Chapter 66

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Innocent Heart Part 67

Two days later

It was night time and Aashi came to their room completing all her work where she found Vishant talking to someone on the phone, his back was facing towards her and he was so engrossed in that that he didn't even notice her coming inside the room.

She thought that he must be talking to his business associates so she silently walked towards the closet to get her clothes for the night. She was very tired so she just wanted to change clothes as soon as possible and get into the bed but hearing his words her feet froze on the floor and for once she couldn't believe whether what she just had heard was true or her illusion.

She slowly turned around with her thumbing heart and praying in her mind that what she heard was just an illusion and looked at him who was still unaware of her presence.

"You do as I say. He is thick skinned. he will not die so easily. Torture him to such an extent that he prays every moment to die but does not die. I want to show him hell before he dies which I specially made for him. He can't die so soon. he has snatched my parents from me and he will have to face my wrath." he said while clenching his jaw with gritted teeth, unaware that a daughter was listening how her husband was giving orders to torture her father when he had promised her that he will not do anything to him and let the law punish him for his crime.

She gasped putting her hand over her mouth and tears started rolling down from her eyes one by one because no daughter could see her father in pain even if he was a monster because no matter what he was to the world but he was always her saviour and the shield who had protected her from the evil of the world, who had loved her selflessly.

He turned around when he heard some noises from his behind and was shocked to see Aashi there because he didn't want her to know about what he was doing behind her back but the emotions flowing in her eyes were enough to tell him that she had heard everything, so now he couldn't hide anything from her.

"Aashi" he lovingly called her name as he walked towards her as he saw tears storming down from her eyes. it hurt him. He cursed himself, he had promised himself that he will never let tears come in her eyes, but today she was again crying because of him, that's why he wanted to hide it from her, but it was said that the we couldn't hide the truth from anyone, one day it came out and his truth was also revealed in worst way.

"Don't even dare to touch me. Stay where you are standing and answer my questions why did you do this???" There was anger, pain and a something strange in her voice which he was not able to recognize but her words stopped him from moving forward.

"Listen love" He again tried to get closer to her but she retreated back her steps and looked at him angrily "tell me why you did this. You promised me that you would not touch him, so why are you torturing him? For God's sake Vishant, he is old, have some mercy on his age. You wanted to punish him for the death of your parents, then the law gave him life imprisonment, he will take his last breath in the four walls of the jail, then why are you torturing him?"

She couldn't control herself. She agreed that her father was wrong and that he should be punished for his crime, so she never asked him to forgive him even once, if only she asked anything that he should let him serve his share of punishment in peace and couldn't he do that much for her??

Something clicked in her mind and it didn't take a second to understand her why he was behaving suspiciously after coming from Shimla. Now everything was making sense that how he never used to talk in front of her on calls and whenever she asked him, how he used to avoid her by making excuses.

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