"They are sick, and Paul doesn't remember me, because of you! Those apple turnovers you gave, Ella and me? he and Henry ate them! they saved Ella and I from eating them." I said as I was so pissed at Regina.

"What? It was meant for you and Ella!" Regina said as I glared at her.

"It's true, isn't it?" Emma asked as I was still glaring at Regina.

"What are you talking about?" Regina asked as I rolled my eyes.

"It's true, isn't it?! All of it." I asked as I glared at her even more.

"Yes." Regina said as I was still glaring at her even more.

"We were leaving town. Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Ella asked walking into the room.

"Because as long as you both are alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina said as I rolled my eyes.

"He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake them both up!" I said to her.

"I can't! Only you can!" Regina said as I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as She knew that it was time to tell me the truth.

"You can save Paul with true love's kiss. And You can also Save Henry, by snapping your fingers, basically, using your magic." Regina said as I nod.

"But Don't, you have magic?" Ella asked as I looked at her then back at Regina.

"That was the last of it. It was supposed to put you both to sleep!" Regina said as I rolled my eyes and release my Grippe, on, Regina.

"What's it going to do to them?" Ella asked as I knew what it could do.

"I don't know. Magic here is unpredictable." Regina said as I knew that she has a point.

"So... So, they could..." Ella said as I nod.

"Yes." I said as I was worried for Paul and Henry.

"So, what do we do, Mom?" Axle asked walking into the room.

"We need help. There's one other person in this town who knows about this. . . Knows about magic." I said as I knew who I was talking about.

"Mr. Gold." Emma said as I nod.

"Actually, he goes by Rumpelstiltskin." I said as Regina nodded in agreement.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Regina is pacing in her chambers. The Huntsman arrives.)

"Where is he? The prisoner!" Regina asked.

"Escaped." The Huntsman said as Regina magically throws the Huntsman into the wall.

"A palace full of guards, and you let him escape?" Regina asked as she was mad.

"I did my best." The Huntsman replied.

"You failed. And do you know what happens to people who fail me, Huntsman?" Regina said.

"I'll find him. You needn't worry. Leave him to me." The Huntsman said.

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