Golden Vampire

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"...Is anyone there?..." a faint, hoarse female voice asked.

Coming to a sudden halt, Reiji's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the unexpected voice. He hadn't anticipated encountering anyone down here in the depths of hell. Straining his eyes to pierce through the darkness, he could make out the figure of a person in the distance.

The girl was trapped, her body buried in the rock up to her neck, with strands of golden-blonde hair hanging lifelessly in front of her face, reminiscent of a ghost from a well-known horror movie. Despite her disheveled appearance and the obscuring veil of hair, her beauty was still evident.

Reiji's surprise stiffened his posture, realizing that she was far from ordinary. The girl seemed equally astonished by his presence, her red eyes peering through the gaps in her hair with a mix of shock and disbelief. After a brief silence, he turned away, determined to leave.

"Sorry. I'll just leave now," he said, preparing to close the doors once more. However, before he could do so, the girl with blonde hair and red eyes called out to him with urgency. Her voice was hoarse and weak, likely from years of disuse, but the desperation in her plea was palpable.

"W-Wait...! Please...! Help me..."

Reiji responded with a curt and heartless reply, "Don't wanna," before refocusing his attention on the doors, showing no willingness to engage further with the girl's plea.

The girl's desperation persisted as she pleaded, "Wh-Why... Please... I'll do anything, so..." Despite her limited mobility, she managed to raise her face to meet Reiji's gaze. However, his response remained cold and dismissive.

"Why would I free you? For all I know, you could be a world-level threat poised to bring destruction upon release. Your presence in the deepest pits of hell is far from ordinary. Furthermore, you were sealed and guarded with utmost caution."

"In this Labyrinth where everything is crumbling, nothing exists apart from the seal that holds you captive. So, unless you have something worthwhile to say or a way to prove that you won't kill me the moment I approach you, I bid you farewell."

Reiji's argument held merit. Encountering a sealed individual deep within the labyrinth, guarded by formidable creatures, and of unknown origin raised valid concerns. Regardless of the girl's outward beauty, it was a matter of practicality to ignore her plea, setting aside moral considerations.

With a resolute expression, Reiji continued walking towards the doors, unfazed by the girl's desperate calls. Her pleas echoed through the chamber, filled with hopelessness and longing, but they fell on deaf ears.

Reiji remained steadfast in his decision, determined not to be swayed by sentiment or unknown risks. As he reached the doors, his hand outstretched to close them, the girl's voice trembled with a last shred of desperation.

"No!" she called out, her voice choked with a cough. "I... I'm not a threat! Please, just wait! I..." Reiji persisted in pulling the double doors closed, intending to shut out her pleas entirely.

However, just before he could seal them shut, her words managed to reach his ears, causing him to pause. If only he had been a fraction faster, he could have avoided hearing those final words.

"I was betrayed!" he heard, whispering through the narrow gap of the still partially open door.

His hand froze in its motion, and a flicker of curiosity sparked within him. Betrayal... It was a word that held weight and stirred emotions within him. Reiji couldn't help but entertain the possibility that there might be more to this girl's story than he initially assumed.

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