Prince Caspian

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There were hundreds of Telemarines cutting down trees and chopping wood

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There were hundreds of Telemarines cutting down trees and chopping wood. The six of us hide behind a large fallen tree scared we will get caught. They were tearing Narnia apart in front of our eyes. My heart began to ache for the trees as they get ripped apart to become industrialized into whatever war machine they were building.  

I feel Peter shift beside me and he runs down out of sight. I look towards Susan who follow and then I quickly grab Lucy and lead her after the group. We head back to where Lucy says she saw Aslan realizing we really had no choice but to try and find Aslan. 

"Where exactly did you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asks Lucy who looks across the two cliffs. "I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grownups, I don't think I saw him, I did see him!" Lucy argues. 

"You were standing over here right?" I try to reason with Lucy reciprocating the stance and place she was in when she saw Aslan. I look across the cliffs and there was a patch that looked untouched. I felt a shift below my feet and I let out a scream as I feel the earth fall below me. 

I let out a small scream and I hear Peter yell "Amelie!" I feel myself hit the ground a lot faster than I thought would. I feel my knees scrape and look off the side to see the river below us still. I expected to brace myself for the water. I then look up at the Pevensie's and I cant help but laugh. 

Peter breaths a sigh of relief and then reaches out his hand. I grab ahold and he easily lifts me up. He kisses the side of my head and wraps his arm around me. "Im fine Peter calm down." I whisper and he calms himself. 

The six of us then walk alongside the cliffs. We eventually make it downhill and Peter grabs my hand steadying me as I walk down the sloped cliffs. We make it to the water and began to walk alongside it. My feet ache as we step onto the loose gravel below. 

The night begins to swallow the day and Peter makes a fire. It brings me back to our first night in Narnia all those years ago. When Peter and I didn't know each other to well. I remember the beavers and smile at their memory. I wish they were here to help us. They may not know what to do but they would have at least been fun companions to have with us. 

I feel Peter wrap his arms around me and then the memories of the golden age pop in my head replacing the other memories. Peter and I being able to lay in bed together with our arms around each other. My happiness will forever be engraved in those moments. 

I feel him smell my hair and I can't help but smile. "I love you Amelie" he whispers into my ear and I turn towards him. I slowly kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and I pull away. "I wish we were alone" Peter says and I laugh. "You in a certain mood?" I laugh. 

"I always am when you're nearby Amelie" he says and I feel myself blush. He laughs and kisses my head. I snuggle into the crook of his neck breathing in his scent and shut my eyes. Within moments I'm asleep hoping I don't wake in my aunts home and that this wasn't a dream. 

The morning sun shines through my eyelids. I move a bit expecting to feel Peter. I don't and immediately my eyes snap awake and I turn my head every way to see where he is. I grab my knives quickly and shake Susan and Ed awake. 

"What do you want?" Edmund groggily says. "Get up Peter and Lucy are gone" I say and he snaps open his eyes. I grab his hand and lift him up. We all quickly run as I hear Lucy yell. I spot Lucy but my eyes grow wide as I see Narnians all around me. The creatures we once lived with for many years sat in front of us. I take a knife out of my batch of knives and get ready to throw them if need be. I grip my two twin knives close to me as well. 

I see a man dressed in blue and his lip cut. He looks down at his sword. "Prince Caspian?" Peter questions and he responds with "Yes, who are you?" I look at Susan and she looks at me. Prince Caspian was attractive and we both knew it and smiled containing our giggles. 

"High king Peter" he says putting it together and Peter smugly says "I believe you called" I cant help but roll my eyes sometimes Peter could be a little too cocky but I also loved it about him. "Yes but I thought you'd be older" Caspian says and Peter looks at me. "Well if you like we can come back in a few years" 

"No, no that's all right. You're just not exactly what I expected" Caspian says and looks towards me. I see a bit of surprise as he looks at me and he slowly smiles as he tries to get my attention. I look away and back at Susan who raises her eyebrows and this time she laughs out loud. 

"Neither are you" Edmund says looking at the beasts that once belonged to the White Withes side. "A common enemy reunites even the oldest of foes" A Narnian says eyeing Edmund. I think back to the Great War and the beasts that we had fought for Narnia and who were now standing in front of me on our side. 

"We have anxiously awaited you're return my liege our hearts and swords are at your service" a large rat with a sword comes out and bows his head. Lucy leans into me "Oh, my gosh, he is so cute" The Rat swings his sword out at Lucy "Who said that!" he yells and Lucy shuffles besides me "Sorry" she utters and the Rat lowers his sword. "Oh you're majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe 'courageous,' 'courteous,' or 'chivalrous' might more befit a knight of Narnia." he says and I laugh. 

"You're laugh is beautiful" Prince Caspian suddenly says and I look towards him and feel myself blush. Peter eyes Caspian and gives him a jealous look. "Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade" Peter says smiling down at the Rat and then looking at Caspian giving him a warning glare. 

"Yes indeed and I have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army, sire" The Rat says and Peter says "Good we are gonna need every sword we can get." Peter turns towards Caspian. "Well, then you will probably be wanting yours back" Caspian hands over the sword and Peter quickly takes it from his hands angrily and puts it back into his belt. 

OOOOOO jealously baby who doesn't love it in a book tbh. It's so fun to make Peter jealous I cant. Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and hope you are having a good day or have a good nights sleep! 

When do you read on here? I usually do it before bed but I write during the day when I have time! 

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