chapter 11

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Innocent Heart Part 11

Vishant got a call from one of his friends and he came inside the house to talk to him because there was a lot of noise outside the house. After talking to his friend for a while, he kept the phone in his pocket.

His mind drifted back in her thought. He wanted to stop his mind to think about her but as if his mind will listen him.

"Aashi what shall I do to you? Whenever you come in front of me, I don't know what happens to me?? I forget myself and start doing all stupid things which I never thought in my dream. I know that you will be angry with me with my turmeric act but what should I do??? I felt you to paint in that turmeric I did the same." He said to himself with a genuine smile. Her face flashed in front of his eyes and a sudden urge to see her kicked him. He

Some noises disturbed his thought. He was near the same garden in which Aashi and Kabir were there. He thought to go there to see what was happening there. He came to the garden with wide smile but his smile left his face and anger took his smile’s place, he clenched his jaws, face turned red in anger and his eyes turned into dark shade who was ready to show hell when he saw the scene which unfolding before his eyes.

He saw his love of life was on some other man.

Seeing Aashi and Kabir so close to each other on the ground made him very furious. He was feeling like to kill Karan. he fisted his hands. His blood was boiling.

His evil mind played his perfect role to entice him. He was feeling many emotions but Jealousy and Anger was on top.

Seeing them like this he misunderstood everything that something was going on between them.

He came to them and he grabbed her arm and pulled her away from him and made her stand in front of him.  She startled by this and closed her eyes in fear.

His mind stopped working. He didn’t know what's going in his mind.


He was seeing everything Red.

He picked Kabir up from the ground by his collar without wasting a single second he punched him hard on his jaw. Kabir lost his balance and he fell down again.

Kabir was not aware of what just happened but when he understood what was happening after a while, he also tried to get up from ground but vishant didn’t let him. he pushed him again. Kabir asked him in anger “what are you doing?? Are you lost your mind??”

“This is my home not some cheap hotel where you can do your filthy and cheap act. How dare you do such a filthy and shameless thing in my house?? How dare you??” he shouted on them in his dangerous and dark tone which could make anyone to pee in their pants.

Aashi didn’t understand what's going on by seeing everything. Tears started flowing from her eyes again but seeing vishant’s dark aura she started shivering in fear.

When his words fell in her ears, she felt disgusted. How could he said something disgusting to her.

Vishant raised his hand again to punch Kabir but stopped when he saw her between them. She was frightened but She still dared to stand between Vishant and Kabir. She didn’t want to Kabir to suffer because of his anger.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him. they were so close. she put her free hand on his chest to make some distance between them.  She tried to free her hand but he didn’t leave in fact he held more painfully and a painful scream left from her mouth.

"I didn't think you'd turn out to be this type of girl. How many men do you want for your pleasure?? You are such a cheap girl. Now don't say that there is no such thing as that once I trusted you but now you don't even deserve my trust. I have not seen a cheap slut like you till now. What did I think of you but what did you come out of? I didn't think you'd be so cheap and lousy. Disgusting." he said to her venomously and pushed her away hard.

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