Chapter 25

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Innocent Heart part 25

Shan Mansion
home office

Vishant was sitting on his office chair doing some work on his laptop. Just then Karan came inside the room and asked him without any expression looking at him "Why you called me??"

Vishant said to him without taking his eyes off the laptop "In the next seven days you will be the CEO of Agarwal Industry. I have thought that the time has come to show that Rajat his place. I just have to sign some paper from Aashi so that we can also have 5% of her shares, after that we will have more than 50% shares and everything will be as we want. By becoming the CEO, you will completely ruin that company from inside."
Karan came and sat on the chair opposite Vishant's table and took a deep breath and asked him his most concerned question "How will you get the signature from Aashi? She will never do this of her own free will."
Hearing Aashi's name, Vishant raised his eyes off the laptop and turned towards Karan and said with a serious face "That is my problem, I will take her sign on the paper. it is not a big deal for me to get a sign from her. my one word was enough for her. You just make yourself ready."
Karan got a little worried for her after hearing his brother. For the past one week, Vishant had not done anything with her but he knew very well that he could do anything for his revenge.
"What happened ????? what are you thinking?" Seeing Karan lost in himself, Vishant asked him.
"You will not do anything wrong with Aashi, will you? Karan asked his brother doubtfully and his eyes were showing concern for Aashi.
Vishant fell silent for a while after listening to Karan. he just wanted a sign from her, other than this he didn't want anything from her right now.
"It's up to her whether she wants to harm herself or not," said Vishant while working on the laptop again. Karan shook his head in disappointment.
"Like I said earlier that I will not come between you and Aashi. Just hope that you have not forgotten the difference between right and wrong." Saying this, Karan left from there. He knew that his brother was not bad at heart but the hatred and misunderstanding about Aashi could not let him think by heart.

Vishant also closed his laptop and said to himself "I know the difference between right and wrong, that's why I accepted what she said to me that night. Knowing the difference between right and wrong, I didn't force her. Knowing the difference between right and wrong, that's why I gave her the phone so that she can talk to her family and friends, still knowing what kind of girl she is."
he rubbed his face with his hand and got up from chair and walked towards their room.

Aashi was waiting for Vishant eagerly while pacing back forth in balcony. She was so restless and nervous. Her mind was disturbed by the fact that will he allow her to go to college or not???? She did not know how to make him understand that she was not those types of girls as he thought about her. she had no relation other than friendship with Kabir and Nikhil.

"God please help me to convince him" she prayed folding her hands, looking up at the sky.

When she was busy praying to God, she heard door opening sound and understood that he came.

She gulped down the lump which formed due to nervousness and rubbed her hands against each other to get rid of nervousness and fear.

"I can do this. I don't need to be afraid of him. If I will not ask him to let me go to college then how will I get permission. I will have to talk once to know whether he will give me permission for college or not.???" She pep talked to herself while looking at the door.

"And what if he doesn't give permission to go to college?????" her inner voice asked her which make her sad.

"Why would he refuse me to go to college?????" she asked innocently. She knew the answer to this question very well but she still wanted to know.

"Don't you know??? He married you to take revenge on your father and not because he likes you" her inner voice mocked at her stupid question. Tears started forming in her eyes as she realised reality of their marriage.

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