Jurassic Echoes

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"Hey, Reiji," Yue called out, her hands grasping his neck as she perched on his back. "You haven't explained what those shadow creatures are. I've never encountered anything like them before. They possess regenerative abilities and seem to be growing stronger with each battle, albeit slowly."

The sight unfolding before them showcased Reiji's Shadow Army engaged in a fierce battle against a multitude of monstrous creatures resembling T-Rexes, creating a scene reminiscent of Jurassic Park.

Despite being outnumbered, Reiji's army displayed a clear advantage in terms of strength, particularly with the presence of powerful Scorpions and Cyclops on the battlefield. Keeping his gaze fixed on the scene before him, Reiji answered her question after some thought.

'Within the time I've spent with her, she's watched my back more times than I can count, and she always strives to be helpful. Perhaps it's because I saved her from her prison, but regardless, she's someone I can trust my life with.'

Snapping out of his reverie, Reiji addressed Yue's inquiry. "It's a skill of mine," he began explaining. "As you witnessed during your captivity, when I slay a monster, I have the ability to resurrect them as my 'Shadows.'"

"It's akin to Necromancy, but there's a fundamental difference in the nature of their bodies. My Shadows are composed of mana, while conventional Necromancy involves reanimating physical bodies that can still be killed. As long as I possess mana, my Shadows will remain immortal and inexhaustible."

"That's cheating," Yue muttered in disbelief. "That's quite hypocritical coming from an immortal vampire who possesses affinity with every element and is skilled in wielding most of them," Reiji scoffed in response to Yue's disbelief.

"Besides, this skill is not without its limits or drawbacks," Reiji explained. "The weaker I am, the fewer Shadow Soldiers I can reanimate and maintain. Additionally, constantly consuming Ambrosia to replenish my mana and regenerate my soldiers comes with a debilitating headache."

Nodding in understanding, Yue raised her hand in the air, conjuring spears of swirling flames out of thin air. With precise aim, she launched them towards the horde of monsters.

Reacting swiftly, Reiji recalled his Shadows back into his own shadow, anticipating the impact of the incoming attack. The ground shook as the spears struck, causing explosions to resonate through the area.

The intense heat melted the heads of the T-Rex monsters, leaving them lifeless within seconds. The flower that had been perched on the remnants of the T-Rex's head fell off with a soft plop.

As the smoke gradually cleared and the ground ceased its trembling, Reiji let out a sigh of exasperation. Turning to Yue, he inquired, "Mind telling me why you decided to unleash that explosive display?"

With a furrowed brow, Yue gazed at Reiji, her expression still blank, but her eyes betraying a hint of worry and confusion. "Are you annoyed, Reiji?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"No, I'm not annoyed. I was just wondering," Reiji clarified, his tone calm and understanding. He continued, explaining the observation he had made.

"Lately, I've noticed that you've been displaying more strength and becoming more aggressive in dealing with any threats that come our way. While I don't have a problem with it, it does leave me with fewer opportunities to try out the new magic I've been developing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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