Chapter 17

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Vivian stirred in her sleep as she felt soft kisses trailing down from her jaw to neck slightly sucking on her soft skin, she whinged and opened her eyes in a start when felt a sharp pain in her neck.

The first thing she noticed was a man with jet-black hair nibbling on her neck. It took Vivian a minute to register that it was in fact Dominic hovering over her small frame with her legs spread wide with him in between them.

Vivian grabbed his hair and pulled it slightly, indicating that she was now awake and he needed to get off of her but it seemed to work the other way around as he groaned and looked up at her sensually, his usually light blue eyes now had a darker shade due to arousal and need.

"Get o-" but before Vivian could finish she felt a warm pair of lips against her as he licked and nibbled on her lower lip, Vivian gasped when she felt something hard poking at her clit and Dominic took this opportunity to insert his tongue, and devour her completely.

Dominic's erection twitched in his trousers even further in anticipation as he trailed his mouth downwards kissing her jaw while bringing his right hand to squeeze her voluminous breast "N-No" Vivian moaned out in a husky manner which turned on Dominic even further, his dick now throbbing and paining to go deep inside her.

He wanted her shivering and screaming as he violently ravaged inside her but he knew he couldn't do it, not until they were married.

So he stopped and looked at her, tears streaked her pale face as she panted heavily, and her eyes were squeezed shut which angered Dominic because he wanted to stare at the beautiful bottle-green eyes which were both innocent and mysterious at the same time.

"Look at me" he huffed out as he stroked her cheeks softly while still hovering over her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into his hooded eyes and a deep blush made it's way to her face as she realized what happened just now and yesterday.

Dominic gave a sly smirk as he saw the beauty giving out a blush for him "You better get used to it because you will wake up this way every day" he brought his face closer to her ear as he continued "Though after our marriage there might be some changes" he said as his right hand went to cup her pussy, earning a gasp from her as she blushed furiously and tried to push the heavily muscled man from above her.

"This is mine" he whispered as he slightly bit her earlobe.

"Please get off" Vivian begged as she looked at him, his features softened for a bit as he got off of her and she released a sigh of relief.

"Freshen up the stylists would be arriving any minute now," he said gruffly, back to his cold demeanor while buttoning up his dark grey dress shirt.

Vivian looked at him with a confusion-laced face "When are we going back to Manchester" she enquired while sitting up on the bed.

Dominic looked at her and grinned "After we get married" he mumbled out like it was the most obvious thing to say.

"But I-I thought we'd get engaged in Manchester a-and I told my mom that I'd be back by today," said Vivian exasperatedly as she stood up on her knees.

"Don't worry I have already informed them and they would be arriving in the evening with all of your friends, even though I didn't want to invite the boys but they kind of invited themselves" he mumbled the last part as he ran his tanned hand through his thick silky hair.

"But.." Vivian muttered completely out of excuses as she looked down, Dominic furrowed his as his heart pained a little seeing his love all sad and miserable but he knew he couldn't go soft on her or she would wrap him around her little finger and he would be forced to do anything she wanted.

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