Edmunds Return

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"Edmund!" Lucy yells as she tries to run forward towards Edmund

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"Edmund!" Lucy yells as she tries to run forward towards Edmund. I stop her from running as I see him and Aslan in a clearly deep conversation. I could see Edmunds shame and embarrassment on his face and I couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for him. He was just a kid who got tricked and that was all. He then turns and begins to walk down the hill with Aslan closely following behind him. 

"What's done is done, there is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past" Aslan then turns the other way and walks slowly away from the five of us. "Hello" Edmund says not even daring to look Peter in the eye fearing the look of disappointment. Lucy then run forwards and gives him a big hug and Susan smiles also hugging him. 

I step forward and place my hand on Edmunds shoulder. "Are you alright?" I ask and he hesitantly answers "Im a little tired." I hug him then tightly and he immediately hugs me in return. "I'm glad you're okay" I say and he whispers "barely" I pull away giving him a kiss on the cheek and he blushes madly and smiles. I laugh and then Peter steps forward. 

"Get some sleep" Peter says gesturing towards the tent. Edmund's face drops and he begins to walk towards the tent. "Edmund!" Peter says and Edmund turns immediately hearing Peter's words. "Try not to wonder off" he teases and his lips curl up into a small smile and Edmund smiles. 

The four of us sit in a circle eating our breakfast. "Narnia isn't gonna run out of toast, Ed" Lucy says laughing watching Edmund stuff his face beside her. "I'm sure they will pack some up for the journey back" Peter says leaning against a boulder a few feet behind us. I snap my head towards him confused. 

"We're going home?" Susan asks. Peter then begins forwards towards us. "You are" he says and he catches my eye. "No we aren't" I say and Peter looks towards me with the same expression. "Listen I made a promise to myself that I would keep all of you safe, but that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help" Peter finishes and I scoff. 

"If you are staying then I will be staying." I say and Peter gives me an angry expression. "They need us here, all five of us!" Lucy says looking at each one of us. "It's to dangerous, you almost drowned and Edmund was almost killed!" Peter argues and then Edmund whispers "Which Is why we have to stay, I've seen what the white witch can do and I've helped her do it and we can't keep these people alone to suffer for it" I grab Edmunds hand and Lucy grabs his other. 

"I suppose that's it then" Susan then gets up and walks towards the tent. She lifts her arrows and throws me my set of throwing knives. "Where are you going?" Peter yells. "Amelie let's go get some practice." she says with a smile on her face and I jump up and run after her. "Wait up!" I say and we make our way towards the target station. 

I begin to throw the knives each a different way trying to figure out the best way to hit the knife in the center of the target. I eventually get the hang of it and I realize my aim had gotten much better. I had only had little experience with knives before coming to Narnia. I only ever used them to cook my father dinner or collect the flowers by the professors pond. 

One of the things I loved about Narnia was how alive it was. The flowers here were unreal compared to the ones back home. They were so many different types and they each blossomed a different type of flower. 

I look over to my right and see Peter and Edmund practicing with their swords on top of two horses. Peter looks over at me and smiles widely which Edmund takes advantage of and smacks his arm. "Don't lose focus Pete!" Edmund says and Peter rolls his eyes. 

"He totally loves you" Susan says laughing. "Who does?" I ask but I already knew the answer and my face began to heat up. "Peter of course, he's been all I need to protect Amelie and she needs to be safe" Susan tries to mock Peters voice doing it terribly. 

"I swear he likes you more than us" Lucy says and I laugh. "He is very handsome and somewhat charming" I say and Susan and Lucy gag. "Peter is annoying and I don't know what you see in him but you guys would be quite sweet together" Susan says and tries to shoot another arrow towards the target. 

"Do you love him?" Lucy asks and my eyes widen. "I don't know" I say and laugh. "Are you guys gonna kiss?" Lucy asks again. "If you guys kiss you have to tell us immediately!" Lucy says and I blush. "Lucy would you stop antagonizing the poor girl" Susan says and I laugh. 

"If we kiss then you two would be the first people I tell." I say and the three of us laugh. "I mean who else are you gonna tell? Oreius?" Susan says and the three of us burst out laughing. "Susan will you shut it!" I yell and push her to the ground. She then grabs me and pulls me down with her. Lucy jumps onto the two of us and we all can't help but burst into laughter once again. 

"I mean he has been a lot happier since he met you" Susan starts and I look at her. "Really?" I ask and she nods her head. "He smiles a lot more whenever your near, He told me he like to joke more around you because he likes to see your smile and hear your laugh." Susan says and I cant help but smile. 

"You do have a pretty smile" Lucy says and I laugh pushing her away. "You guys are both so pretty" I say and they both roll their eyes. "Amelie stop lying right to our faces." Susan says and I look at her confused. 

"You guys are literally one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen truthfully, it's like you guys were born perfect" I say laying down looking at the sky. "Well you got that right" Lucy says and Susan laughs loudly. We all lay down next to one another looking up at the Narnian sky. 

I'm broken out of my trance as I hear "The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan, she's on her way here!" Mr. Beaver screams and I look towards Susan and Lucy nervous. 


I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. I will be putting a Peter and Amelie moment in the next chapter or I might make it it's own chapter! I'm not sure yet I'm thinking own chapter though! I don't know I hope it comes out good we will see! Also the queen Tilda Swinton is such a scene stealer in the movies like she's so good in every scene she is in! Please comment and vote and lemme know how you are liking this story so far! I love you! 

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