Peter's Reason

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I walked up the steep hill

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I walked up the steep hill. I looked out at the setting sun. It was different then a sunset that would be back at home. The sky almost looked like it was on fire the mixtures of red and orange made me smile.  I hated even calling it home because it really isn't. I then felt a presence beside me. I looked to my right and there the large lion was. He looked different up close. His hair looked softer than a cloud and his face didn't look as intimidating as you would think. 

He looked like he could never be violent and instead he was filled grace like the soft rain without the thunder or lighting or the tide being pulled back and forth by the moon. He looked up at me and then out at the sunset. "It's beautiful isn't it?" he says and I nod my head and I couldn't help but feel a tear fall down my cheek. 

I quickly wipe away my tear and try to pull myself together. "You may cry here freely child" Aslan says and I look over at him. My lip begins to quiver and I feel another tear leave my eye. "I don't wanna leave Aslan" I say and he looks out again at the sunset. "Narnia is quite beautiful isn't it?" he says and I laugh a little. "Yes I love it here"  I say and Aslan looks at me. He seems to be almost staring into my mind. 

"Narnia has given you a gift Miss. Amelie, it has given you a family that you have been wanting for many years, so I do believe you will be able to create your own Narnia where ever you are" Aslan says and I smile. "I needed them" I say and once more wipe my tears away. "They needed you as well, you complete them, haven't you noticed the way they have all become even closer than before they had gotten here" I nod my head to his words. 

"That is your doing" Aslan says and I smile. I hadn't ever thought I would be the one to give someone a reason or unite something together as beautiful as the Pevensie family. "I need you to do something for me" Aslan says and I look over towards him. 

"Peter, he needs to be encouraged and I do believe that you could give him the strength to lead Narnia" he says and I smile to myself. "I can do that" I say with a laugh and Aslan chuckles to himself. He is on his way up here as we speak. 

Aslan then turns around and walks away. I hold onto my locket and play with it gently and then I once again feel someone by me. I turn my head and Peter stands there. He looked exhausted. I'm sure we both looked exhausted as we really hadn't been able to have a good sleep in days. 

"You okay?" I ask and Peter sighs. "I don't think I can do this Amelie" he says and sits onto the ground. I sit down next to him. I'm taken back to the stormy night on the hill getting a sense of deja vu. I straighten out my new dress in which I had completely made by myself. I made it as a sage color that ran down to my shoes. 

Peter's eye began to well up with tears. "Peter, this is stressful I know" I say and hold his hand. "I really do think you can do this though Peter, you are one of the bravest and kindest people I know" I say and Peter rolls his eyes at me. "How am I brave I've been nothing but scared and I was so mean to my brother he betrayed his own family" Peter says looking at me and a tear falls down his cheek and I can't help but cry more seeing him cry. 

"Peter, look at where you got all of us, you saved me by battling a wolf, you were willing to send us all home safely and you stay here and risk your life for Narnia, You've made all of us laugh in even the scariest of times, don't ever say that you aren't brave or kind, you are one of the kindest and bravest souls I have ever met." I say and Peter smiles at me. I wipe the tears away from his face and move the hair out of his eyes. 

"I've never met anyone like you before Amelie" Peter says and cups my cheek and I almost melt into his hand. He then rubs his hand over my healed cheek where my bruise once was. "Who hurt you please tell me" he says and this time I don't push him away and I answer. I finally felt okay opening up because I looked into his caring blue eyes. 

"My father back home" I say and his jaw tightens. "Why?" Peter asks and I take a deep breath. "My mother and him really loved him, she got sick when I was younger and died in their bed, my father completely changed after that, it started when he would just sob and then the sadness turned into anger and he start to mistake me for being my mother." I begin and I still let myself keep eye contact. Peter doesn't look away soaking in ever word. 

"He started to hit me and I never fought back because I was scared and It felt weird because I hated him but at the same time I didn't want to hurt him, I mean in a way he was sick too, I would take the punches and then cry about it later" I say and Peter's eyes well up again. 

"I promise you he will never hurt you again, you have my word, nothing will hurt you again Amelie and I mean that, I will do everything in my power to guarantee you a happy rest of your life because you deserve it" Peter says and leans in. He smiles and I can't help but lean into him as well. 

Our lips hover right before one another and I see a smile on Peter's lips. He then leans forward and kisses me. His hand rest on my cheek as he kisses me softly and delicately. We then pull away after a moment and begin to laugh. 

"What a weird couple of days!" I say and we both begin to laugh even more. "You will always be protected" Peter says and kisses me again softly. I smile at him. "You will too and I promise I will be right next to you through everything, you can always count on me Peter." I say and he relaxes a bit more. "That does make me feel a little better always having you near" Peter says and I smile. 

I then take my bracelet off of my wrist and hand it to him. "Please wear this for me" Peter takes it and slides it onto his wrist and smiles "Always" he says. He once again kisses me softly and then I lay my head onto his shoulder and we watch as the sun sets which I assume will be our last sunset in Narnia and the orange color turns into a bright red. 

Peter and I spend the rest of the night talking telling stories from the lives we had lived so far. We laughed till we cried and we told one another our secrets. 

Laughs echoed from down the hill and the Narnians smiled looking up at their future King and Queen and the standard they were setting. 

Welp they kissed... Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading this far hahah. Have a good day! love you. 

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