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"I don't remember this way" Susan says as we all follow Peter

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"I don't remember this way" Susan says as we all follow Peter. Peter turns his head and grabs my hand. "That's the problem with girls. You cant carry a map in your head." Peter bitterly says. I rip away my hand annoyed with his words. "It's because ours has something in them." I say and Peter chuckles and then grabs my hand again. I roll my eyes but I cant help but grab his large hands. The hands I missed so much. 

"I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F in the first place." I hear Susan whisper to Lucy. "D.L.F?" Edmund says joining the two. I turn my head looking at the girls. "Dear little friend" Susan says and I can't help but laugh and look at Trumpkin who gives an annoyed looks towards all of us. 

Peter then stops which causes me to stop. "Im not lost" he says looking at the large rocks in front of us. I take a moment and breathe in the air around me. It smelled so much more fresh here then back in the city. Everything was greener and clearer and cleaner. 

"No, you're just going the wrong way" Trumpkin says towards Peter. Peter squeezes my hand and I can feel his body tighten up in anger. "You last saw Caspian at the shuddering woods, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river Rush." Trumpkin looks straight at Peter. 

"Unless i'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts" Trumpkin quietly says and Peter responds "That explains it, then, you're mistaken" Peter says and turns around. I follow Peter and try to catch up with him. 

"He's only trying to help Peter." I say and Peter rolls his eyes. "Why are you being so bitter? Narnia has changed since we've been here and you need to accept it and realize you aren't right" I say and Peter turns to me. 

"It shouldn't have changed though. We should have stayed here and then none of this would have happened" he says and I take a deep breath letting the soft Narnian air fill my lungs. "Peter you cant keep playing that what if game in your head because it did happen and we cant change it" I say and my cheeks grow red. 

Peter seems to have noticed my anger and he puts his hand on my cheek. He softens and then kisses me. "I'm sorry you're right" he says and I smile. "I'm always right why haven't you realized that yet?" and this causes Peter to roll his eyes once again and walk forward. I laugh and follow him and I see the smile spread on his cheek as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. 

I breathe in his scent. It's a sandalwood scent mixed with a bit of amber and I cant help but be completely intoxicated by it. I loved his scent. 

Edmund gags from behind us. "They're so cute" Lucy says to Susan who smiles at us. 

We come to a stop in the path and I look down seeing the rushing river off the cliff were standing on. A chill runs down my spine as I think about hitting the water from so high. It would most likely kill me turning the water into cement. It might not though because the water Is very soft here. 

"You see, over time, the water erodes and the earths soil, carving deeper" Susan starts and Peter quickly cuts her off "Oh shut up" he says and Susan gives him an annoyed look. 

I turn as I hear Edmund speak. "Is there a way down?" he asks Trumpkin and Trumpkin plainly says "Yeah, falling" and I can't help but slightly laugh. "Well, we weren't lost" Peter explains. 

"There's a Ford near Beruna, how do you feel about swimming?" Trumpkin says and I shrug my shoulders. "I'd rather that then walking" I say stepping forward. I stop and turn around when I hear Lucy's yell. "It's Aslan, over there!" she turns her head and looks at us and I step forward towards her. I don't see anything. I feel myself disappointed. If Aslan was here it would help us tremendously. 

"Lucy no one is there" I slowly say approaching her and putting my hands on her shoulders. "im not crazy" Lucy says and Trumpkin cuts in. "Im not gonna jump off a cliff for someone who doesn't exists." I turn towards him. I couldn't help but be irritated that Aslan still hadn't shown and let Narnia become this. 

"Listen last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." Edmund cuts in. Peter then turns towards Lucy. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?" He asks and Lucy looks up at him. "Maybe you just weren't looking." she says and Peter sighs. I place my hand on Lucy's back. "I'm sorry, Lu" he says and steps forward. The rest of us follow him. I look back at the spot hoping that maybe he really was there and my eyes were just playing tricks. There wasn't anything though and so I followed on. 

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