Chapter 32

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Owen calmed down after some time when he looked at me, tears streaming down his cheeks, "Please don't-"

"Who said you are losing me, bud? No force on this fucking earth can separate you and me, no matter how close or important that toxic force is."

Ava cut her gaze to her mum, "What did you do?"


I interrupted, "She asked me to leave you. To breakup with you and to never return. She called me a wizard for keeping you happy. She called me a magician and accused me of doing black magic on you because I was keeping you and Owie happy. She slapped me because of this and asked me to leave you and that she'll take you somewhere far away where you wouldn't ever be able to meet me.

She called me a playboy, called me a rapist and accused me of using your body and then discarding you away, thinking that you are nothing more than a-" I covered Owen's ear and whispered, "whore. Your mother said all of this. She accused me of being the type of guy to force myself on you, impregnate you and throw you on the streets as a piece of garbage and utter rubbish that I wouldn't want in my house. Her thoughts."

Anyone could tell by my wording that I was pissed. Pissed as hell.

I glared at Ava when she was just looking at her mum and her mum was looking down. She wasn't saying anything when I placed Owen on the ground and reassured him, "I'm never leaving you, bud. Not till the day I die."

No one spoke a word when Owen stepped forward and hit his mother in the leg as his voice cracked, "You are wrong. You are totally wrong, mama."

Ms. Johnsonn's face broke into a cry when she sat on the floor and pulled Owen in for a hug. Owen hugged her and whispered, "Do you love me?"

Ms. Johnsonn feverishly nodded her head yes, "Yes baby, I love you. Mama loves you so much.""Then don't do this, mama. I love him."

Ms. Johnsonn looked at me when I gave her no response other than just staring blankly at her. She turned her face away before looking at Ava when a lone tear escaped through Ava's eye as she whispered, "Not every novel has the same plot, mother." Her saying mother signalled her anger, hurt and betrayal and Ms. Johnsonn clearly realized this.

Ava turned around, picked up Owen's and my gift when she turned around and spoke with her mother sternly, "I don't need your gift, I don't want to have it. I'll be staying over at my boyfriend's house until further notice."

She walked past her when Ms. Johnsonn got up, "Stop Ava! You'll stay here."

Ava kept on walking, "You are in no position to argue with me, mother!"


Ava swivelled around and started crying, "AND BY WHAT REASONS? BECAUSE HE MAKES ME HAPPY? HE MAKES ME FEEL LOVED? HE MAKES ME FEEL IMPORTANT?" There was silence when she whispered, "Because he didn't leave me yet like father? Really? Just because you didn't get love, doesn't mean that I also wouldn't get it. Just because your own husband threw you out like trash-"

I interrupted, "Ava, that's enough!"

"No Xandros, no-"


One word and my girl stopped whatever she was about to say. I went towards her and rubbed her arms when I removed her tears and kissed her forehead, "She's your mother, she is just worried about you. Doesn't want for you to end up sad and wounded like her."

"But I won't, Xandros-"

"Sshh honey, I know. She needs time and she isn't wrong. Think from a mother's point of view-"

"Go." Our heads whipped in Ms. Johnsonn's direction whose eyes were swollen as she whispered, "Go and live with him for as long as you like." She then cut her eyes at me, "You hurt her once-"

"Save yourself the time to even think for a punishment, Ms. Johnsonn."

She nodded after a few seconds when Ava turned around and rushed upwards to collect her stuff. Not wanting to waste time to first go to my house, then get her dressed and then somewhere outside, I followed her to her room. She was quickly packing a bag when I closed the door, went towards her and laid my hands over her shoulders.

She paused and stood up when turning around, she hugged me.

I gripped her in a tight hug and kissed her head, "You sure about this?"

She looked into my eyes, sighed and grabbed my hand when she made me sit on the bed. She extracted her hand and placed her arms between her legs when she finally asked, "What exactly are we?"

I looked at her for a few seconds before I asked, "Are you also questioning our relationship?"

"No. Never. I have seen men, I have seen my own dad and you are nowhere close to him. But I want to know, if you are really okay with all of this? You do understand, that whatever happened down there clearly signals me moving in with you and-"

"I understand english and I have no problem in whatever lays ahead of us. It just made things easier for me. I have been finding ways and opportunities where I could ask you or your mum to let you move in with me, and if this is the chance? Then so be it."

Her eyes warmed when she whispered, "Really?"

I nodded, "I don't want to lie to you or keep someone else's portrait of scenery around you calling it mine. No. I'll be damn honest with you and that is, that I love you. I love you more than my life, I want you to move in with me, to share your life with me and every other hurdle that comes in the way." I looked into her eyes and grabbed her hand, "I wasn't ever sure if my family had totally left me after their deaths, but I am damn sure about my feelings towards you Ava. If it was a momentary fuck? I wouldn't have carried us this far. Trust me when I say, that you are all that I have and all that I need. You're all that my heart could ever desire for. I love you."

Tears brimmed her eyes and threatened to fill mine when I whispered, "I lost three gems and gained an angel in return. I don't want to let go of that angel. Ever."

Tears rolled down her cheeks when she jumped into my arms, looping her arms around my waist and just hugged me. I laid back down and pulled her closer to my embrace when she hiccuped, "I want to stay with you."

Chuckling, I smacked her ass, "Perfect. Move in with me."

She raised an eyebrow, "I smell some naughtiness in the air."

"Well, sorry to inform you, but I have to continue the family line and so, yes."

She laughed and hit my chest when getting back up, she resumed packing. I helped her along when as soon as it was all done, I looked at her, "Open my present and get ready. I'll take you out to dinner first and then we'll go home."




My insta: anachaudhry123

Insta: authora.zchaudhry

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now