Jake: Hey sorry mate, lost my phone on a night out so I've only just set up my new one. Why'd you need Kelsey's number?

Jake: ???

You missed a call from: Jake
You missed a call from: Jake

Jake: I've got a bunch of messages from Kelsey saying she's in town. Has she come to the house?!

You missed a call from: Jake

Jake: Sean answer me.

Jake: Are you with her?!

You missed a call from: Jake

Jake: FFS, what do you want with Kelsey?!

Well if that wasn't a sign to squash all feelings towards Kelsey then Sean didn't know what it was. Quickly opening the text chain to his brother he typed out a reply.

Dude chill. Yes she was looking for you last night at the house. She must've dropped her ring whilst at the door, I was just trying to contact her to give it back.

Sean hit send. Unsure of why he bent the truth slightly. But somehow he got the feeling that if he let slip that he'd be test driving some dating scenarios with Kelsey he'd unleash some sort of unhinged version of his brother judging by those messages and what Kelsey had told about him.
Putting his phone on silent he pocketed his phone and left his room.

"What do you think about Bacon rolls for lunch?" He called out as he descended the stair case. Kelsey poked her head round the door way.
"Sounds heavenly right now."


Kelsey felt like she was floating as she walked back towards the entrance of the Travelodge. The smile plastered across her face felt the most natural thing in the world. She couldn't quite get over the day. Sean had to be the most at ease person she had ever been alone in a room with. She couldn't recall if he was always like that, actually it certainly seemed that whatever room Kelsey entered Sean always seemed to vacate fairly quickly when she was dating Jake.
Her stomach was still tender from the laughter from their lunch. The most vanilla dating profile she'd ever come across. Through mouthfuls of bacon Sean defended each sentence whilst he rested on the back of the kitchen stool Kelsey sat on, her eyes watering with laughter as she struggled to get the words out.

"It looks like a CV"
"Oh come on it's not that bad!"
"Sean you've got subheadings! And bullet points!"
"It's very factual and to the point."
"It's very corporate. You need something to let them know you have a personality."

Sean feigned a shot to the heart but his smile remained. Kelsey enjoyed how easy he was to talk to and she admits his close proximity was enjoyable too. The goosebumps that formed on her neck as he leant over to hit the 'edit' button on the screen, how his face was inches from hers as he turned to look at her.

"Fix it for me Owens. Make it something you'd swipe yes for."

Opening her room door, Kelsey was greeted by the mess she left herself earlier that morning. Ignoring it all she headed straight to her phone that laid face down on the vanity table. Her Lock Screen a swarm of notifications. Pulling down and swiping the 'Clear All' button Kelsey wanted enjoy the peace of a good day a little longer before returning to reality. Crashing down onto the bed the springs creaked beneath her as she sprawled out among her belongings, stretching her legs out kicking her trainers onto the floor Kelsey flexed her feet before rolling onto her side. Her foot grazed an object beneath the tight end of the bed covers, confused Kelsey ran her foot over the lump again.

"You've got to be kidding me." She cried jumping up and pulling the layers back from the bed. Beneath the white fitted sheet a green purse with floral embroidery looked up at her wedged between the mattress and bed frame. Kelsey shook her head in disbelief. "How on earth-" she trailed of into a chuckle whilst snapping a quick picture.

      Opening up her messages she hit a new message, glancing at the numbers neatly scrawled on the back of her hand she double checked she'd copied them accurately before attaching the image of the purse.

Look what's turned up. Golf's on me tomorrow.

Clicking out Kelsey entered the group chat, ignoring the countless demands from Cameron and angry face emojis from Milly, Kelsey tapped her finger on the side trying to think the best way to say what she wanted to;

. So I ran into Sean again today. We are going to fake date for a couple days?
. Jake didn't kidnap me, sorry I was too busy fawning over his older brother?
.I'm in trouble but I kind of like it?

All valid messages she could send but all resulting in more complex questions being asked by her friends she was sure.
Kelsey bit her lip as she began to type out her message.

Kelsey: I'm fine, let me know when you're all free for a group phone call. A LOT to catch you all up on xx
Sent: 14:53

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