Chapter 44

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Pregnancy was still going on, smooth and lit as hell. I was ever so happy over the fact that I was still pregnant and the baby was still there. We went to our usual checkup and Xandros and I, couldn't help but to tear up when we heard the heartbeat of our baby. That firm heartbeat was enough to make anyone cry. I would always rub my belly and feel happiness surge through my body, making me feel like a mother already.

Never in my past pregnancies did I make it till the eighth month, but the fact that I made it this far in this pregnancy was another miracle. Xandros had strictly asked me to observe bed rest to make sure nothing went wrong with either the baby or the mother. He even went so far as to hire a nanny for me. And who was my nanny?

Owen Grace.


I was resting on the bed when there was a knock on the door and without awaiting my response, Owen kicked it open and came inside, carrying my food in his hands and grunting, "Here is your food, Miss Sicko bean of mustard old and shit of a cow."

I ignored the insult and took my pasta when I pointed at him, "Fries. I am craving them."

"AG, it's fuckin hot-"

Another low, dark voice interrupted us, sending bolts of shiver down the septum of my heart, making me clench my legs at the low vibrations of what his voice did to me down there, "It's your duty to take care of your pregnant sister while she risks her life on every stone while giving birth to my child. I could have taken care of her but I also have work to do, so by the time I have work, you fucking take care of my wife, or else."

My heart somersaulted when I heard Xandros's low voice. My toes curled in when he entered the room, his hair a mess, glasses resting on his nose, his suit coat on, muscles bulging from underneath that coat and that massive bulge against the front of his pants and- "Stop drooling, princess."

My mouth shut when Owen looked at me and giggled. He actually giggled when he came closer and pinched my cheek, "I fucking hate you."

"Love you too. Fries."

He chuckled and nodded, "Coming."

He was about to leave when Xandros spoke, as he carelessly threw his suit coat over the nearest chair, "Mr. Heather called me."

Owen stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, "W-w-why?"

Ooooo drama. I sat back and started having my pasta when Xandros turned around to look at Owen, "Can't you keep your fucking dick in your pants for once?"

I choked on my food and started coughing when both men rushed to my side. After making sure that I was okay, I drank my water and looked at Xos, "Why talking about his pee-pee?"

Owen glared at me, "It's a dick, or a penis, not a pee-pee. It's big and-"

Xandros smacked his head, "Have some shame, man. That's my wife you are talking to."

"And my sister."

Xandros nodded, "Exactly. Have some shame."

"Oh yeah, makes sense. Anyways, why did he call you?"

Xandros sat next to me, "Who's Katherine?"

Owen WIGGLED his body and sat on the floor in front of us when he started, "A reallllyyyy hot girl with the biggest breasts that I have ever seen." He RUDELY pointed at me, "Even bigger than the aftereffects of every pregnancy that AG went through." I scowled at him and threw a cushion when he continued, "She wears tight clothes, veryyyy short skirts, hot as fuck G-strings. Her body is slim as an hour glass and wraps perfectly around a man's waist-"

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now