Chapter 62

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Innocent Heart Part 62

Two loving hearts were sleeping forgetting everything in each other's arms, they had no worry of yesterday nor tomorrow. they're with each other it's enough for them. There was peace on their face as they were unaware about a storm was rapidly moving towards them to ruin their happiness.

Again, after many years the same storm had arisen which had the power to destroy everything for them again.

The loud sound of his phone's ringtone was disturbing Aashi and Vishant, but neither of them was in a mood to open their eyes and put the break on that irritating sound which was disturbing their peaceful sleep.

His face was in the crook of her neck, with one hand under her head and the other on her waist holding her protectively. When the phone did not stop ringing, she groaned in irritation patting his hand which was on her waist and mumbled "Vishant your phone is ringing. Please see who is it??? This is disturbing my sleep."

"Hmm..." this was she got in answer as he snuggled his face more in her neck pulling her close to him.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the phone stopped ringing but before she slipped into sleep again, the phone started ringing again making her groan in annoyance. She opened her eyes and looked at him who was sleeping without any care, ignoring the sound of the ringtone while his devil phone was hell bent on snatching her sleep.

She scoffed at him inaudibly removing his hand from her waist to get up and looked at his phone which was on the side table next to him.

He was getting a call from an unknown number, at first, she thought of disconnecting the call and to switch off the phone so that it did not disturb them from further but she remembered that her husband was a businessman so she rejected the idea reluctantly.

She thought that this could be an important phone call, so she picked up the call and put the phone on his ear and about to sleep again but he sat down on the bed abruptly making her startled by his sudden act.

She looked at him lazily. His hand's veins pooped out as he clutched his phone tightly in his fist. His face changed in damm serious with clenching jaws and his eyes turned red like blood.

She was stunned to see this sudden change in his nature and she forgot her sleep in an instant.

She got that the person on the other end of the call was behind his changed nature as she heard his next words.

"If anything happens to them, I will kill you bastard" he shouted angrily gritting his teeth making her flinched on her place at his loud voice.

He got down from the bed without looking at her who was looking at him with worry in her eyes.

"What do you want???" He seethed angrily and started pacing from one corner to another in the room fuming in fury.

He looked as if he would kill someone because he was not the soft Vishant in whose arms, she had been sleeping a while back but the Vishant whose one glance was enough to make her tremble with fear.

Seeing this, she too got down from the bed and stood near bed but didn't go near him as she scared of this intimidating and dangerous vishant. She was literally trembling in fear seeing his furious form. She knew that he will not harm her but she couldn't help it as his anger was the reason behind her fear which was unpredictable.

She had no idea what was happening but she definitely sure that whatever was happening was not good at all because the way he was behaving was not a good sign.

something big was going to happen.

She came out of her trance when she heard a loud banging sound of the door and she saw that he was not in the room.

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