"He was getting late for college because of me. I was drunk last night.....and he came to drop me. He was sleepy too so he just dozed off.
Why don't you believe that Mr. Jeon? He too told you the same thing.

And let me make it clear! I was never interested in boys! You are the one to blackmail me and asked me to marry him.

I am doing this just for my mother......otherwise......I would never even faced him in my life!

So! JUST LET ME GO!" Jungkook gave an answer to avoid him and went upstairs.

"I will discuss this with Mr. Kim. I am sure something is cooking right now.

But how is this possible? Jungkook is getting attracted to him! None of them are bis or Gay! Are they turning into real gays?

I think Jungkook is g*y! My god!!" Seems like Mr. Jeon has turned into a crazy man now!!

Jungkook somehow came inside washroom to take bath. He noticed Tae's cloth hanging there as he forgot to take them along with him.

"Oh.....he forgot to take them.....Anyways he is coming to live here in 6 days." Jungkook said to himself.

He raised his sight and looked at the cloths again. He felt like those were attracting him like a magnet! He stepped close. The smell of Tae's cloths were attracting him hard now.

He took his shirt in his hands and brought it close to his nose. He closed his eyes and smelled it, taking a deep breath.

"Fu*k.....he smells so good!" The scent of younger one was attracting the elder one.

"You are making it more hard for me Kim Taehyung......." *gulp* he swallowed down, which made his Adams apple to move up.

He hanged it on the place again and concerned on bath.

After bath----

Jungkook noticed his phone after wearing cloths.


*Hey Kook!
Is everything ok?
How are you now?

Call me when you see it!*



*ring ring*

"Hello Jungkook? How are you? Where is Tae? Is everything fine?" Jimin asked.

"Yup! He took me to Han River at night. Than he dropped me home." Jungkook replied but his voice was full of nervousness.

"Are you ok Jungkook? Your voice does not make me feel so." Jimin immediately caught his sadness and stress.

"Can you visit me at home? I want your help." Jungkook requested.

"Right now???.......OK.......I am coming. Just 15 minutes, ok? See you soon."


Jimin arrived at Jungkook's residence.

In Jungkook's room---

"Tell me now. What is bothering you." Jimin asked.

He and Jungkook, both were sitting on bed.

Mr. RED FLAG and Mr. COLOR BLIND || TaeKook FF✔Where stories live. Discover now