Chapter 1

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The music blares loudly in the club, the club that I own. Sweet Ecstasy. I'm sitting in a booth on the second floor, observing the moving bodies below.
My eyes immediately settle upon a pair of women, only one of them ignites something in me. She's wearing a skin tight black dress that is a little too short. Long wavy dark red hair falls down her back reaching the top of her ass and what an ass she has. A full figured body, with tits that looks more than a handful, and a luscious ass that shook with each step, my favorite. I prefer women with curves, it gives me something to hold onto while I fuck them. Her friend isn't bad looking but she's not my type, too thin. I wave Andre over, my second in command.

"Who are those two women?" I point towards the pair.

"I'm not sure afentikó (boss), I can bring them up here if you'd like?"

"Yes, bring them up, use force if you have to." I'm intrigued by this mysterious woman and I don't even know her name yet. Andre descends down the steps and makes his way towards them. He points to the second floor and says something, my woman shakes her head no while her friend looks enthusiastic and gives her a pleading look. She finally relents, Andre escorts them up the stairs and into my booth. Now that she's standing closer I can see that her eyes are a dark midnight blue and her lips are full and fuckable.

"Take a seat." I demanded.

"Come on Layla, don't be a party pooper." Her friend complained. They take a seat across from me.

"Anything you ladies want to drink?" I asked.

"I'll have a dirty martini." Her friend immediately answered, while my woman furrows her brows at her.

"And you?"

"I'll just have a water." Her voice is heavenly, smooth and soft. It caresses the darkest parts of my soul. From then on I knew I had to make this woman mine.

"Really Layla? We're at the hottest club on the island and you want water?" Her friend said exasperated, my woman just rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll have a rum and coke."

"Have Antoli prepare our drinks." I told Andre.

"So Layla is it?" I question my lovely beauty.

"Yes, it's Layla, Layla Campbell." What a beautiful name.

"I'm Mackenzie Meyer." Her friend stretches her hand towards me, probably hoping for a handshake. I don't shake it though and just stare at it.

"Ok." She laughs awkwardly.

Andre arrives with our drinks and Mackenzie instantly grabs her drink and drinks it in one go.

"Páre ti fíli tis kápou kai apospá tin prosochí tis." (Take her friend somewhere and distract her.) I said to Andre, I didn't want any interruptions between Layla and I.

"Hey baby, how about we go downstairs and dance to a couple songs?" Andre easily charms her because she grabs his hand and they both go down.
Layla shakes her head while staring at the two.

"I swear every time we come to one of these she always abandons me." She picks up her drink and takes a sip.

"She's still your friend?"

"Yes she's still my friend, she's been there for me since day 1, the first day of kindergarten a boy was pulling on my hair and she sucker punched him in the face. We've been close ever since." She finished on a laugh, her eyes twinkling from the lights in the club.

"Where are you from, feggari mou?" (My moon) The endearment slips out easily because she is my moon, her eyes reminds me of the midnight sky at night. And her scent smells sweet almost like peaches and cream, my favorite dessert.

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