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March 21st

"Tonight we have a very special guest, the first ever female formula one driver, the beautiful, the talented  Quinn Cordelia Carter!" Jimmy introduced, it was rare that my middle name was said and I was caught by surprise hence my laughter as I greeted him and sat in the chair next to him.

"Wow, thank you, James middle name fallon." I replied as I didn't actually know his, he continued to laugh as he did through everyone's interviews online.

"It's Thomas." He shrugged, "I don't know what they were thinking, Cordelia is much cooler."

"Can't disagree with that I'm afraid." I joked, he pretended to be offended and held his hands over his heart.

Jimmy smiled, he was a very comforting person, "So Quinn, this year has been quite an interesting one for you as you have finally joined formula one, tell us about that."

I nodded, very broad, "Well I had won formula two twice before finally moving up to formula one, thankfully I was signed by red bull because I was honestly thinking I had to prove myself a third time."

"How did you get started with driving?" He asked curiously, something I liked about Jimmy was that he always appeared to be interested in what everyone was saying.

"My papa used to love watching formula one and he took me to the race in Monaco when I was little and from then on I've been pretty much obsessed with it, got into karting practically the next day."

"Do you think that the fact you had to win F2 twice was something to do with being a female in the sport? I can tell you it certainly isn't your skill, you're incredible." He acknowledged sweetly.

Maybe because someone stole my seat.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I like to think not because I just can't comprehend what difference it makes, like yes, I have boobs. Scary I know, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't sign me."

Jimmy laughed, hard.

"Oh god, Christian was right I need media training he's going to kill me for sitting here and talking about my boobs, apologies." I waved my hands around before placing them over my eyes ashamed.

"Don't worry, so I think it's an absolutely terrifying sport and it's not for the weak, what does it take to be a formula one driver?" He wondered.

"I mean the number one thing is that you shouldn't be afraid to take risks, if you're scared you need to stop because the fear will mess you up, I think fast reflexes are necessary, good endurance you also actually need good listening ability because the cars are so fast past you that you need to just listen to them instead." I answered, neck strength was also a major part of training.

"Couldn't be me, so you race beside Max verstappen, the current formula one world champion, how is that?" He quizzed, everyone wanted to know if he was a dickhead.

"He is one of my favourite people, like genuinely. People have huge misconceptions about him and it always shocks me, he was so welcoming and accommodating of me and he's really helped me improve in the car and as a person, yeah he's great on and off the track."

This week a local newspaper had published an article about max and his words to describe me were, 'She's a badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. The type of woman you go to war with besides and not against so I don't know what Leclercs doing.'

Which didn't really make matters much better with Charles and I.

"And you're number eleven?" Jimmy asked.

"Yep, angel numbers." I shrugged.

"Growing up it wasn't eleven though was it?" He asked, oh he knew what he was on about.

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