Chapter 29

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It was 8 in the evening and Vivian was currently getting ready for dinner with Dominic, he had told her that as today was the last day of their honeymoon he would take her to a nice restaurant.

Vivian rolled her eyes as she thought about the past days, even though she had a lot of fun visiting different places and getting to know other culture but she was constantly afraid of Dominic,  as the man could snap at her any moment.

Even if she just looked at a man he would threaten her or physically abuse her and everyday he would force himself on her. She was so greatful to her friend Amelia who had given her the pills or she wouldn't know what to do without it.

Vivian still worried about the Seth Wilson but since Dominic hadn't mentioned anything troubling about him in these past few days, she had just discarded his matter.

She stood up in front of the mirror and took in her outfit, it was a simple white ruched dress that perfectly hugged her curves and nude high heels with the red ruby necklace that she was never allowed to take off.

Vivian turned around and scrunched her brows "Isn't the back a little too open" she thought as she looked at her back but shrugged off the feeling.

"Darling are you ready?" Vivian heard Dominic's voice from downstairs as she replied with a quick "yes" before grabbing her clutch and descending down the stairs.

Dominic turned around while fixing the cuffs of his shirt when he heard the clicking of the heels as his breath hitched and saw his beautiful angel descending down the stairs while continuously staring at the ground.

Vivian finally reached to the bottom of the stairs as she saw the pair of shiny black shoes approaching her and in no time two fingers were below her chin, making her look up to a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

Dominic as always was wearing black which complemented her white. "This reminds me of the day we got married" he whispered huskily.

"Don't remind me of that day" Vivian thought but her eyes widened when she  noticed that his face hardened and his grip on her chin tightened.

"Did I just say that out loud?!"

Vivian panicked "n-no I didn't mean that!" she tried to correct herself but Dominic just gave out a dark deep laugh ringing throughout the mansion.

"Has he finally gone crazy?" Vivian thought as she looked at him with fear.

"Don't test me gattina, I am trying to be nice" he said angrily as he let go of her chin and put his hand in his coat pocket taking out a black velvet box.

"What is it?"  Vivian asked as she looked at the box in his hand, Dominic slightly smiled as he opened the velvet box revealing a beautiful diamond bracelet making Vivian gasp.

"It's so beautiful" Vivian said as she looked up at him.

"I am glad you like it" he said as he took it out of the box and put it on her wrist.

"But what's the occasion?" Vivian asked while looking at the bracelet.

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