Episode 1: Gem Therapy

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Steven and Spyro stand in front of the front doors to a private "house office." The sign above read: "Heroic Healing: Private Therapy for Magical Warriors and Creatures."

Spyro: You ready?

Steven swallowed, took a deep breath, then nodded his head "yes." Spyro smiled and opened the doors to the office. The two boys stepped inside and Spyro called out for the doctor.

Spyro: Hello? Mr. Gantor, are you here?

A voice called back from another room.

???: Ah, yes! Please have a seat, I'll be with you shortly.

Spyro beckoned Steven to sit down in one of the plush chairs behind a modest looking work desk and after a couple more minutes, a sharply-dressed dinosaur-like creature walked in from the other room and smiled upon seeing them.

Dinosaur: Hello there. Sorry, I had to finish getting ready for our appointment.

Spryo: It's no trouble at all sir. We're just happy you were able to take us on such short notice.

Dinosaur: *Smiles* And... you must be Steven Universe, correct?

Steven's eyes flicked up to meet the dinosaur's face. He gave a quick "Mm-hm" before flicking his gaze back down to his folded hands in his lap.

???: I can see that you're nervous boy, but don't worry, I don't bite. Despite my... obvious appearance.

Steven (Quietly): I know... you're not the first dino-like creature I've encountered.

???: And I'm sure I won't be the last either. My name is Dr. Igneous Gantor, but you can call me "Dr. Gantor" or "Dr. Igneous." I'm not much of a stickler for formalities.

Steven (Quietly): OK...

Dr. Gantor: Now, your friend Spyro here told me that you've had... quite the ordeal a couple of days ago. Relating to... "past experiences." I don't know much else besides that, so... if you're able to... think you can tell me what happened?

Steven gives a cursory glance back at Spyro, who motions his head in a way that said "go on." He turned his head back to the doctor, took a deep breath, and started to tell him everything.

Steven: I'm sure you've heard about how me and the rest of Team Aurora stopped the Diamonds in their conquest of the universe. And if you're like most other fans, you'll know that Garnet, Pearl, and my mom fought in a vicious war to save the Earth from getting conquered as well. However, my mom, who was Pink Diamond, faked her death in order to take on the alias of a Rose Quartz that went on to lead the rebellion. The war ended when the 3 remaining Diamonds, Yellow, Blue, and White, cast a powerful spell on all of the gems still on Earth, causing their beings and minds to become warped and twisted. Garnet, Pearl, and my mom survived only by her keeping them all under her shield. And for the next 6,000 or so years, my mom, Garnet, Pearl, and eventually Amethyst all took care of rounding up all of the remaining corrupted gems from the planet. And during that time, my mom met my dad, they got married, and had me. But since my mom was made of inorganic matter and my dad wasn't, she gave up her physical form to create me, leaving my dad, and the gems to raise me by themselves.

Dr. Gantor: Mmm... yes I know about all of that. It's pretty much common knowledge to anyone who knows anything about you and your team.

Steven: Yes. And ever since I've been old enough to control and channel my powers, I've been helping the gems find the rest of the corrupted gems and trying to find out more about my mom. And eventually, I did find out everything about her. About how she faked her own shattering to fight in the war, and how she lied to literally EVERYONE about it... Even me...

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