Chapter 40

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Innocent Heart Part 40


Vishant came and stood near Karan who was staring at Mahi with longing eyes. She was looking damm beautiful in light green lehenga. He badly wanted to talk to her but his male ego was not letting him to do. When vishant saw him looking at somewhere without blinking his eyes, he looked at the direction and he saw that he was looking at mahi who was on stage with Amisha and Ajay and was laughing on something with Amisha while Ajay rolling his eyes at them.

"Go and talk to her" vishant said to him taking drink from the waiter who was passing by there. Karan huffed and said to him "it's not easy bhai (bro)"

Vishant took a sip from the whisky glass he was holding and stated "It is easy, you are making it complicated. Go and say sorry to her, it's not a big deal. I have to say sorry to your sister at least once a day."

Hearing him Karan looked at him and said giving him a mock smile "Your actions are such that even if you say sorry to my sister every minute, it will be less."

Vishant rolled his eyes at him and said to him giving a tight mock smile just like him "At least I am better than you. I am not at all like you that because of my ego, being so close to my love, I keep watching her standing by the side. I make mistakes but correct them by saying sorry and for your information let me tell you that your sister also forgives me." his voice held arrogance which made Karan snickered at him "my poor sister"

Vishant glared at him but his glare changed in smirk as he saw something interesting. Seeing his change expression, Karan became curious and looked at the same direction where he was looking and what he saw made him furious. Mahi was hugging the same guy who had come to meet her in the office and because of which they had a fight.

His jaws clenched, hands curled in tight fist and his eyes changed in red colour. He felt like tearing those hands out of his body with which he had touched his mahi but he knew that he could not create any scene here so he controlled his anger but it was getting very difficult for him.

Vishant smirked at his brother who was burning in pure jealousy. He coughed loudly to gain his attention which he got successfully.

Karan turned to him and asked him when he saw him waving his free hand infront of his face.

"If you are having so much problem in your throat, then I think you should go to the doctor instead of drinking alcohol." Karan said to him in extremely sweet tone which was lacing with sarcasm.

Vishant laughed lightly while wrapping his hand around his shoulder and mocked him "something is burning and because of that I am having problem in my throat."

"What's burning???? Would you mind telling me this???" he asked him throwing his arm from his shoulder lightly and looked at mahi and took a sigh of relief when he saw that jerk was not there with mahi anymore.

"Someone's heart is burning, someone is jealous." He stated while calling the waiter for another drink for himself.

Karan turned to see Vishant who was looking at him with smirk on his lips.

"Why would I be jealous??? I am not jealous." Karan defended himself getting irritated.

"First go and see your face in the mirror then come to me and tell me I'm not jealous " Vishant mimicked his last sentence while poking his cheek with one of his fingers.

They were standing at the isolated place so nobody could see that they were fighting like kids.

Karan was about to counter back something while slapping his hand but his eyes caught something which made him smirk too. he laughed mockingly and said to him "you told the truth, I was jealous, but now you will be jealous because the reason for my jealousy is over but yours has started.

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