed missed my husband like so damn much. I missed his face, his warmth, his smile, his chuckles, his voice, his remarks, his petty insults, his.......... everything. I missed the way I would wake up in the morning with him pulling me closer to his chest.

I missed how he would chuckle in my neck and lay a kiss there, awakening butterflies in my stomach. I missed the way he would come home early to surprise me with flowers, chocolates and a tight hug from behind. His, 'Hey you.'

I craved our closed door talks, his cuddles and his random talks with me. My soul needed to once again sit with him on the terrace, look at the stars as he would just talk about random stuff. Or how he would eventually pick me up and lay me on top of him as I would curl into his embrace and sleep in his arms, only to wake up the next morning in bed with him pulling me closer to his chest.

I missed so much of Xandros that he left behind. His car, car keys, his wallet, his clothes, shoes, perfumes, ties, suits, scent...... everything. My man left everything behind and went so so far away from his wife and daughter that...... I couldn't catch him. If I could just hold onto a bit of his jacket and pull him from the afterlife?

I would have.

I would have been selfish, wouldn't have cared that he was finally meeting his parents and brother there, but I would have pulled him back and begged for him to stay a bit longer, to hug me for a bit more time and to see Ayla once. Just once. Just........ glance at her once and see how beautiful she is. How beautifully well she resembles her father in every way.

Even the cute dimples on her cheeks came from Xandros.

Memories of my lifeline and I, rushed through my mind, making me cry even harder at the memory of that one person I loved till death when a little noise broke through the air, stilling my heart whenever I heard it. I stopped crying and looked at Ayla when she was moving a bit, her eyes filled with tears and her face clearly telling that she was about to cry.

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now