New story 'Price of Humanity'

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Sitting on the bench outside the operation theater when I should not be here because I was not related to the person for whom I was sitting here, I did not have any relation with him in fact I did not even know him but I was still sitting here for the sake of humanity and waiting for the doctor to come out so that I could leave after knowing that he was safe Or for the arrival of some of his relative or friend so that I could leave here.
The sound of my phone's ringtone attracted me which was coming from my bag. I took out my phone from my bag and saw that papa was calling me. He must be getting worried for me why I hadn't come home till now when I should have reached home two hours earlier.
As soon as I put my phone on my ear, I heard the worried voice of my father from the other side, "beta, are you okay?? Nothing happened to you? Why haven't you come home yet?? Is there any problem??shall i come to pick you up??? Why are you silent, say something??? You know how worried we all are for you. You do one thing, you stay there, I myself will come to pick you up."
Papa was very over protective of me. Every parent was over protective about their children but my family was on a different level which was not in anyone's capability to beat.
"Say something, you are scaring me" I shook my head. if he gave me a chance to say something then only I will be able to say something.
"Dad I'm fine. Please give me a chance to explain everything" i told him patiently and I heard his sigh from the other side, it meant that now I could tell him and he will listen to me without intruppting me.
I told him everything what happened and where I was and I was waiting for that person relative or friend to come because of humanity. As soon as I finished, I hear my father's angry and harsh voice from the other side which he only used to me when I did something I shouldn't have done "Have you forgotten how we get the price of our humanity or I will have to remind you??? You wait for me right there, I am coming to pick you up and you don't need to repeat my mistake which I did by showing my humanity to someone, in return of which we got what we never forget." And with this line got disconnected.
I froze in my place. How did I forget how our humanity was paid when I had already paid its real prize, whose stain and dark impression was still on my soul.
I was so naive that I forgot and started repeating the same mistake that father had made which destroyed me.
How could I forget what I had lost in return of humanity?
Everything started spinning before my eyes.
My body started shaking, I started sweating and  started having trouble breathing like someone was squeezing my throat in painful grip.
It's getting dark in front of my eyes and my heart started beating like it's going to rip out of my chest any moment.
I knew what was happening to me and I was going to have another panic attack which will again shut me down from this cruel world for a while and sent me to a peaceful place where there will be only peace for me.
I was hearing voices of some people around me who were asking me what was happening to me but I was not in a position to answer anyone.
I heard someone's voice "she is having a panic attack, we should shift her to the room and call a doctor to treat her."
After this all voices stopped coming to me and my eyes were completely closed and I also accepted it happily and he/she must be a fool who would reject peace.

This is the prologue of my new story which I am going to start from upcoming month.
Perhaps this story will be the same that you have heard before, but the way of telling it will be different, the person telling it will also be different But I would still like you to give it a chance and decide for yourself whether this story is similar to what you have read or not Because it is a mixture of both reality and imagination.
And one more thing if you want me to start this story from next month, then definitely tell me by your supporting comments.

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