Peters first battle

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"You look like Mum" Lucy says looking at Susan. I can tell she admires her deeply wanting to be just like her someday. "Mum hasn't had a dress like this since before the war." Susan says staring into the water. Lucy's face then lights up with an idea. "We should bring her one back, an entire trunk full of them!" Lucy says and Susan smiles small at Lucy's comment. 

"I don't know if we're ever gonna get back Lucy" I say dipping my hands into the small river. She looks down a bit sad never being able to see her mother again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." I say putting my hand on her shoulder. 

It's quiet for a moment. "I don't know If I truly wanna get back though" I say and Susan looks over at me. "What do you mean?" she asks and I look up at her. "These past days have been rather odd but have been some of the best days of my life with you guys" I say and the two smile. 

"We love you Amelie" Lucy says and hugs me. "I love you both too" I say and hug Lucy and Susan joins in. "I have to admit it has been quite fun even though we have almost died a dozen times." Susan says and Lucy and I laugh. We then break apart and Susan reaches down towards the water. "After all of that winter I kinda got use to the cold now its kinda hot" she says and I smile to myself and say "well maybe you should cool off!" I then cup some water and splash it towards her and she laughs and splashes water back. 

Lucy then joins in and we are all splashing water at one another. Within seconds we were all drenched. I then laugh and jog up towards the towels on the other side of the stream going to grab them for us to dry off all of the dirty creek water. I then pull one of the clean white towels down and I scream when the wolf is on the other side of it and he lets out a warning bark. Susan and Lucy then scream when they realize that I'm separated from them and on the other side. 

"Please don't try to run" the wolf says and circles me stopping to where I'm completely separated from the two sisters. "We're tired and we prefer to kill you quickly." he says and bars his teeth towards me and then I notice another wolf on the sisters side. The two huddle close together scared trying to protect one another. 

I wish I would have grabbed my knives but I had left them the tent up on the camp. Susan however then makes a sprint for her horn and I hear Peters voice. Lucy quickly climbs a tree and Susan joins her after. I am still separated from the two by the alpha wolf as the other wolf tries to jump and grab one of the girls. 

Peter then appears holding out his sword at the alpha wolf on the other side of me. "Come on we already been through this, we both know you don't have it in you" the wolf says and growls. The other wolf now circles Peter leaving the girls. "Peter watch out" Susan yells as the wolf circling him seems like its gonna attack. 

Then I hear a high pitched cry and I see Aslan has stepped on the wolf. "Stop this is Peter's fight" he says and Peter looks at the alpha wolf and then at me. "Peter, help me please" I say and it seems like he has grown courage from my words. "You may think you're a king, but you're gonna die like a dog!" the wolf then pounces on Peter and for a moment it is quiet. I run to him and push off the wolf. 

Peter then sits up and looks at me he has small tears in his eyes and I grab him and hug him and he calms down in my embrace. "You're okay" I repeatedly say to him and scratch the back of his head. 

I then look over and see that Aslan has let the other wolf go. "After him he will lead you to Edmund." 

Aslan then says "Peter clean your sword" Peter then stands before Aslan and stabs his sword into the earth. "Rise, sir Peter Wolf's Bane, Knight of Narnia" Peter than looks over at me. I give him a small smile and he returns it.  

"I cant believe your a king Peter" I say and he looks at me and shrugs. "I knew I was different since birth." He says smugly. I push him and he laughs. "You cant pushed me I just saved your life" He reasons and I then shove him once more this time into the creek getting him very wet. "Opps" I say and Peter grins and then pulls me down with him. 

We laugh and splash around in the water. 

Hope you all enjoyed lemme know! Love you!

Where did you Go?  x Peter Pevensie xNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ