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March 16th

liked by 18,523,241 people quinncarter: lover girls birthday 🎂@francisca

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liked by 18,523,241 people
quinncarter: lover girls birthday 🎂
@francisca.cgomes 💘


francisca.cgomes: gf

user_name03: this is how I find out I'm gay

random028: hate her guts.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear kika, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang, smiling in unison as she entered the building, Pierre and I had organised a surprise party as it was her 20th.

She squealed, her hands flowing over her mouth in shock as she took in the atmosphere around her, "Oh my god!"

The place was decorated in white balloons, little Polaroids of her with friends decorated the room alongside a massive buffet of her favourite foods but mostly desserts, "Thank you so so much!" Kika screamed as she spotted me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Anything for your birthday." I reminded her, just as she went around to welcome and thank everyone for coming along, Pierre had taken her out for the day whilst we sorted out the last minute arrangements before everyone gathered here to surprise her.

Kika had a lot of friends to accommodate, and somehow, by some absolute absurdity, Charles was one of them, thankfully he had been flaming to Pierre since he walked in.

"I think she's sweet." Pierre told Charles as they grabbed a drink, chatting away as they navigated the room.

"Don't be fooled by her looks," Charles replied, "That one will surprise you, that girl pulls the tigger when you're not even looking."

Pierre chuckled, he found the arguing quite hilarious, "Yeah yeah, I know her."

Charles rolled his eyes once again, watching as Quinn moved around the room, "She's fucking impetuous and daring, a little too bold and way too fucking fearless."

Yet there was something uncanny, demonic and fascinating in her.

"I think you're just insecure mate, go talk to her about your feelings, I hear this shit from you everyday." Pierre dismissed him as he walked back over to his girlfriend, dressed now with a birthday crown and sash.

I was surprised when I whipped my head around to see the person behind me was him,
"You didn't respond to my message, can we talk?"

I decided to play dumb, "About?"

He rolled his eyes, "About US." He said really emphasising the us to convey that he was desperate.

I chuckled, if he was going to be so annoying so was I, "Why do you want to talk about the United States?"

He sighed, him hardly being heard over the music that was blasting in the background, "Quinn, I'm being serious."

As I didn't even know half of the people Kika was friends with I followed him out into the spare room, the one that was there to cool the other drinks, "Go nuts." I told him sitting down cross legged on the floor, I wouldn't stand as I knew he was about to rant at me.

It would probably take a while, he was slow in all aspects of life.

"Look," he sat down in front or me, "I'm really sorry, I've seen all the hate and yeah I feel really bad."

"Yeah sure, I suck at apologises so... unfuck you.. or whatever." I simply replied shrugging my shoulders, "So we can head back in now?"

He shook his head, holding his hands out to stop me from going, "No, I'm not joking Quinn, it's awful. I crashed into you and it was dangerous and reckless, I don't even know why or how it happened, and now you're getting the blame and fuck- it's just bad."

I looked at him intensely, "You know, you look like something I'd draw with my left hand." I'm right handed.

"I'm trying here." He harshly replied, sort of a beg for me to listen, I love seeing men beg. "I can't even imagine how hard it is, being a female in the sport. The hate you get is constant and it doesn't go unnoticed, and I've contributed to it and for that I'm really sorry."

"I think you're feeling sorry for yourself that you didn't come up with the insults the newspapers are throwing around," I snorted "some of them are pretty creative."


"Charles, I'm fine."

He held his hands together, playing with his rings, "I regret everything every single day, missing you is the hardest thing I've got to deal with everyday. You're dealing with a lot more than me and I feel like I'm slowly dying."

"Oh god." I whisper, closing my eyes as pain sweeps over my body. Something inside me is broken. Everything inside me is broken.

"The day I met you, when you were four and I was six," he said "Was the luckiest day of my life. You've always been the brightest part of my world and I think you always will be, I want this to end."

The depth of emotion in his words stung my eyes, "You don't strike me as someone who believes in luck."

"I believe in everything when it comes to you." He simply nodded.

"So why, why did you ruin everything?" I asked him, the question that kept me up most nights.

Formula 2, 2021, I was the f2 world champion, the first ever woman formula two driver to win the championship and I had many deals coming in, the one that excited me the most being a potential contract with Ferrari.

He shook his head, he didn't even have an excuse "I think I was jealous, I was stupid and I regret it deeply."

I was promised a cool €45,000,000 in my first year, which is incredible money especially for a rookie. I told Charles all about the offer, him being my best friend at the time who then told me to hold a response until they offered more which I thought was ridiculous, but I listened to him, I trusted him.

My eyes were beginning to hurt as I held back the tears of the past, "I just couldn't believe you would do it, you went behind my back and you fucking knew how much my family needed that money Charles."

He went behind my back, went to Ferrari himself and told them all about his personal familial connections and that he'd came second in the championship and he was willing to sign straight away, so they took him on instead.

I had to drive in formula two for another year, no one would sign me because I had this reputation for declining 45 million euros and being a brat.

"I know, I know," he paused, his breathe shaky, "I fucked everything up, I ruined it all on my own." His breathing was shallow, his eyes watering and his emotions coming across sincere, "I can't even expect you to forgive me, I wouldn't."

Since the betrayal that I found out about online because he was too much of a pussy to tell me, my mindset completely changed towards people, and Charles.

I buried my head in his shoulder, all that I could think was that I missed him. I needed his arms around me, needed him to me and whisper that we could get through this.

But we just couldn't.

Arthurleclerc: I remember a time when Charles and Quinn made me believe I was deaf. They turned everything off that made noise and were talking silently. I've never been so traumatised.

➡️quinncarter: we were like thirteen, stop being dramatic

➡️charlesleclerc: yeah what she said.

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